Originally posted by agent violet
Please elaborate on what exactly that has to do with the so-called 'Mark of the beast'?
If the beast is a human, which I do not disagree on that notion, than please share your thoughts on what the mark is.
[edit on 29/8/2008 by agent violet]
Well i think we are looking for the wrong signs in wrong order. The number is not important realy. Because when the beast gets to put his number on
us. It is to late to figure this out. By that time you will have only a few chouises. Either youre inn or your out.
First off all if we are going to take something physicall onto ouer self it is because we want to do it. Because we belive in a political system or
doctrin. We will make it a law to use the tools made by this system. And when tings becomes a law. We can use force to implement it onto others. This
is where the barcodes and chips might comes in to the picture.
The beast is a human, and it has a number, and its number is 666. I think the number is a political acceptance from us that we support the beast.
The beast knows that if he goes online with a barcode or a chip with out belivers=support. He knows that he will have a religios rebelion on his
hands. And thats not going to work in his favour. He will blow his cover. There has to be another plan.
The beast has to get us to belive in him first. The beast has to get us to worship his system. By worship i mean you falow the doctrin or the system
of the beast with out hesitation. By doctrin i mean a political system. The Bibel warns us of falowing the words of a Human.
Maybe the nuber 666 = Create a political system = Humans worshiping the system = political power. This creates a Beast and a beast like system.
And this makes sense to because what is politics realy for !
It is a system to satesfy human needs only: Is it not! And politics is a anti christian system if you look at it . Politics dose not care about God,
But it lets us belive in A God, But the system will not let us falow other rules then the political system has made for us to falow. By time this
system will drive us ferther and ferther away from the knowlage of God. Thats why God say: I had to shorten the time or there would be no one left to
be saved.
If i am not wrong the 666 is a human number and it stands for human creations. Its not a name of a person. It is a system created by humans for humans
to worship and falow. So i think the system comes before the beast. We will ferst prepare the political stage then the Beast comes alive.
Conclution: The mark of the Beast = The system we worship = The system will have a leader = Beast
The number of the Beast is the last thing we will see or feel. The way he is preparing us for his worship is the clue. Because when his doctrin
becomes the law. You will have to fight the goverment and the polise to bypass the political doctrin. Becuase you will not be abel to
By,Sell,work,travel or resive goverment bennefits with out falowing the political doctrin.
If you wait for a barcode or the chip to come into the picture you have already been worshiping the beast for a long time. And by that time it will be
to late to reject the barcode or the chip. If you do!!! It will divide you from the people who accepts it. They will try and force it on to you one
way or another. By making new laws for it.
[edit on 27.06.08 by spy66]
[edit on 27.06.08 by spy66]