posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 03:44 PM
Originally posted by Mabus
If McCain picks Ron Paul for V.P...
1. Would that shock you?
2. Would those who would have voted for Ron Paul as president, that are now going to vote for Obama, then vote for McCain/Ron Paul? Or are minds made
up at this point?
McCain doesnt stand a chance if he picks whoever the news media says would make a great pick for him.
"McCain doesnt stand a chance if he picks whoever the news media says would make a great pick for him."
That's your opinion. Right now, and just by himself, he's making very good ground against Obama/Biden. I suspect the main factor driving it is
people are starting to understand Obama's policies and are realizing that he stands for an America that leans heavily towards socialism. They may
also be realizing that his views are Marxist.
To answer your question about Ron Paul - I think it would shock the hell out of the entire nation if McCain picked Ron Paul, and would be even more
shocking if Ron Paul agreed to be HIS vice president. They are so different on the issues - the democrats would have a field day pointing out the
If that were to happen, however, there's no question the Dems would be [SNIP] bricks about those independent voters who had planned on writing in a
candidate or not voting. I think there are enough of them to make a significant difference.
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[edit on 29-8-2008 by sanctum]