Well, I suppose this means, given the context and what was actually said that it's no longer just the N word... but all reference to Black people
period that is now disallowed for white people.
So I guess we just have to ignore Black people entirely and pretend like they aren't there from now on.
You realize there are White People behind PC right? That the law that scares us into walking on eggshells is controled mainly and fostered by white
Anyone care to guess what the Real reason for a huge behind the scenes push from white people with money for Obama really is?
Why one day the govt just turned around and said hey let them have whatever they want, let it get as lopsided as the liberals would let it go?
There are Racist people who... aren't neccessarily stupid on other levels
and ... this is all about Racism not supporting African Americans
and... it's really about creating an inevitable backlash
and... Obamas the guy they are using as the scapegoat for Huge problems on the horizon
and... after 16 years since PC started now, 16 years of loose immigration, 16 years of being told how to talk, 16 years of one sided policies where
White people in coversation have been defering to Black people and 16 years of Rap dominating our kids culture
and... 8 years of a war on terror
and... a man named Barack Hussein Obama presides over the White House
and ... tons of White people go out of work and the economy colapses and there is nothing barack can do to stop it... but he's in charge
and... he pulls us out of conflict and befriends 3rd world leaders in the name of peace
and... then the False flag goes down
What do you think happens in America then? What are they counting on the reaction being?
In a nation where people of African American Decent are out numbered 7 to 1 by Whites and Hispanics...
After they all voted for him... and he's up on stage kissing the Ayatollahs ass... and pouring more benefits out to a minority
and then the Bomb drops... literally?
If your really Not a racisit, support things being fair, live your caucasian culture... don't allow this to happen, don't let them set up Obama by
voting for him, don't jock "street culture" don't be any less tough on them than anyone else... don't let people slide who in the end dimish
African culture or emulate anything unless it truely deserves emulating, don't kiss their arses as your told to...and build up a resentment, don't
put them on a pedastil...
And...Definitely, don't let them teach a one sided agenda in school that paints young white males into an inferiority complex
Because it's Intended to one day result in a major backlash
Because Obama is being set up and set up Bad and Black Americans are walking straight into electing a guy who... has alot of dirty laundry and some
real racism in his past
and he's being set up for serious fall and sympathetic White people are helping this happen
Black Americans are falling for this plot, feeling good about themselves being cocky, not seeing the reality of whats about to happen, have egos like
anyone else alive and...
If you actually care about them
Don't vote in Obama
Because he is going to go in with his agenda of peace and liberalities and he will have alot of promises to keep to Black groups and he will try and
keep those promises in an economy that is going to be devestating and white people are going to suffer... not from his ideals or policies but just
from what is about to happen economically... and he is going to be seen, making peace with leaders most of us kind of hate... and it's the Right
thing to do and I know this guy is a GOOD PERSON and MEANS WELL and Believes he can fix the unfixable
The the "Event" will happen and he will be the Fall guy and so will Black Americans everywhere
and a few superstars and one president, doesn't mean the Latinos haven't been ethnically clensing the Black gangs in the inner cities or that law
enforcement hasn't been locking away all the more hardcore Black Males this whole time
and when the sh hits the fan they are being left defenseless...
and the military ( army in particular ) is about to be gutted in another moronic fight and they will be sent in first... everyone else is engaged and
there may well be a draft
look, just open your eyes, Obama and Black Americans in general are being set up Badly
They are going to generate a backlash it's obvious what is going to happen to the next President
Why do you think that pastiest, palest, most unhip white guy ever got the nomination anyway? And LOL the Power elite has the back of an ex Black
Activist? because they share his vision and his goals?
Don't be Naive... there are people out there that understand history and psycholgy on levels hard to explain...
They know what is coming
and the First Black President will be in charge for a reason! and it's an sick reason.