posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 05:02 PM
Originally posted by dalan.
reply to post by P Alfonso
It does not matter if McCain or Obama win, either way we are looking at a police state.
They both work for the same people.
Yes it does.
Elect the leader that is less likely to be an activist, or at least less active, when it comes to promoting and using the police state for their own
and the state's benefit.
Obama thinks he is Jesus and wants "change". He is young, energetic, and has a following of millions of youths kinda like Hitler and all the other
dictators of the past. Opposition will most likely be censored and silenced.
McCain is an old fart that can't remember how many houses he owns and will probably be too senile to tie his own shoes, much less advance the police
state. Opposition will most likely be strong and vocal, as it has been the last 8 years.
Ron Paul doesn't have a chance so its time to hold the nose
The old fart it is.
[edit on 27-8-2008 by wutone]