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ATS has been taken over by the far left radical political group

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posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 04:15 AM
Is it me or has 80 percent of the post lately been hateful or negative towards McCain or the republican party, and glorious Obama is god threads. I cant believe how much this site changes from day to day. We went thru a period of hoaxs, every other day someone was hoaxing about a sighting and if we would only give them 12 hours they would prove it with pictures and or a live alien. Now its nothing but far left partisian hotair. I am so tired of it all. Our presidential elections no longer bring us together as a nation it tears us down. People have become so decisive that hate mongering is a profession now, its called "Blogging" Its scary to see the same thing going on in our country near election times as you see in third world countries. Will we ever progress pass this. I saw a thread on here about Fox News being yelled obscenities at, the thread wasnt in disgust but praised the people who were doing it. Calling Fox News the right wing conspiracy network. Well if that was true why was Fox News the number one ranking cable news network at the Democratic Convention for getting out message of Obama and the Dems. Fox News had over 700,000 viewers over CNN and over 1 million over MSNBC on prime time speeches yesterday, yes when Obama's wife was chatting it up. If Fox News was right wing they would not want them getting their message out. That shows me how screwed up the media and how far the left wing of the democratic party has HIJACKED the Democratic Party. Want to hear something funny. I was a Democrat until organizations like Code Pink, Media Maters, The Daily Koss popped up. Now I am Independent. I dont want to be associated with those people and I dont want my representative associating with them either. Its time to take back civility.

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 04:27 AM
It's only going to get worse between now and November.

As for you dropping party .......... I have always felt that if our gov had NO parties, there would be a lot more accomplished. I get so damn sick of rhetoric such as "I don't like what they are doing, but it's my party, I have to vote them. Have to? HAVE TO?!?!? No you (general) DON'T have to, you vote what your conscience tells you, not what a group of people tell you.

[edit on 27/8/08 by Misfit]

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 04:33 AM
Not sure where you got the "80 percent" from, but SkepticOverlord talked about this here:
The Quadrennial Exploitation Of The Moronic Masses

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 04:51 AM



[edit on 27-8-2008 by Gun Totin Gerbil]

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 06:11 AM
The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

Originally posted by alienj
Is it me or has 80 percent of the post lately been hateful or negative towards McCain or the republican party, and glorious Obama is god threads.

It depends which tinted glasses you are looking through.

If you have a right wing, Republican leaning, then of course any criticism about McCain is going to tweak at you. Its the same the other way round with Obama supporters.

However, as someone looking from the outside in from the UK, and with no leanings towards either party and no ability to vote for either candidate, I would say that the majority of negative "political" posts and out and out smears right now on ATS are anti-Obama. It has been that way even before Clinton dropped out of the scene as Democratic candidate, and it definitely picked up after she dropped out.

As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 06:20 AM

Is it me or has 80 percent of the post lately been hateful or negative towards McCain or the republican party, and glorious Obama is god threads.

It's just you....

Take a carefull look at the above search list, and count the number of negative threads about Obama.... 80% of them are AGAINST him

So far he's been a muslim, a budhists, a socialist, elite and a lot more delusional claims that only really dumb people believe.

I don't know how or why you came to such a weird conclusion.
Heck there's a crew here on ATS which sole purpose is to post threads making Obama look bad, while in fact they make only themselves look ridiculous by their moronic, delusional and fabricated info.

I for one think that the right winged masses have a bigger voice on ATS (or a louder one)

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 06:41 AM
OMG, I just wish I had a vote in the American elections.

If I leaned any further left I'd tip over.

I have fully funded socialized health care and any medications are covered by a government health plan.
My husband is gay, but so am I, it's convenient that way.

We live in a country where people are equal and free to live their lives how they choose.


Give me a ballot and I'll vote for Obama because I think he'll bring some sanity to your sorry ass country.

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 06:47 AM
Perception is reality and I am sure you believe what you are saying. It is interesting that you only see the anti-McCain threads. As others have pointed out though, statistics show that you are incorrect.

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 09:05 PM

Originally posted by alienj
ATS has been taken over by the far left radical political group

The left is very active here, but their presence is made all the more noticeable by their histrionics and sensationalism.

There are voices of reason aboard. You just have to pay attention in order to notice.

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 09:10 PM

Originally posted by anxietydisorder
Give me a ballot and I'll vote for Obama because I think he'll bring some sanity to your sorry ass country.

Well, now, isn't that some nice Christmas talk. "Sorry ass country".

I guess it's true, since you've given us Celine Dion. She is a Canadian treasure.

Oh, and Canadian bacon.

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 09:11 PM

Originally posted by alienj
Is it me or has 80 percent of the post lately been hateful or negative towards McCain or the republican party ...

It is definitely just you.
If you do an thorough search you will find a VAST majority of threads are anti-obama and most do it in a hate filled way.
You don't have to search far.
Just look at the "recent posts" page, there's always 2 to 3 anti-obama threads going and rarely any anti-mccain ones.
I know for a fact that no-one's ever speculated that mccain wants to exterminate black people or that he is the anti-christ.

And yes, there are a few of us who try to stem the daily waves of baseless/racist/hate filled attacks on Barack Obama.

I suspect you already know all this and just want a little attention.

[edit on 8/27/2008 by schrodingers dog]

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 09:57 PM

Originally posted by schrodingers dog
I know for a fact that no-one's ever speculated that mccain wants to exterminate black people or that he is the anti-christ.

Geez, dude, get it right:

McCain is the warmonger Bush clone

Obama is the socialist Anti-Christ.

It's as clear as black and white.

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 10:13 PM

Originally posted by Gemwolf
Not sure where you got the "80 percent" from, but SkepticOverlord talked about this here:
The Quadrennial Exploitation Of The Moronic Masses

Not sure what that has to do with statistics?


I don't believe the Radical Left group is near 80% .. I would say Liberals are by far the Majority on ATS. Or left leaning. I would say like the general population the majority is actually in the middle/middle left/middle right.

There are also hardcore Conservatives .... in disguise .. I am talking about the Libertarians (massive Ron Paul Movement which is a far right political movement)* and Constitutionalist, another far right leaning political group.
There are even the ultra far right Anarchist**

I think it would be interesting in this political atmosphere for ATS to do a survey to see the actual stats on this topic though.
*Some Ron Paul supporters on ATS have proven to be Liberals which is highly confusing given Paul's stances he is a far-right conservative, as all Libertarians are. I think this proves there to be a void of individuals who are searching for something to follow but are unsure of what exactly they want.. the two Neocon parties apparently are not doing anything for them.

**Many Anarchist call themselves Liberal but Anarchy is the furthest "right" you can possibly be. Religion has no ground in a Conservative Party because the focus of power for the Gov (or lack there of) for a Conservative should be focused on the Constitution and only the Constitution.. Anarchy is the ultimate freedom of governing power and thus, the ultimate Conservative (conserving individual rights from big Gov. which is a Liberal ideology)

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 10:31 PM
I personally don't read any of the anti-McCain or anti-Obama posts because most of them are posted by members who are not Americans, or members who are not old enough to vote or never have.
It would be a waste of time even listening to anything a Canadian would have to say on the subject.
There have been a lot more Canucks moving out of that sorry land to live in the states,than Americans moving to Canada.I believe a lot more would if they could,but stay only out of loyalty or guilt.
The U.S. will be fine no matter which one is elected.They are only a figure head anymore.It is the sorry *** congress that we should worry about.They don't represent the individual citizens of their state,they are paid lackeys of corporations.
The best example of that is pork barrel spending.

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 10:34 PM
reply to post by calcoastseeker

Sure blame the Canadians, that's your answer to everything.

I'm calling Intrepid.

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 10:39 PM

Originally posted by jerico65

Originally posted by schrodingers dog
I know for a fact that no-one's ever speculated that mccain wants to exterminate black people or that he is the anti-christ.

Geez, dude, get it right:

McCain is the warmonger Bush clone

Obama is the socialist Anti-Christ.

It's as clear as black and white.

Love it ..(cool I get to use another toy ..hehehe) ...this thread cracked me up and your post jerico took the cake .... I needed that laugh ..thanks
Its right on the money ...that would have been my 2 cents as well .....and I have been skimming this site for years ..about 7 years actually ....

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 12:54 AM
Guys, look up the "Hegelian Dialect", also known as "Problem, Reaction, Solution". You'll find it fits here.

Also, I just saw the other day that disinfo agents seem to run hoaxes on 30 day rotations (Forget where I saw that, maybe), and that lately they have been running quite a few of them all over the internet.

They want to stir up hatred between left-right, straight-gay, men-women, rich-poor, black-white, up-down, etc. ANYTHING other than to give you time to sit down and THINK about where this world is heading.

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 12:58 AM

Originally posted by alienj
Is it me or has 80 percent of the post lately been hateful or negative towards McCain or the republican party, and glorious Obama is god threads. I cant believe how much this site changes from day to day. We went thru a period of hoaxs, every other day someone was hoaxing about a sighting and if we would only give them 12 hours they would prove it with pictures and or a live alien. Now its nothing but far left partisian hotair. I am so tired of it all. Our presidential elections no longer bring us together as a nation it tears us down. People have become so decisive that hate mongering is a profession now, its called "Blogging" Its scary to see the same thing going on in our country near election times as you see in third world countries. Will we ever progress pass this. I saw a thread on here about Fox News being yelled obscenities at, the thread wasnt in disgust but praised the people who were doing it. Calling Fox News the right wing conspiracy network. Well if that was true why was Fox News the number one ranking cable news network at the Democratic Convention for getting out message of Obama and the Dems. Fox News had over 700,000 viewers over CNN and over 1 million over MSNBC on prime time speeches yesterday, yes when Obama's wife was chatting it up. If Fox News was right wing they would not want them getting their message out. That shows me how screwed up the media and how far the left wing of the democratic party has HIJACKED the Democratic Party. Want to hear something funny. I was a Democrat until organizations like Code Pink, Media Maters, The Daily Koss popped up. Now I am Independent. I dont want to be associated with those people and I dont want my representative associating with them either. Its time to take back civility.

Your read is correct.America needs leadership now more than ever.Obama will lose this november.I believe i was right to post about infiltration of America.
John Mccain '08!

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 01:01 AM

Originally posted by calcoastseeker
I personally don't read any of the anti-McCain or anti-Obama posts because most of them are posted by members who are not Americans, or members who are not old enough to vote or never have.
It would be a waste of time even listening to anything a Canadian would have to say on the subject.
There have been a lot more Canucks moving out of that sorry land to live in the states,than Americans moving to Canada.I believe a lot more would if they could,but stay only out of loyalty or guilt.
The U.S. will be fine no matter which one is elected.They are only a figure head anymore.It is the sorry *** congress that we should worry about.They don't represent the individual citizens of their state,they are paid lackeys of corporations.
The best example of that is pork barrel spending.

Ignore canadians ?Why?Were a cheery bunch!We like beer and hockey!We dont like terrorists upsetting our timetables.LOL!
And i am old enough to vote!Im loyal to my country and our allies in Nato and especially America and Israel.

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 05:35 PM
When you're a fright wing extremist, pretty much everybody else looks "left wing"

Not really much I can say here - the far right that has dominated this country for the last eight years is running scared, now that they realize they're about to lose this election - unless they steal it (again!)

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