aw rats...
LOL I was digging really hard looking for something that could have caused a mutant mosnster in the area and thought I had found it...
Is it wrong that i'm seriously disapointed we didn't accidently spawn a giant creature from the remains of mutated organisms on a ruined space
station? I feel like a bad person, but I got seriously hopeful there for a minute that something genuinely abominable had accidently been created ...
mostly because it looked like it would come ashore in Chille if it did at all
But you know lol, I root for a giant monster, not because of the people it would kill but for all the people it would bring together to fight it, I
like to fight and I love the military stuff, but lol I don't want to fight people over religion or resources...
I want Bloop to surface and give us something to really fight that we don't have to feel guilty or stupid about afterwards
The Mir info... is real and there were all sorts of mutant bacteria that thrived and I had read many articles on it at the time, the astronaut
claiming worms was real, the bacterias were real, Russian cosmonauts suffering illness was real and the fabric of the ship being eaten away was
and this would be my rotten ordinary luck, of science gone wrong... if anything ever comes of this...a bacteria, a virus a new mold that eats metal
and ruins everything slowly and miserably and worse Boreingly
and I'm sorry but a virus is a crappy way to go, not because it's miserable it's just pathetic and slow and disturbing
If science is going to screw up... I don't want a Nuclear war, or a virus and I know...that's what i'm going to get, a pathetic end...
If science and humanity ruin things...I'm rooting for something like Bloop to happen, seeriously, I'm depressed right now that bllop was 1997, I
thought we had some hope of armageddon being decent!
Because it's all crazy and... it's really lame the possibilities for 2012... war between Iran and Isreal...Death and ruination for the stupidest
cause ever over people I don't like anyway in a place I'd never live with nothing interesting happening in either place...
For this the world could take sides and I might get a hydrodgen bomb upside my head one day...
It's ridiculous...
I got hopeful here for a second (until you ruined it
) I saw where Mir landed and I looked at the map and reread the giant worm and warnings that
people should not go near it and I was like...
"Yes! Cthulu is going to usher this misery in...Yes! That's so much cooler than this crap I read every day"
If I'm going to live through Armageddon and there is a g-d... Please I ask one thing for putting me through this... Giant Monsters and Aliens to
fight not just a bunch of idiots in turbans who have no idea why they are mad at me blowing themsleves and me up at a starbucks...NO, Not some
bacteria someone invented that makes me cough to death in my bathroom like drunk that smoked too much... NO
I want to go outside and see Frackin Cloverfield smashing through the mall and cops every where and f-22's and the parasite creatures falling off and
everything a Good Armageddon should be all about!
If I die I want a baseball bat and the parasites all coming at me and me swinging away as the mothership is taking out skyscrapers in the distance and
my neighbors turning into zombies
and I want to die if I have to die horribly kicking ass the whole way down on friggin demonic creatures that absolutely deserve it...
I mean... is it too much to ask for when we spend a Trillion Dollars on a Black budget every few years, that instead of, aerasol Bird Flu... they
just, combine a Crab with an Octopus and make it grow to 80 stories tall and set it loose?
If some group of alien archaeolgists ever show up and figure out how we will just be so humiliating when they figure out we killed each
other because one group of us called G-d...G-d and the other group called him Allah
First Alien will look at the other and say "what were they retarded? didn't they have to read Gullivers Travel in HS like we did?'
But if Cu F^&*1n Thulu rose from the depths seeking vengence on humanity for no real reason at all... we'd get some props, they'd make a movie about
us... something, anything!
So I'm bummed, I still haven't seen an alien or a ufo I could say is real... I just got my hopes dashed for a giant monster... I go spelunking
regulalry, never once encountered any reptoids or anything... camping never a sasquatch...
so... I'd just think G-d would have something more in store for us for the end times, you know? He's obviously the "creative type"
you'd just think as these days wind down and things look bleaker every day... we'd get One...One lousy Mutant beast from the depths
But no, it will be something retarded like a Nuke that goes off 2 seconds after I get home from work... while i'm on the bowl doing my business...
What a Gip
Old men with agendas and bombs and germs...
this is what I get? This is it?
Everything gets debunked... that's all huh?
I tell you, if I was g-d... I'd be serving humanity a fresh dose of Demon Bears with Laser Beams and a side order of Flying Parasites with Razor
Blade wings...
Weaponized Bird Flu and Nuclear Exchange
Come on Lord... Send in King Giddorah, an Army of Orcs, Narwhals impaling surfers in San Diego, anything but this...
He used to have such style... the Lord
Toads and rivers of Blood ... Pillars of Fire...
really thought he was building to a good finale...
I'd get my admission fee back if I could...
Intelligent Ants?
G-d anything worth dying for in all this?
What a dumb ending this is working out to be