posted on Aug, 26 2008 @ 05:54 PM
Originally posted by princeofpeace
I picture lots of headboards in corners rather than along the flat surface of a wall.
Not true. If you look at a map of most cities, the streets on on grid pattern, meaning they lie North/South, East/West. They don't put houses
cockeyed to the street, they line up with them somehow, but not necessarily always the front of the house. Similarly, rooms in houses aren't lined
up in all sorts of weird directions. The walls also line up North/South, East/West. So of course if your headboard is against the wall your feet/head
are going to be pointing in one of those four directions.
I know my city very well so wherever I've lived I know exactly which direction the house is facing, I know where the room was and I know which wall
my headboard was lined up against. One or two of the cities that I couldn't remember what the orientation of it was, I looked up the map and found
out. Naturally from there I know which direction my house faced, where the room was, which wall my bed was lined up against and which way my
head/feet were pointing.
I guess I sound defensive because it seems like you MIGHT be suggesting some of us are making this up.