posted on Aug, 26 2008 @ 05:48 PM
reply to post by Azrael75
Right, this is a good point.
But also, at least for me, I find this site to be a tool. It teaches me to think for myself and not buy into things just because someone tells me to
(not that I would, but the uses of "emotions" can be tricky and easily fallen for if one isn't careful).
On almost every thread that I have posted in frequently, there was *something* in it that I did not understand. Because of this, I would go and
research whatever that something was, then post it. If someone comes in a debunks what I have said and I don't know how to reply, I go and do more
research until I do understand it to the point of explaining it.
I have always questioned things. I have always done my own thinking, but I guess this is showing me where the dead ends are.
For instance 9/11.. although I don't completely subscribe to complete innocence on the side of our government's involvement, the more that these
skeptics point out the facts, I am realizing that a lot of people WANT to believe because it gives them fingers to point at when considering the
"loss of their freedoms" rather than realizing that their life is in their hands.
I have learned on this site through discussions that good intentions and the use of emotions to deny fact can be just as dangerous as a government who
knew of events such as 9/11 before they occurred.
[edit on 26-8-2008 by justamomma]