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How long do we go on like this?????

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posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 07:29 PM
Alright. I have been a long time reader of the site. Not posting at all. Until now. Did not want to do the anonymous posting thing as it is a sign of weakness IMO. But I have reached a point where I must ask the following of all of the members of the "Number One Conspiracy Site On The Web".

How long is everyone going to keep digging for answers?

By this I mean, how much of your lives are you going to spend looking for answers that you know you will not get?
For starters, take the 9/11 CT's. Do you honestly think you will ever find out what the "truth" really is? For me, being a person who lost a very dear friend in the incident, spending the rest of my life trying to uncover something that is "way out there" is not worth it. It may be a possibility that our government was involved, but to the extreme that most here believe is a very hard concept to grasp. Why couldn't it just be an unfortunate act of terrorism? Is that such a hard thing to believe and accept? Is it too much to believe that the US is susceptible to these kind of horrific acts? I know we think we are untouchable, but the real truth is is that we are not.
Aliens. Yet another subject that we will never find the real truth about. Unless they come down from the sky and make contact. Which, why have that not done so in such a way as too make it undeniable that they exist? If they are so much more intelligent than we, then what's the deal? All of this circumstancial evidence is getting to be ludicrous. Nothing hard ever sticks. Maybe the Men In Black are behind it. Why can't people just face the fact that we will never know exactly everything that goes on around us. Maybe we just chalk it up to curiosity. My thought is maybe we need to spend the same amount of efforts on things we can actually make a difference on instead of spending so much time on all of the ifs. What do we gain from the ifs?
All I am trying to get at is the fact that we sit here and ramble on and on about things that seem to be distractions from the most important things in life that we really need to concentrate, friends, loved ones, etc. Concentrating on things that seem to go nowhere seems to be a waste of very intelligent minds.
Instead of thinking that everyone is out to get you, take some personal responsibility and ask yourself, "How can I really make this world a better place?"
I felt this forum to be the proper place for this thread due to the fact that all current events and CT's are welcome to be discussed to bring about valid points. My use of 9/11 and aliens were a for instance because of the widespread discussion of the topics.
Hopefully I will get some good valid points from the other side and not a bunch of flames. But if you shall insist on flaming....bring it.

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 07:35 PM
If you've been lurking for awhile you may have noticed the shear biased lunacy of most of these folks.

They get brainwashed by whatever seething imbecile they've been subjected to in class and think they actually have a clue about the world.

It's a statement against government schools as much as anything I think...

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 07:48 PM
reply to post by Gatordone

I hear ya Gator. I just couldn't take it anymore and had to say something. I spent a lot of time looking for "the truth" with nothing more to show for it than people saying..."Have you lost it?"
I don't know, people have the right to choose what they want to believe. But for me, CT's are just that...Theories. They are like a murder case. Without cold hard facts and evidence, the murderer goes free. Unless you are OJ.
Call me a "sheeple", not a word BTW, if you want. According to most CT'ers, sheeple are a majority right?
I would just like to know what the CT'ers think will happen to them if something "big" does go down. Do they think they are safe from the man or the entity that will be in charge of the event? My guess would be that no one is safe. If it is going to happen, it is going to happen.
Good advice hidden within your words Gator.....Think for yourself.

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 07:51 PM

Welcome to ATS.

Very well thought out post and I can see you have a lot of questions. I am a skeptic of much of the UFO threads but I still have questions there.

As for you thoughts on 9/11 I feel the same way. It is much easier to believe that it was simply an act of terrorism. Unfortunately the more I've researched has only created more questions.

I hope you find whatever truth you looking for. Good luck.

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 08:00 PM
reply to post by Techsnow

Thanks Tech. Ya know 9/11 is just a tough subject for me. If our own leaders were involved, well, then I am ashamed to be a part of the society that it leads. But as I stated before, I am not going to hold my breathe waiting for any kind of revelation as to the true events being something different from that that I already believe.

I really do not have a lot of questions to be honest with you. This site is only one place to get insight. I do not believe in relying on one source to make up your belief system regardless of what it might be. I am secure in my convictions and I will argue them until my death. If I am proven wrong, I am humble enough to admit when I am wrong.

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 08:02 PM
Hi far as the question in the Title..
My answer is long as I have breath I will search out the truth of anything and everything .................

Next I would like to answer this
Quote [My thought is maybe we need to spend the same amount of efforts on things we can actually make a difference on instead of spending so much time on all of the ifs. What do we gain from the ifs?
All I am trying to get at is the fact that we sit here and ramble on and on about things that seem to be distractions from the most important things in life that we really need to concentrate, friends, loved ones, etc]

I dont know about you but my everyday life is very busy with friends and neighbors and relatives ....and work (from home ) .........and the things that matter giving,loving ,sharing,listening etc ...I certainly do alot of that everyday all day long with someone or the other ...even on here actually ..I mean we are all people in here too arnt we ? Well most are anyway lol ..and alot of people on here I am sure may be disabled and cant leave the house .they may be loners who refuse to leave the house ..alot of people may not even have family friends etc ..and all they have is us how do you know that we arnt doing a good thing by posting stuff and searching stuff and getting others to think about stuff they may not believe or may not7 want to believe etc etc ...........................

The other stuff (like aliens etc ) is just something to get my mind off real life just for a short break ..well I mean it could get real serious to me if in fact a real alien invasion or an alien came to my room at night ..which would then change how I feel about that for sure ..............

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 08:05 PM
I really don't bother so much with topics such as UFO's (an example). I tended towards believing until I came to this site, but the more I have seen claims with no credible evidence, I decided it didn't matter.

My gear switched toward learning the truth about what this country was founded on. It started with a post by an older member, Slackerwire in which we ended up discussing how America (more the concept) had become a joke. Since then, understanding why we are in this state we are in has been the focus of my attention.

Where I once used to think I would be in favor of overthrowing our government on a higher level (you know, storm the whitehouse, guns in hand, blah blah flippity blah), the more that I learn about the documents our founding fathers gave us, free market capitalism, the intent of method for which our voting system was supposed to follow the more I realize that their intent of overthrowing the government was meant to begin on an individual level.

The more I uncover about the system known as a constitutional republic, the more respect I gain for the wisdom and knowledge these men possessed. So, how long do *I* personally go on like this? I guess until I am told I no longer can. I have barely begun to understand what was passed down to me; to us

I find the facts and what I know to be reality far more interesting than something that can't be proven past a person's imagination.

[edit on 25-8-2008 by justamomma]

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 08:07 PM
reply to post by TINSTACT

Well it is a good thing to be humble. Unlike most members here... Many here will simply continue to ask restarted questions before they will admit they have nothing to support their arguments.

All I will suggest is research.

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 08:13 PM
reply to post by TINSTACT

They are like a murder case. Without cold hard facts and evidence, the murderer goes free. Unless you are OJ.

But....OJ....did go free. Sooooooo your analogy sort of breaks down there.

Also your original point kind of eludes me. Spending time thinking about conspiracy oriented views of the world is not mutually exclusive to having a productive, happy life. I can manage both, I assume most people can. I read this site because it entertains me and because I sometimes learn something. Some of the threads strike me as prima facie absurd, but I have the critical thinking skills (and I trust others have the same) to either laugh them off or just have some fun with them.

Yes, conspiracy theories are theories. Theorizing, discussing and evaluating ideas is part of what a healthy, active brain is supposed to do. This is a place to find other people who may have similar interests and a place to read news stories that appeal to some of my interests. No one is forced to read the site and comments amounting to "Get off the site and get a life lol!" that are posted on this very site by someone who obviously intends to read and participate on the site are sort of perplexing.

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 08:14 PM
reply to post by Simplynoone

and alot of people on here I am sure may be disabled and cant leave the house .they may be loners who refuse to leave the house

Tell that to Stephen Hawking!

There are a lot of people on here who are very intelligent. I am not disputing that at all.
I am just curious as to how people can believe so highly in certain things when there are so many loose ends that never tie together.

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 08:20 PM
reply to post by Leo Loeb

Let me make it simpler. OJ went free even with hard evidence. He was a major exception to the analogy. Guess I should have been clearer for ya.

And please do not put words in my mouth. I did not say get off the site at all. If you have the "power" to do what you do then great. I am not referring to you. As I stated, I have noticed a lot of BS going on. A lot of obsurdity. Which, I guess is to be expected of a site of this size.
the point I am trying to make is that if people put the same kind of effort into real life issues as they do to UFO's, the world may be better off.
And how is it that you know my intentions? Do you have psychic abilities as well as your superb ability to discern BS threads from those that entertain your interests?

[edit on 8/25/2008 by TINSTACT]

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 08:24 PM
Well because life is alot like a puzzle isnt it ? You have to first find all the pieces for the border ..then work your way through to the last piece ...
If a piece dont fit lay it off to the side until you find where it might fit ..
And you continue to work on that puzzle till it is done ..then of course you move to another some of us are working on several puzzles at once ...
Right ?

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 08:25 PM

Originally posted by TINSTACT
reply to post by Leo Loeb

Let me make it simpler. OJ went free even with hard evidence. He was a major exception to the analogy. Guess I should have been clearer for ya.

Well, you certainly should have tried saying what you meant. But there is no need to quibble over stylistic or rhetorical failings. The fact remains that I find it peculiar you feel spending some time thinking about things and posting on a website dedicated to your interests to be mutually exclusive with having a healthy, happy life.

If you are frustrated with the quality of argument and evidence, then, I suppose, you're in agreement with a lot of posters. The alternatives are to find greener pastures or to do what you can to elevate the quality of discussion.

But saying "Hey, everybody, you're wrong to be interested in what you're interested in! Get a life, post haste!" is, perhaps, a bit unreasonable.

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 08:27 PM
reply to post by Simplynoone

Well, it sure is a long damn puzzle when it comes to UFO's for instance. Hey, too each his own I guess. I by no means would ever discourage anyone from doing anything they like. I am just trying to understand where people draw the line and say enough is enough. Perfect example....the recent thread about Obama/Biden ticket having to do with the names and voters thinking they are voting for Osama Bin Laden. A real stretch don't you think?

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 08:32 PM
I have not read that one yet ..guess I better go check it out lol ...

And yes it is long ...but to me its all very challenging ..I think of life as a gift and I do not take advantage of it ...and I do my best to appreciate everything in it and about it ...........................

Just to clear something up ....
I do not believe UFOs are aliens I dont spend alot of time on that one ..But I can see why people would ..especially some who do not believe in God ..They need something to believe in ...and they get obsessed with it just like I do the bible and the Lord I understand at least why they spend years and years on it ..I have spent years and years and years digging into what I love the most ...which is the Lord and the Bible ................

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 08:33 PM
reply to post by Leo Loeb

There ya go again. Read my last post.

Anyways. If you look way back on this site, it originated so nicely. Very intelligent conversation and debate, etc. Now, things have gone a bit topsy tervy. Very hard to maintain a great discussion. Or threads get moved or moderated according to someone else's opinion then they fade and die.
There are some things that I do like to read here as well and keep an eye on. I just do not see where the line gets drawn for some people. Maybe there is no line. If that's what they want, then hey, I can't stop it. I am just offering up another thought is all. I am not God. I have no control over people. Yet I do feel the need to call 'em how I see 'em.

Good day Leo

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 08:34 PM
reply to post by TINSTACT

I am just trying to understand where people draw the line and say enough is enough. Perfect example....the recent thread about Obama/Biden ticket having to do with the names and voters thinking they are voting for Osama Bin Laden. A real stretch don't you think?

So because some threads on a site descend into absurdity (or start out there) the entire site becomes useless?

Or else are you asking how we determine which threads are not very useful or interesting? Which threads seem to go nowhwere, do nothing and continually shift focus until they blur into a stupefying kaleidiscope of incoherence and futility? Well, that's up to each individual. For example, this will be my last post in this one.

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 08:36 PM
I wanted to add .....alot of them think like I do Im sure ...that if for some strange reason everything I thought I knew about God and the bible turn out that they are not true ....I really dont care ......I will just move on then ..I really dont feel like I had wasted my life on it ..since it was something I considered important and something that I loved to do .....................

You have to admire them for their passion some do not have any passion of any sort and just roll along in life ..not doing ..studying or getting into anything meaningful at all ........
And they are double minded ...and the bible says a double minded man are unstable in all his ways ...
wishy washy people are more irritating to me than people who have obsessions least they give it all they got ...............

[edit on 25-8-2008 by Simplynoone]

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 08:39 PM
reply to post by TINSTACT

i would suggest that we are collectively caught up in a revolving-door or else a Gerbils exercise wheel, where each revelation circles back to the same question, but in a tad different angle...

that is until each individual says to themselves... i'm satisified with this worldview....whether its about UFOs, Aliens, 9-11 conspiracy, the Bible, Atlantis, etc etc
and they no longer Quest

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 09:05 PM
I began lurking at this site because I was sick to death of the US presidential primaries. I wanted to read and post about anything but that.

At first this site was a great respite, but as time went on I became involved in the political threads here despite my desire to forget about it because, deny it all I wanted, that topic was on my mind. Now I am totally and completely tired of anything to do with US politics.... period.

I want to talk and speculate about 9-11. I want to hear about alleged alien abductions and probings. It distracts me from the mundane world, and that is what I want.

I want to try to manifest my desires using the Law of Attraction. I want to medidate myself into a state of bliss and try to achieve astral projection. I want to know if the hairy freezer critter is really Bigfoot or just a Halloween mask with some possum guts thrown in for good measure.

In other words, ATS is an escape from the real world to me. I don't want to be judged for wondering is there more to life than death and taxes.

I believe there is.

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