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Obama's racist gun grab.

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posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 11:13 AM
We need to head off the impending RACIST gun grab at all costs. If Obama/Biden take the White House, you can bet they will try to take all the handguns and semiauto rifles and shotguns away from legal gun owners who are predominantly white folks. Leaving illegal guns in the hands of gangsters who are predominantly people of color. They can then freely terrorize the unarmed white population. Obama's campaign talk about white folks clinging to their guns and religion all makes perfect sense now.

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 11:24 AM
This has got to be the most ridiculous thing I have ever read. Have any proof of this? Any articles or specific policy to site? Or is this just racial banter on your behalf to suggest that only blacks illegally own guns?

I would have thought that in 2008 this crap would have stopped. Looks like we have a long way to go...

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 11:29 AM
Posted in another thread but relevent:

I see people getting all bent about 2nd Amendment rights. The Executive can only do so much. This is from an article in GQ that I read last month, old issue:

Jimmy Carter on abortion:

If the problem with fundamentalists is that they impose their rules on others, you might also ask yourself, What rules do I impose? For example, you opposed federal funding of abortion.

I did everything I possibly could to minimize abortion and to discourage abortion while still complying with the law as ordained by the Supreme Court.

But it seems like this is one of those areas where it’s difficult to draw the line. You believe you know the will of God.

If I were a purist in my faith, I couldn’t hold public office and preside over a nation that honored abortion. But when I went into politics and I ran for office, I was willing as a state senator and as a governor and as a president to take an oath before God that I would uphold the laws of the districts that I served. There were times when I was able to change the laws. But until they were changed, I had to comply with them. So when people have asked me about this, I always tell them that this was the most difficult issue I had to face, because I was inherently against abortion, but I was required to impose the law.

And if a president tried to go against the Constitution there are the 2 other bodies that would intervene. Don't be worrying about your guns, they aren't going anywhere.

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 11:29 AM
reply to post by TruthWithin

There are racist guns? How exactly does that work, is it some sort of DNA/fingerprint analysis technology?

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 11:34 AM
yes definatly a long way to go. a lot of white people own guns illegaly, like my father once has. and since when were all gangbangers black? theres a higher possability of blacks being involved in gangs simply because many suffer from poverty. Obama will not illegally take away guns from american citizens, so all you obama bashers just bring up some good, reasonable talking points ONCE IN A WHILE because all of you are starting to look like your holding on to mccain for some other reason that's pretty ignorant (maybe, he's black and your scared, oh no he's Kenyan!!!!)

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 11:34 AM
I did not say that only Blacks own illegal guns. I said gangsters who are predominantly people of color own illegal guns. White people are the predominant owners of legal guns.

Obama's position on guns is well known as is Biden's.

The other two bodies of government stood by silently while Bush dismantled the Constitution. What makes anyone think they will be different with Obama?

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 11:37 AM

Originally posted by groingrinder
The other two bodies of government stood by silently while Bush dismantled the Constitution. What makes anyone think they will be different with Obama?

Could that have been because, at the time, all three branches of the gov't were controlled by the Republicans?

Not happening this time around.

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 11:43 AM

Originally posted by declassified
theres a higher possability of blacks being involved in gangs simply because many suffer from poverty.

That's a heaping mouthful of racist excuses. Boo hoo. Cry me a river. Poor BLACK people get to become terrorists in their neighborhoods and that is OK by you.

Guess what? I am poor also. I do not go out and join a gang because of it. I have never applied for welfare or state aid. If I use your logic, the reason for that must be that I AM WHITE.

[edit on 8-25-2008 by groingrinder]

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 11:48 AM
reply to post by intrepid

I thought the Democrats controlled Congress. Now I will have to go back and dig. See what you did?

Just as I thought. The DEMOCRATS control Congress.


[edit on 8-25-2008 by groingrinder]

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 12:08 PM
Hold on just a sec here. While it is true that every gun ban has been motivated by racism, including the first when blacks were banned from owning guns, The obama/biden ban we are facing is a class war against all of the poor regardless of race. Who owns the firearms? Blue collar working people. All of the power in this country is in their hands. They merely stop working and white collar life grinds to a halt.

It is blue collar vs white collar this time.

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 12:15 PM
reply to post by groingrinder

White people are the predominant owners of legal guns.

Could this be because America is predominantly white at the moment?

even if they took away the guns do you not think that whites could get guns illegally as easily as people of color?

If your really concerned about them getting your guns join a club that will lobby for your right to keep them. If the majority of polls show that America doesn't like bans on guns then Congress is less likely to act.

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 12:40 PM
When I lived in Wyoming we would hear this every time it looked like the Democrats were going to win the presidency. It is a good tactic too Wyoming is as red as the blood in your veins.

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 01:12 PM

Originally posted by groingrinder
Just as I thought. The DEMOCRATS control Congress.

They do now. They went in LAST YEAR.

Before that, it was controlled by the Republicans:


You sure you want to go there?

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 06:07 PM
perhaps bush's constitution bending or breaking..

is going to allow obama/ total finish America off.

kind of the stepping stone.

well bush got away with bending the constitution.
to think obama a man with very very little experience in politics...
to get his way with America..will do what ever it take's..
in turn .

= America is gonna get the shaft...

it's a fair enough assumption if you ask me.

posted on Aug, 26 2008 @ 08:37 AM
Oh, you mean like the two WHITE, LEGAL gun owners who got hopped up on meth and wanted to go shoot Obama? Good thing they have guns...

Yeah...these guys.

(Edited to add picture of the Meth versions of Vanilla Ice and that creature from Lord of the Rings)

[edit on 26-8-2008 by TruthWithin]

posted on Nov, 13 2008 @ 10:09 AM
Wow people, open your friggin eyes!!!

Lets take a ook at Chicago right now, Private ownership of any firearm within city limits is forbidden. But they have over 450 murders already this year. Primarily from guns.

The people killing other people are not legal to own firearms due to prior felony or domestic battery charges. But they have the guns!! So how is piling on more & more laws going to stop these people from killing others?

So Obama wants to take away our right to own guns, What happens then?
the criminals still have guns illegally and the law abiding citizens are now fully disarmed. The illegal owners will have carte blanche to rob, kill, rape whoever and whenever with no fear of an armed defense from the people they are attacking.

Does this explain better what a previous poster mentioned about gangs running wild once every legal gun owner is disarmed?

I lived in a CCW state, I saw violent crime drop in half when they allowed us to carry concealed weaponms to defend ourselves against criminals.

I had a guy attempt to car-jack me, and the look on his face was priceless with my .357 magnum stuck to his face!! I was his 5th and last victim of the day. Too bad I didn't pull the trigger and end his terrorizing forever!

What was his comment to the cop that came and arrested him?? "I didn't expect a white boy to be packing!"

Does that open your eyes a little?

So yes the gun grab is racist! take away the firearms from white law abiding citizens so the criminals can run free with their illegaly posessed firearms. Have you seen the south side of Chicago lately?? I hear more gunshots down there from 9mm's than I hear gunfire during deer hunting season in northern Wisconsin!

Oh, we all own guns in northern Wiscosnin!! I think the last murder was 20 years ago, and it was a car that caused the death.

posted on Nov, 13 2008 @ 10:22 AM
Regardless of anything I don't think the OP is alone in his feelings, I've read on a few threads here that guns sales have been up over 50% since Obama won the election.

I have to say I wouldn't be surprised if Obama pushes for further gun regulations/bannings.

posted on Nov, 13 2008 @ 10:23 AM
reply to post by TruthWithin

I gave you a star for that. Sure there are some legal gun owners who are bad people. I will certainly admit that.

As far as those two in the photos, they should have known if you are going to pretend you are a gangster, you do not want registered firearms.

posted on Nov, 13 2008 @ 10:23 AM
To the OP - Wanting to take away our second amendment rights is a NWO power thing. If you can show that the NWO wants race wars in America please post what info you have. Otherwise all I'm seeing is a NWO power grab.

posted on Nov, 13 2008 @ 10:32 AM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

I wish I could have seen the look on the criminal's face when you whipped out your pistol on him. You can bet I do not want to be unarmed when the criminals rule the streets.

I do not think Obama on his own would go gun grabbing, but when he chose Biden as his running mate my alarms went off big time. I am sure Biden will try to introduce another gun grab bill into Congress through his fellow Democratic legislators.

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