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I took a picture of a ghost in New Orleans!!

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posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 01:29 AM
"This was taken in a field where in New Orleans start, men would battle to solve legal matters etc etc. "

Where exactly? Hell, I may have seen you if you were out here last weekend.

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 01:43 AM
I was also going to ask if you could be more specific in your description of the location. A street name, perhaps? Or maybe a description of buildings nearby.

When was this taken? I am just curious, looking at the NOPD barricades.

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 01:48 AM
Well, I am by no means an expert, and I am not even entirely sure I know what part of the picture you are talking about.

The part I am talking about is the part of the picture on the left that has the brightest amount of a white "haze" or glare or something.

I can see that it does resemble a panda or a face of some kind.

Hasnt anyone noticed however that the "features" of the face are actually things behind the glare? A window, some sort of plantlike thing, etc.

Or am I looking at the wrong area entirely?

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 02:43 AM

Originally posted by TheHypnoToad
I was also going to ask if you could be more specific in your description of the location. A street name, perhaps? Or maybe a description of buildings nearby.

When was this taken? I am just curious, looking at the NOPD barricades.

oh goodness lol I can't remember where this particular spot was, the french quarter i'm sure. this building is pretty prominent and what is the most distinct is that the statue in front of this very majestic building casted a really cool and creepy shadow onto the building. I will call my cousin tomorrow to see if she remembers any details. sorry i can't provide anything else right now; here is a better picture of the actual statue and kind of the building. there is a big courtyard in front of this building. its in the middle of town

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 02:50 AM
okay so here are all the pics i have of this area, maybe someone will recognize it. hopefully they all show up

[IMG][/IM G]

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 02:57 AM
I played around with this photo and I think what you are seeing is the window and a bush behind the haze. Those two things kinda make it look like eyes. You can even see the window in the other photo you posted. I don't know what the haze might be though.

Here's the photo with the enhancements.

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 04:08 PM
first off, i am a photographer/image analyst for my employer. that's all i can tell you
i have been studying photographs that i and many others have taken to check for authenticity. i have come across quite a few of "ghost" pictures that can be explained. Sadly, i think i know what has caused this "face" to show up.

You obviously used a flash. what it looks like to me is that there was something in close proximity to the flash. camera strap, metal pole, or a sign. the flash reflected off of what it was (im thinking strap or pole) and causing a flare of light. mixed in with the flare is some shrubbery in the background. the center of the flare is causing the outline of the face. the dark areas of the bushes are causing the facial traits. you are seeing a face due to Pareidolia. it's basically like perceiving faces or animals in clouds.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news
but imho it is not paranormal.

PS - don't kill the messenger

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 11:16 PM

Yeah, I know where this is. Behind the St Louis Cathederal.

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 01:25 AM
reply to post by Dark Realms

yes... that shadow freaked me out... my camera wouldn't take a decent picture of it.

and to the photographer: you may be right... BUT you may not be. you never know. i am more of a dreamer than a logical thinker... so its more fun for me to believe its a ghost. and i feel like since paranormal activity is very prominent in nah'lins, its a good possibility that it still may be some sort of spirit. even if its of a panda bear, lol jk

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 02:50 AM
If it pleases everybody I went ahead and highlighted two areas that I noticed. The one that is circled is the face that actually does seem to resemble a panda. The arrow I drew is pointing to what seems to be an orb that seems to have gone un noticed until now.

I only have one question about the area where the face appears. Was anybody around you smoking at the time the picture was taken? it is something that crossed my mind as mabye a possible explanation. I dont think it looks like smoke neccasarily but it doesnt hurt to ask.

All in all I say you have a very nice picture.

All though in all fairness I am not a photo analysis expert.

[edit on 28-8-2008 by gimme_some_truth]

[edit on 28-8-2008 by gimme_some_truth]

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 03:58 PM
reply to post by gimme_some_truth

no smokers around me at the time...a few drunks though, lol. nice pointing out of the orb, by the way!

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 08:41 PM
link looks like Corey Taylors old mask to me.

But if you look at the other pics you posted of the area to see if people knew it, there is a bit of glare on the shot before the one with the face. It could just be glare..or not

Nice post though

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 11:13 PM
When I read the thread title, I was all "WOW, this has too be undeniable proof as too the existence of ghosts!"

You should have seen the saddened look on my face when I saw the picture.

I was shattered.

Is this the way that ATS is going? With all of these misleading thread titles, that exacerbate the truth and sensationalize content that would be otherwise of no interest to anyone??

What a dissapointment....

I was going too keep flamming but... your just so darn cute. awww LOL


Ghostly angry panda comming too eat your supernatural BAMBOO! Grr.

[edit on 28/8/08 by fox_3000au]

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 11:19 PM
i dont see it

can someone that can see it make it a little easier to find for some of us that are blind as heck. please.

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 11:51 PM

Originally posted by fox_3000au
When I read the thread title, I was all "WOW, this has too be undeniable proof as too the existence of ghosts!"

You should have seen the saddened look on my face when I saw the picture.

I was shattered.

Is this the way that ATS is going? With all of these misleading thread titles, that exacerbate the truth and sensationalize content that would be otherwise of no interest to anyone??

What a dissapointment....

I was going too keep flamming but... your just so darn cute. awww LOL


Ghostly angry panda comming too eat your supernatural BAMBOO! Grr.

[edit on 28/8/08 by fox_3000au]

well hey now, i think it looks like face.
ghosts don't necessarily have to look like what we THINK they should. if it were a picture of a see-through lady everyone would think it was fake. the biggest reason that i feel this is something supernatural is because i felt compelled to take like 5 pictures in the same spot, and this is the only time that happened throughout the tour. its not like its a very pretty picture. Darling, what would you like to see in a picture that would make it undeniable for you? And i mean that seriously, not rudely. I'm just wondering because with all the doctored photos...I dunno, I guess I just gave this picture too much excitement. It's just really what I felt when I looked at it, and while I was taking the picture. Eerie.

posted on Aug, 29 2008 @ 12:14 AM

Originally posted by fox_3000au
When I read the thread title, I was all "WOW, this has too be undeniable proof as too the existence of ghosts!"

You should have seen the saddened look on my face when I saw the picture.

I was shattered.

Is this the way that ATS is going? With all of these misleading thread titles, that exacerbate the truth and sensationalize content that would be otherwise of no interest to anyone??

What a dissapointment....

I was going too keep flamming but... your just so darn cute. awww LOL


Ghostly angry panda comming too eat your supernatural BAMBOO! Grr.

[edit on 28/8/08 by fox_3000au]

and, i wanted to add; i don't think there is any way to have UNDENIABLE proof of ghosts. a picture is not undeniable, a recording is not undeniable, stories are not undeniable. i don't think you will ever find UNDENIABLE proof.

posted on Aug, 29 2008 @ 12:17 AM
reply to post by Seekingmyself

i think he could have been much more polite in saying so, but i think the point is more about the thread title than the picture. so many threads now have titles with "proof, discovered, uncovered, at last, finally, proven, revealed..." and then the very first post is really not all that rock solid. so i can understand the anger, there are just too many thread titles now that promise far more undeniable proof than they contain.

posted on Aug, 29 2008 @ 12:21 AM
reply to post by Seekingmyself

Hey, I'm OK with people posting pictures of things that are "believed" too be some sort of an paranormal anomaly, (it beats looking at rocks on Mars) what I was pointing towards was the thread title.

As too answer your question in regards too what I would find as definative proof of the existance of ghosts??

1. Ghost must be in fore-ground of picture, not in the back corner of a 20 meter long hallway just beyond the limits of the flash.

2. Ghost must have identifiable features, that does not contain any background elements that give such an illusion.

3. Ghost must be holding up fan sign that reads, "Fox FTW!"

They are some of my criteria for a definative ghost photo, as too any of these condition actually being met... I have my doubts.

...Doesn't mean that I don't belive though.

Cheers, Fox.

( flamming!!!! lol )

posted on Aug, 29 2008 @ 12:26 AM
reply to post by Azrael75

okay, i can agree with you there! i was so excited about the picture that i wanted to put it on here right away. Is there a way for me to change the title of the thread? I'd be happy to. I didn't mean to "tease" anyone. Its just how I felt. now i feel bad.

in all fairness though, i didn't put anything about proof or undeniable in my title. i do apologize

posted on Aug, 29 2008 @ 12:28 AM
reply to post by Azrael75

Thank you.... a star for your observation skills and I can tell by your post that you have encountered this problem also.

Anyhow... I'm not flamming anyone, though that is what it seems to be.

...Now, back too the topic....

Cheers, Fox.

EDITED: Removed portion of post that sounded like I was flamming OP, when that wasn't the intention.

[edit on 29/8/08 by fox_3000au]

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