posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 10:32 PM
I found that there is an old THREAD from 2004, about 'polls'.....hope I searched correctly.
This should likely be in the '2008' Forum, please move as necessary.
In the run-up to the 'Conventions' seeing more and more political pundits on every 24-hour Cable News channels continue to 'cite' various
Now, I realize that a 24-hour News Channel has a lot of airtime to fill....but these talking heads 'argue' about the polls.....this 'percentage'
and that 'percentage'.....I got to thinking (never a good idea!)
'Talking Heads' talking about percentages rarely go deep into HOW the varoius polls were conducted.
WHAT were the 'sampling' criteria? HOW many were sampled? WHEN were they sampled? And, the biggest one....WHO were sampled, and how were they
I invite comments, thanks.