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Untersberg - The Mystery Mountain

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posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 10:03 AM

Originally posted by Skelkie3The spook story ( in German ) didn't seem to cut it for me....
But on topic: you said YOU had been there 'on research'... that's the part I want to hear about. What did you discover there?

I lived in Germany during the 1950's and did visit the Unterwald area. Although there were tales of dwarves and of "sleeping for a hundred years" (common themes in European folktales) and definiite (as someone said) tales of Barbarosa being asleep there, the dwarves were not "gray skinned and big headed with big eyes" at the time I heard about them. This appears to be a modern twisting of the old story.

Most of the legends of that area (the stories that I encountered) appear on the folklore site: I dd hear and read other stories, but they were the typical Germanic dwarven legend. It appears that the UFO crowd in Germany is trying to remake their dwarves into Greys.

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 10:14 AM

Originally posted by GodForbid
Then why is it that all of these people in the surrounding villages do not / haven't experienced all of these strange things occurring around them?

At the time I was there, there were no modern disappearance tales that I heard (I was a child, though, and not into the news) -- only old legends about the area.

I'd have thought this news would be everywhere and have been proven given Hitler studying it, and I would have to imagine large amounts of expeditions ect to the mountain.

Interesting point. He certainly spent money on other occult related interests.

Why isn't everyone transported to miles away locations around the globe? And why, given the seemly huge amount of information bolstering this theory / myth be provable and explainable.

I think the "transported away" stories are fairly new ones... that if you look at books of legends of the area printed in the 1900's and 1800's you won't find any of those stories.

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 10:23 AM
Perhaps we should try to organise a bunch of ATS members who're close by and willing to go on an expedition, to group up and go on a hike around the mountain armed with a camera to take some picture of these military signs, and if possible, perhaps some of the caves / cave entrances. Perhaps go even further to interview and document locals, asking them about any possible experiences they may have had / heard about.

If we could get some interesting first hand experience like that, if there's anyone willing to do it, it would make an excellent conclusion / spring off to this thread. Not to mention a fun expedition for those involved, and a good read and some good pictures for those who didn't.

And on that note, I hereby propose an "Active investigation" Sub forum on ATS, for users to group together on subjects they're interested to research and do field trips, projects, or experiments together to try to further deny ignorance!

+6 more 
posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 10:24 AM

Originally posted by Byrd
I lived in Germany during the 1950's and did visit the Unterwald area.

We´re not actually talking about the Unterwald area but about the Untersberg area.

It appears that the UFO crowd in Germany is trying to remake their dwarves into Greys.

The Legends I quoted in previous posts referring to grey-skinned, big-headed dwarfs originate in 15th to 18th Century.

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 10:24 AM
This is top drawer material.
Another fantastic piece of the puzzle about our mystery-riddled planet.

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by Skelkie3
But on topic: you said YOU had been there 'on research'... that's the part I want to hear about.
What did you discover there?

I posted pt.1 of my personal experiences on previous pages. Other pts will follow when I have time to collect and post more.

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 10:34 AM
reply to post by GodForbid

There´s people living in the Bermuda Triangle too.

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 10:44 AM
continued from previous posts

5. Personal Experiences Part 2

The Untersberg is so huge it takes around an hour to drive around it. That is...if it were possible to drive around it. There´s one side of it that have no roads leading it or adjoining villages. Thats a tough part to get to. The most accesible parts are the parts tourists are channelled to for mini-cave-sightseeings and a few paths in the woods. On my two visits there I spent the sum of 3 days walking and driving around the area.

I did not see any of the dwarves mentioned in countless legends but always had a sense of excitement and oddity while wandering around there. My two extraordinay experiences involved vivid and lucid dreams at night in a Hotel there and spotting a glowing Orb descending behind some trees beside the mountain while walking through woods at the mountain side. This was at night, in the rain. The Orb was purple and something I will never forget.

Other than that I spent plenty of time reading plaques, museum stories, having tour guides and asking locals about the legends. The legends are widely known, but the dwarfs seem not have been seen since a century. None of the locals report any sightings. Most material on them predates the 20th Century.

That wraps up my own experience there. I will continue with more old legends involving missing time.

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 10:50 AM
wow....a cool thread skyfloating,

looking forward to the rest,

well done and flag



posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 11:05 AM
reply to post by jephers0n

I was planning on going to Amsterdam this year to treat myself to a birthday trip... but I may have to change my destination now.

You wouldn't want to miss out on Amsterdam, I gaurantee you,

Maybe you can do both, I think you can take an international train from Amsterdam to Salzburg, wich is only 10 miles from the Untersberg, you could travel there overnight.

I'm thinking of taking a train ride there, myself.

Where are you from, if I may ask?

I don't know what it is with this mountain, but a lot of people seemed to be as inrigued by it, as I am.

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 11:13 AM
Mountains (or rather mountain peaks) have always been very spiritual and places where many supernatural instances have occurred. In ancient times, it was a pretty common thing to climb a mountain and to go pray. When you are up so high, you are "closer to the Gods". There are also many legends that talk about how heavenly God-like beings sit at the peak of cosmic mountains and watch over us here on Earth. I know it sounds fantastical, but there may be truth to that saying. Good work, OP.

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 11:16 AM
reply to post by Skyfloating

You are killing me here, Sky. My appetite for reading is far too voracious for the trickle of info here.

This just might be one of the best threads I have read here since John left.

I flagged this back on page 1, but decided i needed to post so that it showed up in MyATS favorite threads list (easier to track).

Skyfloating, I have told you in the past that you are one of the most interesting folks here. I would read just about anything you write, now. Good work, keep it up.

+2 more 
posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 11:17 AM
More Dwarfs and Time-Slip Phenomena, continued from previous posts on pre 19th-Century Legends

The story about a wedding group in St. Leonhard (a village at Untersberg) that had disappeared was written down in 1858 by German author Bernaleken

»Einst zog ein reiches Bauernpaar samt seinem Gefolge aus einem Dorf in ein anderes naheliegendes, um dort bei den Eltern der Braut das Hochzeitsfest zu feiern. Lustig und fröhlich, unter Begleitung einiger Musiker, zogen sie die Straße entlang und kamen zum Untersberg. Nachdem sie hier angelangt waren, fing einer aus der Gesellschaft an zu erzählen, daß in der Gegend ein Kaiser mit einem bedeutenden Heere verschwunden sei und daß seit jener Zeit hier Geister erscheinen, welche die in dieser Gegend Wandernden beschenken.

This tells the story of a group of people who were celebrating a wedding by walking from one village to another playing music and being jolly. Having arrived at their place of destination, one of the groups members told a story about a King who´s entire staff of soldiers had dissappeared here. He said they had been "abducted by ghosts".

Sogleich fing der Bräutigam an, den Geist zu rufen und zu bitten, er möge sie mit etwas beschenken. Auf einmal öffnete sich der Berg und ein grau gekleideter, kleiner Mann mit silberweißen Haaren erschien, der ihnen eine Türe in das Innen zeigte. Die ganze Gesellschaft folgte ihm nach, und sie kamen in eine Reihe schöner Zimmer, in deren einem eine Tafel gedeckt war und Speisen und Getränke aufgetragen standen Die ermüdeten Brautleute und ihr Gefolge setzten sich zu Tische und ließen es sich schmecken. Nach dem Mahle bedurften aber alle des Schlafes, weil sie etwas viel getrunken hat ten. Beim Tische sitzend entschlummerten alle ruhig. Als sie erwachten, führte sie der Berggeist hinaus.

Thats when the groom starting calling for the Ghost to appear and send them gifts. Suddenly a grey-dressed dwarf came out of the mountain. He had silver hair and showed them a door leading to the inside of the mountain. The entire group followed and they witnessed several beautiful rooms and were invited to a festive board. The group, tired from there walk, sat down to eat and drink. Thats also where they fell asleep. After they woke up, the small person in the grey suit led them back out of the mountain.

Bei Tage kamen sie an die Erdoberfläche, allein sonderbar alles hatte sich ihnen während dieser Zeit ganz verändert. Die in dieser Gegend Wohnenden verstanden ihre Sprache nicht überhaupt schien es ihnen, als seien sie in einem ganz fremder Lande. Nach mehreren Tagen kamen sie in ein Dorf. Sie fragten, wie es heiße, und erhielten den Namen ihres Heimatortes zur Antwort. Aber auch hier schienen sie nicht zu Hause zu sein. Sie suchten ihre Wohnhäuser und fanden sie nicht; denn an deren Stelle standen ganz andere, neugebaute Häuser.

Sie begaben sich zum Pfarrer und erzählten ihm alles, was geschehen war. Dieser schlug seine Bücher auf und fand wirklich, daß vor 100 Jahren ein junges Brautpaar nebst einiger Menschen im Untersberg verschwunden sei.«

But as they returned to the surface, everything had changed. They hardly understood the language of the people. Arriving at the village the ask what the name of the village is, which looked completely different, and they got the name of their home village as an answer. But they didnt feel at home there. Looking for their homes they found other, newly built homes.

They went to the priest of the church and told him everything that had happened,. The priest opened his books and found, that the married couple and group had disappeared 100 years ago.

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 11:19 AM

Originally posted by Privy_Princess
Mountains (or rather mountain peaks) have always been very spiritual and places where many supernatural instances have occurred. In ancient times, it was a pretty common thing to climb a mountain and to go pray. When you are up so high, you are "closer to the Gods". There are also many legends that talk about how heavenly God-like beings sit at the peak of cosmic mountains and watch over us here on Earth. I know it sounds fantastical, but there may be truth to that saying. Good work, OP.

this is a good point, and my question would be "Why"?

Why does man associate God with the sky? If you want to get closer to the Gods, why climb up on top of something? What prompted mankind to visualize heaven as being something 'above" Earth?

Given how esoteric the ancient mind has been illustrated to be, it surprises me that God exists above us, rather than within us, or within some sort of esoteric puzzle.

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 11:22 AM

Originally posted by Skyfloating

Im planning a write-up on the magnetic anomalies of the area as compared to the lack of anomalies elsewhere. I agree they might account for the bermuda-triangle-like phenomena.

We´re talking about hundreds of years of accounts on time-anomalies.

Just one, off the top of my head (source later) involving an 18th century lumberjack who describes a "little man with a huge head and big eyes" leading him down into the caves of the mountain. He goes missing and reappears weeks later for his funeral, saying "I was only gone for a few hours!".

Its these stories that need to be collected and translated as they strongly relate to modern UFO-Phenomena.

Hope no one else has posted about this, but there are many similar accounts from Jaques Vallee's book Passport to Magonia.

Sounds so similar to Fae experiences, the missing time especially.

There is also mentioned in Passport a place, I think, in the mountains in Tibet which has legends of very similar phenomena, i.e. abductions, missing time, small people with greyish skin color and large heads and eyes.

There are also many accounts from all over of persons who have witnessed unidentified aircraft flying into doorways in the side of mountains. Then, when they returned to where they saw the craft enter the mountain, there was no entrance to be found.

Great information, thanks!

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 11:36 AM
reply to post by chickenshoes

I agree that this tends towards Jacues Vallees theories on UFOlogy.

There are plenty of fairy tales and legends from other parts of the world that involve missing time and big-headed, large-eyed "small people".

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 11:39 AM
reply to post by Skyfloating

Is this story of the missing wedding couple possible to verify? I would think there would be some sort of stir about the return of real people who had disappeared 100 years earlier whose names were verifiable in public records. There were newspapers in the 19th century; surely something would have been written about such an amazing story. I don't read German so it's pointless for me to google any archved newspaper articles about it but I think that would be a good place to start for verification of any myths/legends regarding time slips in the area.

Starred and flagged, btw. This is great stuff.

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by whitewave

This particular time-slip and dwarf story was written down in 1858, apparently describing something that happened "hundreds of years ago" that was recorded in the annals of the local church of St. Leonhard.

I posted it representing at least several hundreds of similar stories from the area.

The conservative catholics living in the area since hundreds of years, are known for meticulous recording of events and tales.

[edit on 25-8-2008 by Skyfloating]

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 11:52 AM
You stated that while you visited this location you talked to the locals on the topic and legends; what was their general opinion on the matter? Did they believe in something abnormal going on, or was it just a myth to them as well?

Just wondering if the locals have lost their belief in the mystical past of the area.

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 12:02 PM
This has to be the most interesting thread I've read here at ATS. Keep it comming Sky.I just had to flag this one!

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