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The pixies, (haugfolket), or the subterraneans, (de underjordiske), undoubtedly play the biggest role in Norwegian legend. They consist of a large group of supernatural beings (vetter). They have many names such as bergfolk - the mountain people, haugfolk - the hill people, underjordiske - those who live below ground, huldrefolk and tusser.
Legend has it that these people are the descendants of the children that Eve hid from God. When He discovered that they had been hidden, God proclaimed that what had once been hidden should remain hidden. Another legend tells that those who live underground were angels whom the Lord had expelled from paradise.
Those who live underground are usually considered as being of a lesser order than humankind, and they are envious of the people who are able to live out in the sunlight They are often smaller than humans, and they dress in blue or grey.
Many legends relate how people were taken underground, some to remain there, others eventually returning to the real world again.
Originally posted by Vehemens
My take on it:
I think these energy or electro magnetic fields mess with the pineal gland somehow. The pineal gland (3rd eye) releases '___', a psychedelic substance responsible for making us dream. Many people who take '___' see the infamous grey aliens and describe what seems like an abduction experience. Furthermore while on '___' time seems to stop. A minute looks like a lifetime but when the journey ends most people don't remember a single thing or forget everything minutes later.
Now, two of my uncles had some hallucinogenic experiences because of depressions. One was missing for 2 weeks. I'll tell you, it's scary, in his mind my father had died and my mother was talking to him by telepathy for the entire 2 weeks. Imagine his face when he saw my father alive in front of him and my mother telling him she doesn't even believe in telepathy crap. lol he couldn't believe it. he was so sure. The other one talked to an UFO who said to meet him in Azores islands. Needless to say there was no UFO there... and both my uncles are over 40 and don't even believe in these things.
All these experiences are related to '___' and brain malfunctioning.
So, my take on "the mystery mountain" is that there is some kind of earth electromagnetic field that totally disrupts our brain neurotransmitters (remember, our brain is electrical). Probably some explorers trip so bad that they slip and die inside the caves. Others just leave and go wondering about God knows where until the brain short circuits again and they return to normal. They wont remember the lost time because that is the primary side effect of a heavy '___' experience.
I truly find this normal because I also had my share of Psychedelic Trance parties and I'm used to being around trippy hippies. I believe I saw everything already =)
Anyway, research a bit the pineal gland and '___'.
Originally posted by Lebowski achiever
What I also find interesting is how widespread the theme of humans being fooled by elves/dwarfs etc to eat their food is. Of course once they do timeslips occur. Irish Fairy lore also warns to never accept food from fairies as you may go missing for a hundred years.
There are many legends about people who by chance encounter an immortal. An old Chinese story known as Ranka (Rotten Axe Handle), which made a deep impression on the Japanese mind, tells of a certain Wang Chih, a woodcutter:
Wang Chih was a hardy young fellow who used to venture deep into the mountains to find suitable wood for his axe.
One day he went farther than usual and became lost. He wandered about for a while and eventually came upon two strange old men who were playing go, their board resting on a rock between them.
Wang Chih was fascinated. He put down his axe and began to watch. One of the players gave him something like a date to chew on, so that he felt neither hunger nor thirst.
As he continued to watch he fell into a trance for what seemed like an hour or two.
When he awoke, however, the two old men were no longer there.
He found that his axe handle had rotted to dust and he had grown a long beard.
When he returned to his native village he discovered that his family had disappeared and that no one even remembered his name.
Originally posted by NathanNewZealand
Hamelyn, it's in Germany. The Piper lead the children into a mountain. Vanishing forever. You've all heard it. It's not a made up story like The Lion King, look it up. It happened.
De underjordiske er vetter og åndevesener som ifølge nordisk folketro lever under jorda eller i naturen som usynlige skapninger ved siden av menneskene, ofte nær gårder og setre.
Hulder er i norsk folketro og sagn en kvinnelig vette eller underjordisk skapning som bor i haugene, men kan vise seg som ei vakker ungjente med kuhale. Hulder eller huldrefolk er også en av flere norske fellesbetegnelser på andre haugfolk og tusser som oppholder seg i naturen eller det hinsidige.
Ordet «hulder» er avledet av det gammelnorske verbet hylja, som betyr «å skjule». Norsk hulder tilsvarer også svensk vittra og skogsrå.
Huldrefolkene opptrer som regel i en tilstand hvor de er usynlige for oss mennesker. Deres verden er som et speilbilde av vår egen, men deres okser og kyr fremstilles gjerne som større og flottere enn menneskenes husdyr. I blant heter det at vi deler alt med huldrefolkene, og at disse bruker setrene i vinterhalvåret, andre ganger beskrives de som underjordiske, som har sine gårder anlagt under menneskenes. Her kan det oppstå tvister ved at menneskene bygger fjøs over stua til huldrekallen slik at det renner kumøkk ned til dem. Uansett oppholder de seg i en verden som er parallell til vår egen.
Akvarellen «Huldra forsvant» av den norske eventyrtegneren Theodor Kittelsen (1857-1914), viser huldra som lokker en ung mann ut på ei myr.
Originally posted by Skyfloating
The most obvious indicator that this story is a lie is that it is virtually impossible to "accidentally" cross the border to yugoslavia. Fact is that the train from Salzburg to Villach doesnt even come close to the Yugoslavian border by hundreds of miles. And even if it had, there were at that time (1987) strict border controls before passing into the country. And how likely is it that someone would travel to the Red Sea (Israel, Egypt) without a passport?
Originally posted by Skyfloating
reply to
Alright. But then, if border controls were so lax, why were they afraid to go back?