Originally posted by wayno
I've experienced a form of censorship that seems to be expanding more every day - more and more sites are limiting their downloads to people of one
country only.
Either they're worried about bandwidth issue during overseas transfers...In which case there would be more than just Olympic videos affected.
Or, more than likely, they want to disguise how much the Olympics was politicized...
Originally posted by dunwichwitch
Midnight... the problem is this:
(whole post: yes, I just didn't want to waste space by quoting it all)
Yes, that is the problem. But instead of waiting for it to happen, start talking to friends & family. Don't even hint at the "conspiracy," but
instead point out the flaws that become apparent in MSM when you stop to think about it & question it. Use these points as part of your conversation.
Then help direct the people you're talking towards the more independent news sources...The links, the local independent TV & radio stations, etc.
Encourage them to educate themselves. They're much more likely to start seeing the conspiracy for themselves & put more faith in their own findings
than having to rely on your word alone...And you never even have to hint anything about "conspiracy."
The only
real education that's worth anything is
self education...We already know that from our browsing here at ATS & own own
researches. That's how
we've learned, isn't it? Help guide people to their own self education & they'll put more value in what they learn.
At least, according to the top-most news article in the site-blog at the link I posted, people were able to get the FCC to clamp down on ComCast for
violating net neutrality...It's just that it's up to people to keep the pressure on the FCC just as much as the Corps do. If you want more
web-links, just Google "internet neutrality" to find
lots of guides & options to explore.
Originally posted by For(Home)Country
There'd be no one to support the elite if we were all rounded up, and in the same way, the internet that is making so much money for large fortune
500 corps would become a lot less profitable if it was rounded up and limited.
It's not so much the loss of profit they're worried about...They've got so many varied
sources of profit coming already that they'd suffer
nothing more serious than a slight setback. It's the
loss of control over who gets access to information. This has been the whole key to
control over populations...The War FOR Information is being fought on the internet today, just as it was fought ever since the dawn of human
civilization. The elites cannot effectively
rule over a well-informed public. This is why the Bill of Rights includes the freedom of speech,
press & peaceful assembly...So people can stay well-informed.
The government actually
wants the media corps to censor what they publish...For the very reason stated in these two quotes from Thomas
"Educate and inform the whole mass of the people... They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty."
"Whenever the people are well-informed, they can be trusted with their own government."
The Founding Forefathers were well versed in the histories of nations & governments...And they knew which governments were bad governments. The
Constitution was the blueprint for a government
least onerous to the People, but it's been perverted away from its original concept.
Creating the Bill of Rights as being out of reach of government interference was a work of sheer genius...It's just that too many have forgotten (or
been led into forgetting) what they really have going for them to preserve our Rights & liberties.