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Project Camelot Dire October Predictions

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posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 10:17 AM
I have followed Project Camelot for some time now. Most of the people they have interviewed have a very interesting take on world events and future events.

Many of the people interviewed give their predictions and give only vague predictions. Vague predictions in my opinion are worthless, because with all that is happening in the world, you can point to almost anything and say I told you so.

I would like to see these wise people that are making future predictions to give exact dates, times, and places then they will have much more credibility.

Here is a prediction that is talking about this October I think???

Watch... you will see more each day, in some cases, changes by the hour prevail as October approaches.

The October event(s) will be the coup d’état of human life as we have known it in this century.

Ok, What the hell does this mean. Someone could have said this 50-60 years ago and it would have work well for WWII. And even in a more peaceful time with enough media coverage of world events.

August 23 State of the Planet

What are your opinions?, because I have a thread that is just waiting for this vague prediction called "Failed Predictions" here at ATS.

[edit on 24-8-2008 by Realtruth]

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 12:07 PM
The guy that Bill and Kerry are calling "Hawkeye" said that about October-and who is HE?? It sounds like they get an e-mail from someone and they post it-how do they vet an anonymous source? It seems kind of sketchy, I don't know what to think about some of their information, they can now say that, "oh the prediction about October didn't come true because we have jumped to an alternate time line than was seen by looking glass!!" That's a pretty clever out!

I enjoy the site a lot and check for updates so I'm not dissing them-just confused and unsure of if they are easily fooled. I would hope not, but..

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 12:37 PM

Originally posted by Pilot
It seems kind of sketchy, I don't know what to think about some of their information, they can now say that, "oh the prediction about October didn't come true because we have jumped to an alternate time line than was seen by looking glass!!" That's a pretty clever out!

I enjoy the site a lot and check for updates so I'm not dissing them-just confused and unsure of if they are easily fooled. I would hope not, but..

I love the alternate time line excuse for most of these predictions. Kind of like circular argumentation or religious text proving themselves with other religious text and passages.

Carrie needs to stop interrupting her guests also it get really irritating listening to her constantly doing it.

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by Realtruth

Carrie needs to stop interrupting her guests also it get really irritating listening to her constantly doing it.


Now that August is over, it's time to keep people tuned in waiting for the next dire outcome...didn't George Green say the economy would collapse by August? Or was it September?

I look at it as a form of entertainment really, all this conspiracy information, much difficult or impossible to prove, and the discussion and speculation just for fun, because look, what if some catastrophe occurs? How are CTs any better off than the average person? We might have a few more canned goods on the shelf? More ammo?

I can say that if something REALLY BIG like a faked alien invasion were tried, I'd like to think I would remain calm and hopefully convince others not to be afraid - but what else can we do as individuals in the face of this nwo machine? Don't fear them. That's all they want and need is our fear. At least PC is presenting this information with the caveat that we have the power to steer the future in a more positive direction. I hope they are correct.

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 09:06 PM
reply to post by Realtruth

nobody forced you to believe what projectcamelot has to say, they only interview "genuine" people it's up to you to make a judgement

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 02:34 AM
I've read so many complaining about Kerry's interviewing style, and it always comes across as sexist in the extreme. She does the best interviews I have seen, and very apt at choosing the questions to ask, and to bring the interview back on target. She's extremely skillful.

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 07:11 AM

Originally posted by mystiq
I've read so many complaining about Kerry's interviewing style, and it always comes across as sexist in the extreme. She does the best interviews I have seen, and very apt at choosing the questions to ask, and to bring the interview back on target. She's extremely skillful.

It has absolutely nothing to do with sexist, get over yourself. It has to do with a person that is suppose to have etiquette, and to allow someone to finish a thought when they are speaking.

You yourself admitted "so many complaining about Kerry's interviewing style". Every good interview I have seen allows the other person to finish before interrupting.

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 07:27 AM
So, since it's almost September and all the dire predictions for that month look like they will not come to pass, everything is pushed back to October?

Seriously, I saw that coming a mile away.

Everyone relax. Life will go on.

[edit on 25-8-2008 by TheComte]

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 01:41 PM
She has incredible etiquette and personality, not to mention being very bright and informed on the topics herself. It is indeed a sexist issue, as male interviewers also excerise a certain amount of control, as she does, with their interviews. This is the norm of a good interview. Yet she gets criticized, usually interviewing a man, for conducting herself in the best manner to convey the material, usually by a man. Thats sexism. She does a terrific job. I enjoy Bill's contributions as well, as in the Jim Spark's interview. He impressed me immediately with his intelligence and the direction he went. They both do a great job and I thank them enormously.

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 12:11 PM
I was wrong, the source they call Hawkeye was claiming all along dire predictions for October, but still, what do we do? Apparently he ran for the hills. I am not inclined or actually capable of doing so.

I'd like to see another interview on there soon.

What do you guys make of David Wilcock? His idea that the golden age of human existence is upcoming actually does echo what some of the indigenous elders predict re the interview with Drunvalo Melchezidek that appears on conscious media network's July or August group of interviews. He's very interesting-check him out when you get a chance.

First a rough time, then everything after gets WAY better. It seems like the worst thing that could happen is nothing at all and everything keeps slouching along as it has. Greed, war, materialism, banks stealing from us, etc.

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 12:20 PM
What do you guys make of David Wilcock?

I' like his interviews the best. Here's his site....

After reading Edgar Cacey American Prohet last month, I have a deeper
affection for Davids theories.

The "September" scenario is based on the fiscal year ending Sept 30th.

If nothing happend by Election day, then I'm taking a major step back from the conspiracy theories..........

Also watch the George Green interview again. #2 is more relevant today then it was when it first came out in April. "Russia"

[edit on 27-8-2008 by Pinktip]

[edit on 27-8-2008 by Pinktip]

[edit on 27-8-2008 by Pinktip]

[edit on 27-8-2008 by Pinktip]

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 12:38 PM
reply to post by Pinktip

Thanks for the link to David's site very interesting.

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 12:43 PM

Originally posted by Realtruth

Watch... you will see more each day, in some cases, changes by the hour prevail as October approaches.

The October event(s) will be the coup d’état of human life as we have known it in this century.

Ok, What the hell does this mean.

That my 24th birthday is coming?! Must be one heck of a party!!!!

better watch out

I don't really know what to make of Proj. Camelot. Interesting interviews but, never quite sure...

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 04:26 PM
the problem with PC is that they tend to get bogged down with non-sense from some people, but still manage to find some very good info out there that is accurate.

The time line stuff is a load of crap..

Kerri is a horrible interviewer.. makes some of the videos they have unwatchable.

I personally think something is coming in oct.. like the crash of the U.S financial system.. do I think they "just keep putting it off" as some suggest? no.... they will just make that excuse up in their heads.

like with anything and everything, take it with a grain of salt..

but what ever you do.... DON'T RELAX... everything isn't fine.

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 08:14 PM
Try for specific October 7th prediction of some world wide calamity.

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 05:06 PM
Just bumping this thread, so far the prediction economically is right on.

I am talking out loud here because maybe somehow I can jinx the rest of this prediction.

I do not want to see any more troubling things transpire.

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 05:46 PM
they are talking of a coup de tait by the machines who will eventually replace all humans ecept the very weekest and most obedient.

they are gaining control of all the powerstructures everywhere,unseen,for they look and act exactly like humans.

its been happening since the 1920's,but covered up by secret classification and disinformation,both perpitrated by the machines themselves.

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