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Another invasion of privacy but its ok because its for the kids.

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posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 02:11 AM
Ok I could not believe this I was sitting on the couch with my wife reading when a commercial on The devil box (TV) caught my attention. It was a Duracell commercial. I caught the very end of it when the mom pulls out her child tracking device. I ask my wife quickly "What in the hell was that about?" she replied "oh its a new tracking device for kids I want to get some for ours it would be great." I almost crapped my pants. This is happening slowly but surely we are starting with tracking our kids with a GPS monitor that slips on the child's arm. Seems harmless enough. But whats next? Chips implanted? I know of the family that had their kids chipped but most people were scared of this at first. This will just make us callused to the fact that we are monitored and make it seem a little more sane then we are just one step closer. Even my
wife was fully into it man this truly worries me.

Tell me what you think.

Here is the commercial

[edit on 24-8-2008 by thirdeyeflight]

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 02:20 AM
Well nice emotional manipulation in that commerical... I particularly like the use of the 'echo effect' to indicate panic.

If you're worried about stuff like this, you might as well take your worry to the next level -- since you can assume this is a valued agenda, you can assume that it will be implemented, covertly or overtly.

Just assume that every action you take, every place you go, everything you say, is monitored. Got a problem with that? Teach it to your kids.

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 02:46 AM
What I want is a remote control for my kid....
And my wife!

The one I have doesn't work.

I've tried.

Especially the mute button.

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 03:39 AM

Originally posted by Phage

What I want is a remote control for my kid....
And my wife!

The one I have doesn't work.

I've tried.

Especially the mute button.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, sorry, very funny...

I haven't got any children yet, but, as it happens, seems one is on the way
, so, i can tell you this, there's no way, and i am saying it out loud: THERE's NO WAY my kid is going to be monitored like this, how can this be? i can imaging almost the entire world being naive enough to think this is the right think to do and taking freedom out of their kids, man, just try to think how that feels right now for you, don't be stupid enough to think it can be different for them, but, i can see how a lot of lame parents will believe that's a good thing to do and will support that, even by eventually having it as a standard procedure for raising kids, ha ha ha, what the hell how sorry for those kids who will have to grow under that miserable guidance, but mine will not, i'll fight until i have to be silenced.

Do you think this is too much? remember something, nothing is too much when true freedom is at stake, so, do anything you can to avoid rights from being taken out for new generations, because if you don't, they will not know of anything better, so they will surrender, don't be dumb, look at the past, learn how it was before and you will see the difference, for those who don't care, go on, nobody will know anyway, for those who care, give your thanks to the OP for raising this issue to our eyes, this may seem too much to care so much about, but isn't this the same as every other right we so much care about? come on, this seems like a joke, but it is not.

[edit on 24-8-2008 by Kaifan]

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 09:19 AM
While I do agree with the "next level" concept, I do also agree with the idea of this gadget, at the wish of the parents. I'de say chipping would def be extreme.

I just use a good walkie-talkie set with mine

And for the remote issue Phage is having ....... have you tried the M-2000 Multi-Purpose Girlfriend Remote yet ?

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 09:31 AM
You see how the sheeple are willing to give up their freedoms because of illusional fears?

Oh how those in power make the puppet dance to their tunes.

No way on Earth is any of my kids ever getting this, nor a chip, nor any thing else that lets the scum at the top watch them 24 / 7.

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 09:43 AM

Originally posted by Dan Tanna
You see how the sheeple are willing to give up their freedoms because of illusional fears?
Oh how those in power make the puppet dance to their tunes.
nor any thing else that lets the scum at the top watch them 24 / 7.

Um, hello? Turn on ........ turn off.

A little carry gadget that shows me where my kid is ..... and I'm sheeple, that's friggen funny.

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 11:39 AM

Originally posted by Misfit

Um, hello? Turn on ........ turn off.

A little carry gadget that shows me where my kid is ..... and I'm sheeple, that's friggen funny.

It seems like the good thing to do but come on don't take the childs right to privacy away before he/she even gets to use it.

I found this commercial simular to the OnStar ads. They made you feel guilty for not having it because it could save your childrens lives and what parent would not want to do that. Well in my opinion you are destroying the future lives of our children if you take these rights away.

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 11:53 AM

Originally posted by thirdeyeflight
It seems like the good thing to do but come on don't take the childs right to privacy away before he/she even gets to use it.

The childs rights? We are talking about knowing where your child is, not putting a camera in the bathtub fer cripes sakes. This device is not embedded into the kids brain stem, it's carried on their person, it turns off.

Destroying our children? Oh man you've got it bad. I take it you don't have kids.

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 12:08 PM
What is interesting about this commercial is that Duracell is using some unknown consumer grade product to promote it's brand. Usually these types of commercials use industrial products as examples to show you how professionals depend on Duracell.

But this seems to be actually promoting the tracking device. Strange.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 06:11 PM
When i was a kid, i'd spend the best parts of summers in the woods with friends. I made camps, dens and mischief, and as long as I was back by 5 pm, all was well. i didn't grow with a sta nav strapped to me, nor did i need molly cuddling like some precious gem. I was a growing kid who needed to find his own boundaries and fun.

I grew up ok, as did every single member of my school year.

why then now do we need these devices for children? I am sure as hell not going to give my daughter a GPS kit to watch her every move. No, i will teach her common sense and some rules. then she will grow into an adult as freely as she can.

That people feel the need to GPS their kids makes me laugh at the sheer irony of it. Scare the masses, because they really will fall for it and make you a huge profit.

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 06:19 PM

Originally posted by Misfit

Originally posted by thirdeyeflight
It seems like the good thing to do but come on don't take the childs right to privacy away before he/she even gets to use it.

The childs rights? We are talking about knowing where your child is, not putting a camera in the bathtub fer cripes sakes. This device is not embedded into the kids brain stem, it's carried on their person, it turns off.

Destroying our children? Oh man you've got it bad. I take it you don't have kids.

I have four kids my friend. And I am a very active parent and play a vital role in raising them. And as I mentioned in the original post this device is just the beginning. We become used to having a GPS strap on our child and it makes it just a little easier for us to implant a chip because its to make sure we know where they are.

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 07:00 PM
reply to post by Misfit

The problem is not the wrist band but the implanted chip that comes after it. Tests are already being done. Also some hospitals DNA bank your newborns gene type too.(mandatory by state law) Stores are buying devices that track customers and can even track eye movement. (the micro chips are in the clothes you buy and are tied to your credit card and photo)


Soon you must get a chip or you can not get a job just like Pee in the Bottle.

This is a watch dog group on spy chips

"..A 2005 patent application by American Express itself describes how
RFID-embedded objects carried by shoppers could emit "identification
signals" when queried by electronic "consumer trackers." The system
could identify people, record their movements, and send them video ads..

In 2002, Fleishman-Hillard produced another report for the industry
that counseled RFID makers to "convey (the) inevitability of
technology," and [b]to develop a plan to "neutralize the opposition," by
adopting friendlier names for radio tags such as "Bar Code II" and
"Green Tag."..."

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 08:29 PM
reply to post by Dan Tanna

Because in today's world there are sick people who snatch children in the park. It looks like if a child become out of sight this device help locate them. The only person with the other end is the parent. Someone doesn't call a center and get information.

I feel badly for kids today as they cannot necessarily run the neighborhood and bayou like I did when young. To many sick people walking around waiting to prey on children.

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 02:08 PM

Originally posted by Misfit

Originally posted by thirdeyeflight
It seems like the good thing to do but come on don't take the childs right to privacy away before he/she even gets to use it.

The childs rights? We are talking about knowing where your child is, not putting a camera in the bathtub fer cripes sakes. This device is not embedded into the kids brain stem, it's carried on their person, it turns off.

Destroying our children? Oh man you've got it bad. I take it you don't have kids.

This is desensitization!! If we do it to our children, the schools will start to do it, then the next generation will do it to everyone and then you have the mark of the beast. This is the worst invention ever.

How Dangerous is Childhood- the real statistics at link here:

Being a parent is scary and hard with it. I would never, never, never use this. Freedom is a God given right and no one but no one has a right to track you without your permission. I have two children.

Children should go out play outside, ride their bikes and come back home in time for dinner, just like we did when I was a kid. We just got back from vacation at a small beach town in Michigan, and my kids were free to ride their bikes to main street, go to the candy store and ice cream shop alone, my youngest even rode down to the market to pick up something I needed to cook dinner. People are way too afraid. The statistics of child kidnappings are no higher than they were 20 years ago. Everyone needs to relax and live their lives without fear. We have nothing to fear but fear itself.

[edit on 8/27/2008 by Missing Blue Sky]

[edit on 8/27/2008 by Missing Blue Sky]

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 02:41 PM

Originally posted by roadgravel
reply to post by Dan Tanna

Because in today's world there are sick people who snatch children in the park. It looks like if a child become out of sight this device help locate them. The only person with the other end is the parent. Someone doesn't call a center and get information.

I feel badly for kids today as they cannot necessarily run the neighborhood and bayou like I did when young. To many sick people walking around waiting to prey on children.

It's been that way for a long time, man. You can't be scared of the bad guys in conversion vans and expect the bad guys in limos and armani suits to be anything better. These are the guys pushing this agenda. They're all criminals at the corporate level, and the corporations own the world. The same people who are sponsoring genocide in country after country are the same people sponsoring this GPS tracker, supposedly for your child's safety. Why is your child any more important than the children arbitrarily killed in war and by death squads?

I remember a few years ago, the "CTers" warned of products like this. They warned that it would be the start of getting everybody used to the chip, and look what's happening. Now these GPS trackers and chip devices for kids safety and fun are all over the TV.

If you don't get a tracker, you aren't concerned for your child's safety and your child will be abducted. If you don't get a RFID chipped toy, your child will not be able to be popular or have fun. PFFT! Even if you did, wouldn't a child abductor have the foresight to rip the band off the child's wrist?

Oh no! Then you BETTER get a chip embedded into your child's skin! Look at all the abductions and AMBER alerts being reported ceaselessly on the news!
I've rarely ever seen a black or disfigured or even an Asian child ever being reported missing. It's always a cute as a button little white girl. What about little boys?

What about the thousands of children gone missing that don't get reported by the media? Where do they go? Why are they any less important than a cute as a button little white girl from the suburbs?

You have to question these things. The media, corporations, and the government have been guilty so many times in the past for crimes against humanity, that now they are ALL guilty until proven innocent.

Wouldn't it just be smarter to watch your children a little more? If you're reckless enough that you need a wristband tracker so just in case you let your child wander around the streets alone, you shouldn't have been mindlessly driven by your hormones enough to have wriggled around inside another person just to make that child in the first place.

Problem solved right there. If you're reckless, don't have unprotected sex. Better yet, just look at porn then.

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by dunwichwitch

Also... who do you think caused this sudden "rise" in child predators? The same sleaze bags that caused society to malfunction. The same people who create the problem and then present us with a solution.

[edit on 27-8-2008 by dunwichwitch]

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 03:11 PM
Fear sells. People gotta stop buying into it. The entire US culture seems to have been saturated by it.

Furthermore, the more attention we give to our fears, the more likely someone will be inspired and take it upon themselves to justify that fear.

I would never force my kids to wear a tracking device. They should have a choice. And the idea of implanting babies is just horrible. It's bad enough we brand animals and treat them as meat slaves.

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 03:23 PM
Most people are already carrying a tracking device. Its in your cell phone.

Cell phone tracking tracks the current position of a cell phone. To locate the phone, it must be turned on[1] but does not require an active call. GSM localisation is then done by triangulation based on the signal strength to nearby signal masts.[2]

Federal officials are routinely asking courts to order cellphone companies to furnish real-time tracking data so they can pinpoint the whereabouts of drug traffickers, fugitives and other criminal suspects, according to judges and industry lawyers.

So, I think the time to worry that we will all be chipped has passed. Most of us already are. They figured out a way to do it, and to get us to pay the bill for the service as well.

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 06:57 AM
Fer cripes sake, you people are something else. You make it as if one chooses to use this on/off/ parent-controlled device, that the one will automatcially succomb to implants.


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