posted on Aug, 23 2008 @ 04:47 PM
While browsing the NASA pics taken by the rover Spirit on Mars I came across this one:
The picture is from Sol 592, taken by the rover's navigation camera. Let's focus on the bottom right of center:
I choose a feature that seems suspect out of the marked area so I blow up the picture to 300 dpi, rotate 90 degrees and stretch to compensate for the
feature's angle towards the camera in order to create a mock overhead view of the feature:
I then go to image 2N178923428EFFAEDNP0630L0M1.jpg on jpl's website, same sol, it's basically the same image but taken from a slightly different
position. I take the same feature, skew it slightly to match the first picture and superimpose it over it, this way i merge the different data on the
two pictures and do away with some of the jpeg artifacts:
What we have bears a certain resemblance to a crushed skull with some very distinct features, here's an image with notes on where i see what:
The sharp looking teeth is one of the most interesting details. There also might be some object or a piece of stone over the upper left part of the
skull or it might just be the crushed pieces jutting out in different angles.
Let's now go a little below, what we see bears a certain resemblance to the jumbled skeletal remains of a body, here's where i see what:
The bone of the right upper extremity is clear enough, the lower hollow feature of the right side of the pelvis can also be seen. A cluster of what
seem to be ribs are resting on the pelvis. Two distinct elongated bones are sticking out from under the rest of the body.
If it is what it appears to be then we are looking at the skeleton of a small animal, in the approximate size of a small feline. The rover might be
one of the reasons why its skull is crushed. This is pure speculation of course, this could just as well be your random pile of Martian rocks or dirt
marks made by the rover while NASA's jpeg artifacts are definitely misleading when you get down to discerning details. The proximity however of what
seems to be a skull to what seem to be bones is a bit suspect, no other features like these are recognizable in the area. Have a look and see whether
you can enhance more the source images or find anything more.