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CNN/MSNBC confirms Sen. Barack Obama has chosen Joe Biden to be his VP

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posted on Aug, 23 2008 @ 08:08 AM
reply to post by TXMACHINEGUNDLR

dude, you say the wildest things.

posted on Aug, 23 2008 @ 08:42 AM
AH HAHA! This is most excellent. Looks like Rush Limbaugh's dream came true
This Obama guy is truly the most idiotic candidate in the history of America. He's DOOMED now. He did the incredible. He picked a radical liberal that somehow manages to be an even bigger elitist than he is and at the same time dissed every Democrat woman in America by not even CONSIDERING Hillary Clinton for even a second. He picked a guy that offers NO balance to the campaign. If McCain picks Romney and has the balance of a centrist Republican and a conservative businessman, he'll sure up the election.

This is the best news all day.

posted on Aug, 23 2008 @ 08:45 AM
Over the past few weeks when Biden's name kept coming up as a VP candidate I never thought he was a serious contender. He seems to me to be a "safe" choice - one who has the least amount of negatives. I think if Obama wanted to enforce his message of "change" he would not have picked a old white guy who has been in the Senate even longer than McCain. It would be very interesting to someday find out what REALLY went on in the discussions that lead to this decision.

Now the table is set for McCain to pick his VP. Since Obama picked an old white guy, I can see McCain choosing a woman or minority candidate. It could set up a really interesting campaign. Unfortunately for Mr. Obama, history shows that people tend to vote for the top of the ticket and not worry so much about the VP. A good example of this would be the 1988 election of George Bush Sr. Even very conservative people like myself thought his VP, Dan Quayle, was a dope but he still won.

posted on Aug, 23 2008 @ 08:50 AM
reply to post by evanmontegarde

Wait until the racist remarks start flying out of his piehole, that will look great for obama, Biden is a loud mouth know-it-all racist, like most liberals.

posted on Aug, 23 2008 @ 09:10 AM
As I stated in another ATS forum, Biden is a mixed bag for Obama. On one hand, he will help Obama somewhat on foreign policy.

However, he does come with several negatives. One, his experience is a double-edged sword. Obama will certainly have to answer for just how a 35 year US senator meshes with a presidential campaign based on 'hope and change'. Second, if I'm considering that ticket, I have to wonder why the Dems are running Obama, with less than 4 years in the Senate as their presidential candidate, and Biden, with 35 years, as the VP. If the public views Biden as a better, more qualified presidential candidate than Obama, that could end up creating some problems. We'll see.

Third, we have Biden's voting record. I still have to dig into it, but unlike Obama, there will be an extensive paper trail on all manner of issues. A big one will be gun control. Biden was a co-author of the '94 assault weapons ban, which dealt a very severe blow to the Dems ability to compete nationally for nearly a decade following. That's going to be a big problem, I think and will likely damage his chances in the south and in states such as Montana, where he had been competitive.

Finally, Biden is known for being a little bit of a loose cannon and obviously, that could present an issue at some point over the next several weeks.

In the end, while its clear that Obama was trying to shore up his foreign policy weakness, I think this pick may have made him more vulnerable in other areas. We shall see.

posted on Aug, 23 2008 @ 09:19 AM

Originally posted by runetang
I was rooting for Biden back in the Primary,

So was I. I am thrilled and excited about this presidential team.

In all of my life, I have never seen a Presidential ticket that is THIS honest ... these guys are real power for the people types.. I only hope it isn't too late, that we haven't mustered up 2 of our best just a bit too late, I hope theres still some time left to change the course.

Right there with you! IF we happen to have an election and IF these guys aren't bought and paid for by the Washington Corrupt, then we have some positive changes to look forward to!

Originally posted by itguysrule
I think if Obama wanted to enforce his message of "change" he would not have picked a old white guy who has been in the Senate even longer than McCain.

Being "old and white" does not indicate a desire for change, any more than being young and black does. The age and race of a person alone do not indicate a thing.
Biden is a BIG CHANGE from Bush/Cheney/Clinton.

If you're going to make a trip, a map isn't any good unless you know where you are. For Obama to make a change in this country, he has to know where we are and how things work. Biden is a Gold Mine for this purpose! The perfect combination of knowledge, experience and chutzpah to support Obama in his platform. A brilliant choice!

[edit on 23-8-2008 by Benevolent Heretic]

posted on Aug, 23 2008 @ 09:42 AM
reply to post by schrodingers dog

People Wake Up!!!!

He is the Chairman of the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations (CFR)....

Interesting... N.A.U. North American Union / Amero anyone!?

I'm will not bother to explain the Big Picture with this, just Google & Research for.


posted on Aug, 23 2008 @ 10:33 AM
Biden 'seems to appear' to represent a better choice as being more like a mentor than a heckler for Obama. McCain probably should not compare financial success with Biden either.

It will be interesting to see what they've all actually done for the poor rather than just seemingly lived like some. Hopefully Biden hasn't misplaced his fortunes with gambling it away at casinos. The skeletons will most likely come out of the closet with McCains approval.

This ticket looks better than what some might think would be like some "liberal" couple such as the other choices. Meaning that Biden 'appears' more like a father figure than a (liberal) lover or washroom companion. He doesn't look like a gangster and isn't hard on the ears or the eyes......for now.

I hope he's not found out to be some closet player. Although, he does somehow remind me more of some hollywood actor like Dean Martin and stand up comedian than a politician....even though, these people are for lack of a better word still actors.

That humility/honesty bit still seemed to work very well for former actor Ronald Reagan though. (classic...older generation)

posted on Aug, 23 2008 @ 12:06 PM
A NEW WORLD ORDER puppet has already been selected to be the next president !!!! WAKE UP SHEPPLE and smell the real WORLD .

posted on Aug, 23 2008 @ 12:45 PM
This might be a side topic, and if it is, feel free to move this to the appropriate place, but does it bother anyone else that the media keeps refering to Obama's choice as his "vice-president" and not his "running mate?"

And that Obama is making speeches over seas like he's the President and that he represents America.

I guess it won't really matter once the election happens but I don't like them making a choice for me.

[edit on 23-8-2008 by bkcrt]

posted on Aug, 23 2008 @ 12:49 PM
I am very pleased to hear that now we

have a bulldog, who can change this country back. Almost sounds too good to be true!!!

To all Republicans:

posted on Aug, 23 2008 @ 12:59 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe
I am very pleased to hear that now we

have a bulldog, who can change this country back. Almost sounds too good to be true!!!

To all Republicans:

Ronald Reagan was the bulldog last time. He fixed up this country and everyone after that dropped the ball. And he was a republican.

posted on Aug, 23 2008 @ 01:03 PM
Didn't Biden write the first assault weapons ban and the ban on large capacity magazines.

What a fool. Now the ammo has been given to the other side. Been telling you folks. Better pay attention, the storm troopers are at your door.

posted on Aug, 23 2008 @ 01:07 PM
Some times I wish there was a way I could just snap a finger and wake people up from this trans the media has you in. Get rid of the TV and turn up the reality buttun.We are being led to the slaughter house and most poeple are not even aware of it. They would rather beleve what the gov tells them rather then use there own eyes to see the truth. Dont do it for your self,do it for the kids and grand kids, there the ones that are going to have to put up with this NEW WORLD ORDER agender.Please, do the research before you come to the conclusion that every thing is just fine and dandy.How long is it going to take before you realize that the TV is nothing more than just and illustion to make you think somthing is true while they hide the real truth from you. Take your hand and put it behind the TV and you will notice theres nobody there.Its just and illusion. WAKE UP AMERICA BEFORE ITS TO LATE

posted on Aug, 23 2008 @ 01:17 PM
Was it foolish or genius, choosing the oldest, whitest guy that nobody has ever heard of?

posted on Aug, 23 2008 @ 01:44 PM

Originally posted by Illahee
Didn't Biden write the first assault weapons ban and the ban on large capacity magazines.

What a fool. Now the ammo has been given to the other side. Been telling you folks. Better pay attention, the storm troopers are at your door.

To answer your question, yes, he was a co-author of the original assault weapons ban. And not so surprisingly, he's at it again. Just last year, he attempted to push another one through.


Stop Senseless Gun Violence: Renewing the Assault Weapons Ban and Closing the Gun Show Loophole. The Biden Crime Bill provides for a straight-forward reauthorization of the assault weapons ban that became law in 1994 and it closes the so-called gun show loophole by requiring all gun show sales submit to federal background checks, just like any store-based firearm sale.

That may sell in Delaware, the northeast and on the west coast, but his staunch anti-gun proposals are going to be a major problem just about everywhere else. And incidentally, most of the close states this year are also states with large numbers of hunters and gun owners. This is one of the issues where the national Dem party just doesn't get it. The first AWB destroyed their ability to compete for a decade. Putting one of the principle architects of that incredibly unpopular piece legislation on the ticket is likely to come back to haunt them in November.

[edit on 23-8-2008 by vor78]

posted on Aug, 23 2008 @ 01:47 PM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

Thanks for bringing that one on but Mr. Senator Joe Biden is nothing than another butt kisser to big interest.

Our Biden of Obama wins will be paying back his backers in the credit card industry.

Way to go Obama you just lost a vew votes outhere.

When researching the Democrat Senators that voted for the Bankruptcy bill, I found that the Senators from Delaware were the top recipients of campaign cash from the Finance/Credit Card industries. And I found that neither of them had any press releases explaining their votes for this bill.

posted on Aug, 23 2008 @ 01:47 PM
New McCain ad.
I thought this might be interesting to some

posted on Aug, 23 2008 @ 01:55 PM
Not long ago, Biden was on CNN saying Obama was not ready and lacked the experience to be POTUS.

Seems Obama agreed and picked the 35 year veteran of the senate while running on a campaign of "change" LOL

posted on Aug, 23 2008 @ 01:59 PM
It most be nice for the credit card giant MBNA (which is headquartered in Biden home state), to have one of his greatest advocates and supporter runing as VP.

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