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Huge number of ufo´s in space

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posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 10:49 AM

Originally posted by altered_states

Originally posted by rinorino1
reply to post by dracodie

They aint UFO's

so what the hell are they? please dont say they are ice particles or space dust like nasa normally do, by the way welcome to ats

Why can't we say that if that is what they really are? Because it doesn't fit your mindset of ignorance?

I mean, you guys claim NASA covers stuff up, yet you then point to hundreds of "space junk" ufo videos. Either they are complete morons and can't cover up worth a crap, or they know this stuff is nothing but ice, dust, pee, excrement, metal shavings, bolts, misc hardware and not alien ufos.

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 10:51 AM
ive seen similar was filmed with infrared cameras.

interesting whats flying ´round..

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 10:56 AM
Why can it NOT be regular debris or meteors, or other such objects? It would be much more likely than a fleet of alien craft surrounding the MIR. There is one object only that looked curious to me, a more "round" object that almost blinked upwards behind the station. Otherwise, they all seemed like debris. Some were obviously irregular, as they tumbled end over end.

The biggest thing to me however, is how all these objects go at a constant speed, in the same direction. As if they were simply objects floating in the vaccuum of space, not something controlled by any sort of propulsion system.

I would indeed lean towards known objects, rather than alien craft, unless more revealing footage was released. There is nothing there to suggest it isn't mundane, known objects.

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 11:05 AM
[sarcasm]No, you guys are right. The most logical conclusion given the evidence at hand, and our distrust of NASA, is that these MUST be alien ships, fleets or "orbs" or maybe even space organisms.[/sarcasm]

Because nothing else fits, I mean, they can't be anything else, right?

You guys are to quick to take a flying leap of absurdity of the cliffs of ignorance when you guys discuss things like this, you know?

And before you cry that I am talking down to you....well your right I am. Because of idiotic stuff like this, every time I bring this subject up in public I get talked down to. Wonder why?

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 11:10 AM
reply to post by IgnoreTheFacts

And again i ask , were was it refered in this thread that those are alien ships?

[edit on 24-8-2008 by dracodie]

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 11:14 AM
reply to post by dracodie

Read my post again, the parts highlighted in the ubiquitous html sarcasm moniker pretty much covered all the bases of ignorance...I believe I called them alien ships, ufos, orbs, pretty much called them a representative of every family I could think of trying to head off an ignorant reply such as yours off at the pass. I in no way stated that I though everyone here assumed they were "alien UFOS" please, I have over half a brain. Not even my next door neighbor's 10 year old son's pet hamster is foolish enough to state that.

Obviously, ignorance knows no bounds...I bet it can even be found on in space....

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 11:19 AM

Originally posted by Havalon
reply to post by rinorino1

Hi Rinorino, Welcome to ATS.

If they are not UFO's then what are they?

Have you identified them and confirmed what they are?

If not, then they remain Unidentified flying objects!


I think the media has led everyone to beleive that UFO's have to be connected to aliens...

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 11:27 AM
reply to post by IgnoreTheFacts

I mean, you guys claim NASA covers stuff up, yet you then point to hundreds of "space junk" ufo videos. Either they are complete morons and can't cover up worth a crap, or they know this stuff is nothing but ice, dust, pee, excrement, metal shavings, bolts, misc hardware and not alien ufos.

You must have short term memory

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 12:12 PM

Originally posted by rinorino1
reply to post by dracodie

They aint UFO's

Ok then....what are they? If you can't ID them then they are UFO's (Unidentified Flying Objects)

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 12:32 PM
utter, sensational rubbish.

a ufo in every piece of flotsam...

this sort of thing sets back serious investigation profoundly, by making anyone soberly interested in the phenomena to appear completely foolish.

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 01:09 PM

Originally posted by feydrautha
utter, sensational rubbish.

a ufo in every piece of flotsam...

this sort of thing sets back serious investigation profoundly, by making anyone soberly interested in the phenomena to appear completely foolish.

My way of thinking precisely. The more frauds, hoaxes, and wild claims are made, the easier it is for the media to make a mockery of the phenomena, and the easier it is for the government(s) to NEVER open up the truth. Why bother? We do 90% of their work for them. It's getting to the point where the government has no need at all to disclose anything. Ever. The only way they may disclose at this rate, is if indeed, something does land on the Whitehouse lawn.

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 02:03 PM
does radar not work in space?

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 02:26 PM

Originally posted by fleabit
Why can it NOT be regular debris or meteors, or other such objects? It would be much more likely than a fleet of alien craft surrounding the MIR. There is one object only that looked curious to me, a more "round" object that almost blinked upwards behind the station. Otherwise, they all seemed like debris. Some were obviously irregular, as they tumbled end over end.

Oh, I'm quite certain there are other debris out there. Are all of them debris of some sort? I don't know. But, I doubt it. Why do I doubt it? I'll get to that in a second. Some of them are UFO to me. I do not know if they're alien craft, or anything else, but some of these things are definitely UFO to me.

The biggest thing to me however, is how all these objects go at a constant speed, in the same direction. As if they were simply objects floating in the vaccuum of space, not something controlled by any sort of propulsion system.

I disagree with that statement for several reasons. And I'm not just referring to the OP's post, but other contributors who pose the idea, or question rather, that some of these things could be UFO. The video that really caught my attention was the one where the debris(or whatever you wanna call it) formed a circle at some point...and remained this way for quite some time. I do not understand how debris move...then stop for long periods...then move again in the same direction, switch directions...and no, they all do not travel at the same speed. As for the speed...most of these things are moving very fast. Meteors move pretty fast, but they do not stop, change direction, slow down, disappear, reappear. Neither does ice, neither does metals. For ice from the shuttle, or metal debris to be moving that speed, they would have to have come from the shuttle with remarkable speeds. Maybe a super-high powered space-toilet for the poop debris? The frozen rock from other parts of space not originating from the shuttle may travel at speeds that fast...but they don't slow down, then speed up. Look at all of that. How can lifeless bodies in space, stop, slow down, change direction when they have no propulsion, weight or air to accompany their bodies? That, to me suggests UFOs. Are they aliens in space crafts? I don't know. But some of them are definitely NOT "debris."

I would indeed lean towards known objects, rather than alien craft, unless more revealing footage was released. There is nothing there to suggest it isn't mundane, known objects.

I would lean towards a lot of unidentified...or for your clear understanding of what's being said, I would lean towards unknown objects. And, despite what you think, I think there is plenty there to suggest that they aren't all "known objects".

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by fleabit
Why can it NOT be regular debris or meteors, or other such objects?


* meteors/debris/other in-animate objects do not change direction unless an external force acts on them, and these objects do (and it's not because of the maneuvering thrusters firing!)

* meteors/debris/other in-animate objects do not appear out of thin air and then disappear as these things do

* meteors/debris/other in-animate objects do not form geometric formations that stay intact for any length of time in space, whilst matching the shuttle's speed

* meteors (meteoroids when out in space) are not viable until they hit the upper atmosphere, and when they do, they are usually gone before you can blink.

* meteors/debris/other in-animate objects do not have rings of "lights" that flash in sequence

I'm sure there are others, but those are the reasons I can think of right now.

Just for the record, the cameras that filmed this footage are sensitive to both UV and IR spectrum light, and, this footage was never released by NASA.

The footage was obtained by a Canadian (Martyn Stubbs RIP) who worked at a TV or cable station and had access to a satellite reciever capable of hacking NASA's transmission. Since then, NASA encrypt their transmissions, making them almost impossible to hack.

Edit to add: There are two different DVDs relating to this topic out there (both now deleted/out of press), Secret NASA Transmissions - Smoking Gun and The Secret NASA Transmissions: The Raw Footage (2001) The former is an interview with Martyn Stubbs with some footage, and the latter is pure NASA footage. Both are well worth seeing!

[edit on 24-8-2008 by C.H.U.D.]

[edit on 24-8-2008 by C.H.U.D.]

[edit on 24-8-2008 by C.H.U.D.]

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 03:48 PM

Originally posted by C.H.U.D.

The footage was obtained by a Canadian (Martyn Stubbs RIP) who worked at a TV or cable station and had access to a satellite reciever capable of hacking NASA's transmission. Since then, NASA encrypt their transmissions, making them almost impossible to hack.

I have one of the DVD's done by Stubbs and it is much clearer than the Youtube version seen here. I hadn't realized Martyn was dead.

In Martyn Stubbs own words: "everyone should see this and make up their own minds".

Martyn did not hack the signal. At the time NASA's downlink was not encrypted and if you had access to a large satellite dish anyone could have pointed as NASA's downlink satellite at the time and recorded this video. Martyn was cable TV station manager and he utilized his resources at his job to record every hour of every flight until he acquired reportedly 2500 hours of Shuttle footage. Then he went back and looked for anomalies or interesting footage and he put it together on his video.

No doubt some of the stuff is plain old debris, but I've found some pretty interesting stuff putting the DVD footages up on the computer and playing with it to figure out what it all is. Some of it does make your hair stand up on the back of your head and it does give you a bit different perspective.

The fact is all is not what it seems and these videos - if nothing else can open up your eyes to other possibilities and that's what I like the most.

[edit on 24-8-2008 by verylowfrequency]

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 04:29 AM
10s: Look at the bottom of the footage!! Right under "Official Nasa UFO footage" the bar clearly states "The Shuttles cameras use Image intensifiers" !!

15s: Even a dull light source is going to bloom to all heck with an image intensifier set too high - when the camera pans up at this time the blobs of light all clearly leave a very very bright clump of over excitied pixels behind (ie. too high) - they look like tadpoles with the tail upwards.

Some1 above stated this may be an IR camera - if it is + image intensification + water is totally opaque to IR (check out ice absorbtion graph 1st down), then these blobs are either fine ice particles in the cloud of junk surrounding the shuttle - which are then overamplified well too much, or moisture on the window.

18s: My guess is water on window as the blobs of light overlap the Earth now visible.

29s: Right to left meteor (+IR camera+ImgInt), bottom to top satellite, I am no expert but very rarely I go out to look at stars (+hopefully UFOs!), I saw 12 sats last night, they move in a manner similar to the bottom object, and also a meteor, once you have seen 1 sat and 1 meteor (excluding ISS,persieds etc,iridium flares) you kinda get to recognise them.

35s: dual meteors right to left follow earlier meteor path but brighter (+IR+imgint)

44s: Chaps in shuttle, I presume they are the ones filming, notice the lights are on illuminating the neighborhood of the shuttle (space is big yes but +IR+imgint),

If some1 can find what sts flight this is you might find if it was during a meteor shower or period of increased solar activity (bigger atmosphere), it will be part of shuttle mir program , my money is on STS-76 as there is a chap with white hair who resembles the bloke on the left, I think the key tho is the interesting jumper he is wearing.

1:05:Ok big object could be the first chunk of ice (good absorbtion of IR) which makes the junk on the screen moisture, right to left another sat.

1 min+, I give up! the rest is self explantory! quick things meteors, slow things satellites, big slow things ice, specks water or poor camera, perhaps the astronaut cranked the multiplier tube all the way up as he thought it would help him instead it just makes a mess of everything!

2:29: Must be inside a window reflection appears on right

3:12 and a bit before, camera totally craps out.

My £1, 1st video, havent checked out the others, good confirmation of an alien spacecraft should have witness testimony (ie.astronaut,pilot), or if video only should show it changing velocity more than once at very least imo.

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 06:20 AM

checked out the circle of UFOs (1st vid 2nd page),

imo a mix of ice crystals (extra shiny due to imgint+IR camera), and fires in africa (seems this continent has lots of fires);

Play video then pause, should show 3 light patches, play then move mouse cursor over 1 and leave it there - the movement of the light patch matches rotation of Earth is on Earth.

18s; first ice crystal reflects sunlight, it looks like the ccd is overloaded as its black in the middle.

34s; about 7 dull glows of fires, and 4 ice crystals (the crystals at this point bloom the tube)

51s; bottom right another fire rotates into view, if you reverse the rotation of Earth (rewind:] ) you can trace several (not all) of the light points, these fires are on Earth and match its rotation, unfortunately several of the light sources are ice crystals so don't (typically the ones that catch light and appear)

1:47; and before, I think there are 2 different types of light sources that come together to form the rough circle shape, the fires on the Earth fade as they rotate out of sight.

I realise it seems a little unlikely at first, but bear in mind some chap downloaded hundreds of hours of footage looking for unusual things, so naturally the stuff he uploaded is what he thought looked interesting, I figure some1 could video hundreds of hours of clouds and find 1 that looked like a cat or santa claus eventually etc.

STS-80 was not alone in LEO either, they deployed and later retrieved2 sats (check wiki mission highlights) with which their orbit was nearly synchronous so the bright 1 in the middle may be either wakeshield (shiny disk) or SPAS, there is a video here summarising sts-80 and at 13:53 shows fires in africa (briefly).


The next part past 2mins shows a very magnified view as you can see reflection around the outside (like last video in parts), with image intensification I think most of the goings on are ice crystals (with very zoomed view) a sat or two, meteors, I also wonder what effect various high energy particles would look like with IR ImgInt cameras.

The big blob from right to left could well be either SPAS or Wakeshield (type wakeshield facility in). Both spacecraft in same plane and nearly synchronised with shuttle orbit for later retrieval, also both have thrusters so can move, and as part of mission would explain why camera zoomed in so much to look for it. WSF also stainless steel i think so v bright.

Other flashes thunderstorms, maybe fires or IR sources on Earth (check rotation) for some light sources, etc etc.


EDIT: Proof Water crystals exist in Shuttle / ISS environment;

*Water Dump Video Compilation* (most jetted out, some goes everywhere, i presume larger ice chunks as well as showed by next site), 3rd party site showing numerous ice crystals and dumping ; NASA site about dumping ; and sometimes dumping oscures stars to the naked eye as reported during Apollo 7 (mission highlights)

[edit on 25-8-2008 by stringue]

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 06:44 AM

Originally posted by Turiddu

Originally posted by altered_states

Originally posted by rinorino1
reply to post by dracodie

They aint UFO's

so what the hell are they? please dont say they are ice particles or space dust like nasa normally do, by the way welcome to ats

Why shouldn't he say that? Because it doesn't fit into the fictional story that many posters here are so desperate to believe in for whatever reason?

well can he or you prove what they are? if so can you post, if not they are ufos so get used to the idea

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 07:01 AM

Originally posted by IgnoreTheFacts

Originally posted by altered_states

Originally posted by rinorino1
reply to post by dracodie

They aint UFO's

so what the hell are they? please dont say they are ice particles or space dust like nasa normally do, by the way welcome to ats

Why can't we say that if that is what they really are? Because it doesn't fit your mindset of ignorance?

I mean, you guys claim NASA covers stuff up, yet you then point to hundreds of "space junk" ufo videos. Either they are complete morons and can't cover up worth a crap, or they know this stuff is nothing but ice, dust, pee, excrement, metal shavings, bolts, misc hardware and not alien ufos.

Well when YOU GUYS can prove otherwise what they are i will apologise for my words , if you cant prove it I will lend you a towel to wipe that egg off you face.

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 04:55 PM

Originally posted by Turiddu

Originally posted by altered_states

Originally posted by rinorino1
reply to post by dracodie

They aint UFO's

so what the hell are they? please dont say they are ice particles or space dust like nasa normally do, by the way welcome to ats

Why shouldn't he say that? Because it doesn't fit into the fictional story that many posters here are so desperate to believe in for whatever reason?

What so people desperately want to believe they are unidentified flying objects ? Bit strange, I'd prefer them to be identified myself

If there not UFO's what are they ?

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