posted on Aug, 26 2008 @ 01:33 AM
reply to post by C0bzz
Hi C0bzz,
Any idea what a standard 737 or 757 is compared to the B1-B via dimensions? I want to say the craft I saw over head was pretty darn big, but I am by
far an expert.
Sad thing is I flew as passenger for 5 years for work, and never really paid any attention. Usually MD80's and 90's.
I suppose I can look it up but what hoping one could put it in simple terms.
Does anybody know anything about March Air base? My Mother in law lives 2 miles as the crow flies, and it is usually vacant (weekend flies), perhaps
more stuff goes on during the week day while I toil, but always thought March was nearly dead. Anybody have any updates on that?
Thanks all, and have an excellent night,