posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 05:07 PM
reply to post by deathpoet69
Well, the UK has already seen unemployment rise over recent months (especially in manufacturing and construction jobs). It really depends what kind of
job you're hunting for, I suppose.
As for how to improve things, it's difficult to say. It really depends on how businesses, government and consumers (in that order, I think) act in
the coming months.
For example, if businesses are willing to take a temporary drop in profits to keep as many of their employees in a job as possible (i.e. no mass
redundancies), that might help the economy to improve because it would mean unemployment figures remain fairly low. If, however, there are mass
layoffs, it will make a recovery much slower and harder to achieve - fewer people will have a job, therefore they will spend less (because they have
no money), so even more businesses will sack people, and so on. It becomes a vicious circle.
Personally, though, I don't think many businesses will be altrusitic. They'll think about short-term profit rather than long-term stability, as they
always do (see the banking sector and the mess it's got itself into as a perfect and timely example - the Northern Rock fiasco and so on).