posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 04:23 PM
I would like to voice my displeasure at the choices I have for the POTUS. Now I come from a long line of straight Republican voters, but I just can't
bring myself to vote for the republicn candidate this time around. I believe the republicans have lost touch with reality and are so self centered it
would be a disaster to vote for McCain. Plus he acts like he is a beliver in God, but he really isn't just like the current potus, who puts on a good
show but those who are wise see through that facade.
Obama, would be my choice if he wasn't a supporter of the abortion issue, because at least he acts with a modicum of decorum when in public, and I'm
tired of seeing the leader of our great nation acting like a buffoon, by throwing civil manners and proper speech right out the window.
I proly will vote for Ron Paul if he is still in it, don't even know because he has no chance to win.
But I wonder how many other people are choosing to vote for someone other than the two front runners, thus in essence really not voting at all, and
why are you doing so?
Or if you are note voting period, why not?, and what would make you want to vote? This is primarily for registered voters to reply, as those that
aren't don't really give a crap I think in any case.