reply to post by zorgon
OH GOD! Not those unscientific human-biased reptilians by that crackpot!
The human form is NOT the apex of evolution. It is only one form of possibility.
Listen, the only way upright standing life forms evolve are by species that already are upright from using their hands in trees and come down to walk
on their feet.
For penguins even, this is true to some extent, only they didn't use their hands in trees. Their hands were already for flying. They simply came down
and went upright because of it's benefits for swimming.
A REAL scientific sentient dinosaur would be feathered, not even have as big a brain as ours, and walk horizontally positioned. The reason is because
even with a crow brain, tool use is possible. Even with a magpie brain, self awareness is possible.
Humans have big brains in order to recognize each other in ratio to our complex facial muscles. Because dinosaurs already had physically essentially
all that we had, all they would need would be more complex bird brains and a bit more memory room. Birds are already creative (something we evolved
last) because they are already capable of tool use. A crow can make a hook if it sees opposable metallic objects in order to get food. With a bit more
complexity, it can do what mankind can do with a brain fractions of our size. Complex facial structures are not necessary for sentient life, so a big
brain isn't needed. Emotions and complex social relations that also add to our big brains are also not needed, so that allows sentient beings to have
even smaller brains.
Finally, why on Earth would an alien species that manufactured these grays use such primitive creations?
We haven't even colonized another world but have the knowledge to build cloaking devices, robots with personalities and learning abilities, and many
I think a much more superior life form would have long ago passed the necessity for biological slaves. They could have robots even smaller do more
work. I am reluctant to believe that such a superior life form going to other worlds would still be using biological life forms to explore planets,
let alone slave labor.
Finally, as to evolution, we can use our world as an example because life has been here long enough to see what time does in terms of specialization.
And the fact is that there are MANY species no where near humanoid with the capacity to become as intelligent as humans in time. Elephants, dolphins,
whales, the aforementioned magpies and crows, cuddle fish, octopuses, squid, troodon, etc.
Very simply put, with the wide variety of borderline-human intelligence life already here alone, imagine all the other life forms possible under
different environmental strains.
Once more, the human form is NOT the apex of evolution. It is only one form of possibility
[edit on 25-8-2008 by Gorman91]