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Tonight Will Be My Last Night On Earth

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posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 07:13 PM
Geeze Zorgon, you need to hire better pilots. I hang with this guy. We both like rabbit stew.

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 08:27 PM
reply to post by zorgon's not his drool, it's his (or her) blood!

Anyhow, it's the yellowy acidy stuff.....very creepy.

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 08:35 PM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
Anyhow, it's the yellowy acidy stuff.....very creepy.

Fine you can let it drool on you when your in the pilot seat...

Well he/she grows on you once you get to know him/her. Point is be careful what you wish for... you never know what behind door # 4

[edit on 24-8-2008 by zorgon]

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 08:48 PM
reply to post by zorgon

Z, glad you have a sense of humour.

I thought I saw a bit about some icky stuff they discovered in lobsters, that you should never a yellow, toxic substance....any coincidence??

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 08:54 PM

Originally posted by Blaine91555
Geeze Zorgon, you need to hire better pilots. I hang with this guy. We both like rabbit stew.

You know we tried him but he has a few nasty habits... one includes wanting to anihilate our home world... and I am still kinda fond of this rock

I have a call in for Lieutenant Gay Ellison... More flight hours that Weedwacker and John combined on EM craft and knows Luna base like the back of her hand..

[edit on 24-8-2008 by zorgon]

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 09:53 PM
reply to post by zorgon

OK...Z...I have to bite.....who the HECK is that???

I mean, I watch a lot of Science Fiction (maybe too much?)

BUT, why doesn't her nylon purple hair match her brown eyebrows?

(and, to the curtains match the carpet?)

OK, maybe went too far...... left 'typing' hand ain't workin' so well....a 'd' or a 't', followed by a 'o'....well, I assume everyone gets the gist....

[edit on 8/24/0808 by weedwhacker]

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 06:02 AM

Originally posted by Quarantine
Why do threads like this keep popping up? This is why psychiatry is huge a booming field right now. The OP and anyone taking this thread seriously needs a psychiatric evaluation.

Dont worry I dont think anyones taking the original claim all that seriously now, he was seen on line the next day.

I may need a psychiatric evaluation but not because of this thread....

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 09:24 AM
Allow me to explain why grays don't exist, and drive a stake through this thread:

In order for an upright humanoid form to have evolved, a arboreal monkey-like life form would be needed to evolve. This is because on our world, no other life form walks upright besides man and penguin. A gray couldn't have evolved from a bird-like species because the evolution of birds is 100% unique and statistically impossible to be repeated.

In order for the monkey to have evolved, then trees would be needed. The probability that plant life would be similar is pretty slim. More than likely the plant life of an alien world would be radically different depending on conditions. There might not even be any trees if there's enough light.

And than there's the whole issue that dinosaurs would be needed on this alien world, or similar life forms. This is because no mammals would have evolved without them. We'd just have feathered mammal-like reptiles. Mammals evolved because small life forms needed heat, fur, and small size to run from dinos.

Because grays are... well... gray, they must live in a particular cold environment. This is because of the mathematical formula:

(ignore periods)

. . . . . . . . AUV
W = 70 - -----
. . . . . . . . 10

Because of this, that means that dinosaurs would never had come about because the heat needed to allow natural selection to favor cold blooded animals would be gone, so mammal-like reptiles would have become dominate instead. Because it was cold, they would need fur. Feather-like structures have been found in mammal-like reptiles, so they would need some kind of residual feathers (as with our residual mustaches and beards). But if it was cold, then no jungles would exist, so only pine tree-like plants would be present, meaning no complex arboreal life could exist, meaning that no primates that walk upright could exist, meaning grays CAN NOT EXIST!!

ha, beat science.

I am, the thread killa!

[edit on 25-8-2008 by Gorman91]

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 09:33 AM
That sounds great but it still is based upon our knowledge from a mostly Earthly point of view and data.

Not that I am a big believer in all of this but I will admit that the possibilities are endless so I can't see that as absolute proof. For all we know the grays are a manufactured life form.

Still like your post though. Some good points to consider.

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 10:53 AM
Buh Bye!
Wish a few more would board the crazy train.

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 01:00 PM
reply to post by Gorman91

Allow me to explain why grays don't exist


A perfectly calculated observation from a terrestrial human beings point of view. But!, since the gray is not of our terrestrial species, the point is skewed.

The gray maybe an exoskeleton device minus external toys cloaked with a gray layer of color. Small mouths not for speaking or consuming, small nostrils not for breathing, small ears not for hearing. You could say they are abstract simulations of all sentient aware bi-pedal species they have contact with.

In other words, they perform duties for some one or something.

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 01:39 PM

Originally posted by Gorman91
In order for an upright humanoid form to have evolved, a arboreal monkey-like life form would be needed to evolve. This is because on our world, no other life form walks upright besides man and penguin. A gray couldn't have evolved from a bird-like species because the evolution of birds is 100% unique and statistically impossible to be repeated.


The Royal Ontario Museum doesn't agree with you... they had an exhibit several years ago here is the display

besides the Grays are not from this world and are genetically engineered... What makes you an expert on Alien Biology anyway?

More than likely the plant life of an alien world would be radically different depending on conditions. There might not even be any trees if there's enough light.

More than likely? Once upon a time 'scientists' said water was unique to our world... now we have frozen lakes on the Moon and on Mars, Europa is a big ball of water and Titan looks so Earth like its uncanny..

Besides evolution is wrong anyway because we still have monkeys
I thought everyone knew we were created by genetic manipulation

So can you back up any of this 'theory' of yours with proof? I mean it sounds loony to me to pre suppose what life might NOT be like on billions of other planets...

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
...I have to bite.....who the HECK is that???

prequel to Space 1999 UFO Moonbase Alpha

All women pilots

[edit on 25-8-2008 by zorgon]

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 01:54 PM
I am ROTFL at this entire thread. How does something like this get posted anyway.
Religion, if you are allegedly hitching a ride on a spaceship with the Greys, which star system are you going to? What is the name of the planet you're going to land on? If the trip takes about 23 days, I guess they have warp drive or whatever they call it. Or do you go through a wormhole?
Hmmm, I wonder if the crew of the USS Enterprize is out there somewhere, exploring. You can say 'Hi' for me.

P.S. I wish I had read the thread sooner. You could have told them to pick me up and take me home. I've been on Earth too long lol.

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 02:01 PM
religion are these the grays you are speeking about?

EDIT to add

sorry but I had to, seems as though this thread is pointless

[edit on 8/25/2008 by altered_states]

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 02:01 PM
reply to post by zorgon

That's a great pic, Zorgon.

Wasn't there speculation about a dinosaur species like, say, velociraptor, if left to evolve, may have become a sentient tool-making species?

Not sure what dino in the photo that was...not much of an expert on extinct species here...

But, as you replied to the previous post....a species being arboreal is not necessarily required for intelligence, I would think. There is a tremendous amount of diversity....weird, weird things right here on our own planet. Especially in the oceans. Octopi are actually quite intelligent, those in captivity become bored if the don't get enough mental stimulation. Of course, whales and porpoise....chimpanzees...

I'm not claiming any of those creatures have the equivalent reasoning capacity of the human brain. But it may indicate, given the right circumstances (and enough time) a latent ability that could evolve.

So, this thread is about the possibilty of a bipedal, four-limbed laterally symmetrical intelligent, tool-using sentient being that happens to have gray skin? How am I doing, so far?

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by zorgon

OH GOD! Not those unscientific human-biased reptilians by that crackpot!

The human form is NOT the apex of evolution. It is only one form of possibility.

Listen, the only way upright standing life forms evolve are by species that already are upright from using their hands in trees and come down to walk on their feet.

For penguins even, this is true to some extent, only they didn't use their hands in trees. Their hands were already for flying. They simply came down and went upright because of it's benefits for swimming.

A REAL scientific sentient dinosaur would be feathered, not even have as big a brain as ours, and walk horizontally positioned. The reason is because even with a crow brain, tool use is possible. Even with a magpie brain, self awareness is possible.

Humans have big brains in order to recognize each other in ratio to our complex facial muscles. Because dinosaurs already had physically essentially all that we had, all they would need would be more complex bird brains and a bit more memory room. Birds are already creative (something we evolved last) because they are already capable of tool use. A crow can make a hook if it sees opposable metallic objects in order to get food. With a bit more complexity, it can do what mankind can do with a brain fractions of our size. Complex facial structures are not necessary for sentient life, so a big brain isn't needed. Emotions and complex social relations that also add to our big brains are also not needed, so that allows sentient beings to have even smaller brains.

Finally, why on Earth would an alien species that manufactured these grays use such primitive creations?

We haven't even colonized another world but have the knowledge to build cloaking devices, robots with personalities and learning abilities, and many more.

I think a much more superior life form would have long ago passed the necessity for biological slaves. They could have robots even smaller do more work. I am reluctant to believe that such a superior life form going to other worlds would still be using biological life forms to explore planets, let alone slave labor.

Finally, as to evolution, we can use our world as an example because life has been here long enough to see what time does in terms of specialization. And the fact is that there are MANY species no where near humanoid with the capacity to become as intelligent as humans in time. Elephants, dolphins, whales, the aforementioned magpies and crows, cuddle fish, octopuses, squid, troodon, etc.

Very simply put, with the wide variety of borderline-human intelligence life already here alone, imagine all the other life forms possible under different environmental strains.

Once more, the human form is NOT the apex of evolution. It is only one form of possibility

[edit on 25-8-2008 by Gorman91]

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 02:56 PM
reply to post by Gorman91 kinda said what I said, we must have typing at about the same time.....

One thing, though....I just saw a documentary about the 'cuttle' fish....which, of course, is a relative of the squid, and likely also the octopus. I thnk the doc was going on about the cuttle fishes' ability to camoflauge....very interesting...I think the implication was that it could have a military application, in stealth. So, they're studying it.

So, this thing llives right here, on our own planet. Like I said, weird, weird stuff.....

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 02:58 PM
The cuddle fish is capable of essentially acting like a dog. You can teach it tricks, train a task, etc etc.

They could become human-like in intelligence in the future.

In my spare time, I did some speculative evolution on a world where Squid, rather than fish, made it onto land first.

... That would be the planet you see in my baner, lol

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 03:08 PM
Watch out that the planetmen don't get you!

Seriously, if he got spotted the day after claiming that he would be here for his last night, why is this still open?

Or did he post something about his reason for being online? (Intergalactic Internet.)

[edit on 25/8/08 by -0mega-]

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