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Mourning Star Project

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posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 10:06 AM
Has anyone heard of the Morning Star Project?! It mainly revolves around the concept of the Hyper-Sphere. Many months ago I was researching (and making ground with it!) the tesseract and the hypercube, but it cannot be stable as 12 points of intersect leave the centre as the '13th' point. Thus my particle theories on collision and dispersal of photons and anti-photons DO support my hypothetical model for GUT in a collision and dispersal array. (Basically I stabilized the hypercube in theoretical conditions)

But the superstring theory and Mr. R. Penrose and S. Hawking definately led me into understanding polyhedron fold symmetries. I then designed the hypersphere. However I AM curious if anyone has the wherewithall or heard of the Morning Star project as I am sure it would be of interest to many of the deeper 'thinkers' on ATS. Plus, I want to know more of this apparently classified and secretly coveted technology. Peace! A.M.


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