posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 06:20 PM
23 easy steps to the end of the world
This is pretty much the end of the world according to the bible. I don't know when any of this is going to happen, and you are free to your own
1. The capital of Syria, Damascus, is destroyed and diplomatic negotiations are made with Iran, allowing Israel to relax their close guard on their
2. A Russia, greedy with conquest after reclaiming the Ukraine, Georgia, and Afghanistan, launches a sneak attack on Israel, with help from Iran and
other middle eastern countries. Israel seems to survive, only through divine intervention.
3. A charismatic leader rises to world power, through the UN. He instigates a plan of disarmament, global unity, and one world currency/ religion.
4. He makes a seven year peace treaty with Israel, promising that the UN will protect them in return for cooperation.
5. Several countries who do not wish to be part of the UN one world union leave, and are attacked by the forces of the UN in a limited nuclear war.
These countries include parts of Soviet Russia, the middle east, South Africa, and militia forces in both the US and the UK.
6. Due to global warming, larger and larger hurricanes strike the coastlines year after year. This has already started.
7. Two preachers preach God's word in Israel, converting hundreds of thousands to Christianity. They, in turn, convert millions.
8. Due to the war, a shortage of crops, followed by airborn sickness from the nuclear discharges, disrupts the world economy and harms many.
9. A large earthquake, marking the beginning of a polar shift, disrupts much of the northern hemisphere.
10. The UN military, two hundred million strong, succeeds in ending the war.
11. After a small asteroid hits in the Gulf of Mexico, the dust blots out the sun, dyes the moon red, and sinks many ships. The dust clouds rise out
of the ocean, fish suffocate, and contaminates many reservoirs, and setting many fires across North America. Many satellites are ruined by bits and
pieces of the asteroid.
12. Many satellites are ruined by bits and pieces of the asteroid. These stay down for half a month.
13. As everything returns to normal, the world is shocked when the charismatic leader of the UN is assasinated, yet appears to rise from the dead. His
chairman, the pope, says he is Jesus risen, and that the world must worship him or suffer penalties.
14. The risen leader desecrates the rebuilt temple of Jerusalem, and persuades the middle eastern factions of the UN to return to war against Israel.
Then he orders the Israelian army to kill the two preachers.
15. Many religous refugees flee to Israel, and from there into refugee camps in the mountains. The UN cannot find or stop them from doing so.
Frustrated, they turn on the remnant of religion in the world and kill anyone who does not worship the leader. Those who do are given ID implants,
that make it so they can trade.
16. The plagues from the nuclear wars strike the UN capital, causing them to break out in sores, as a red tide torments the seas.
17. The sun goes into a spasm and for a while, it is too hot to venture outside near the equator.
18. To top it off, the capital is bathed in an eerie eclipse, and commerce grinds to a halt in the darkness.
19. Finally, things start to work for the UN, when the Euphrates river drys up and allows massive amounts of military hardware to be transported to
Israel and the surrounding area.
20. The polar shift spasms again, rocking the world. Many Americans flee to the mountains to escape tidal waves.
21. The UN ends the one world faith, except for worship of their leader, and after the capital is destroyed in a nuclear terrorist attack, the economy
falls to pieces and the world falls into a depression.Many despair at the loss of their assets.
22. The UN masses a large amount of military troops, around 200 million in Israels's valley of Jezreel on the plain of Esraelon. They engage in
battle around the hostile city of Jerusalem and into the mountains, but make little headway.
23. The world knows something is seriously wrong when after a series of inexplicable cosmic displays, Jesus returns to Israel, destroys the large UN
army and all of their tanks, helicopters, ships, and jets, and banishes both the leader and his chairman to hell. Over the next several weeks, he
judges the nations of the world and sets up government on earth again.