posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 10:36 PM
Hello, I will try to interpret - first - one of your dreams. For this I'll explain also the single meanings.
Your car dream:
The car generally means the individual life trip. The brand of the vehicle shows the type and manner how you go through life. That it concerns a
"Mustang", lets suggest to that, that power, status and something like a thinking in rivalry (I am more quickly, better etc.) (should) move you
Your sitting in a car and not driving means that you are in a standstill on your individual journey through life. Something is wrong with your
situation, because you need mechanic for the car. That you repair the car not yourself, shows your passivity in your situation. You are not only
indifferent because you dont pay attention to that, what is made with the car, but also messing with the radio. You become first attentive when you
hear the word "dipping". This concept means that it is about depth and that you should go into something more deeply - perhaps that you shall
operate something like cause study or let yourself in in something?
Your passiveness or your inability to steer the things by yourself, becomes - by raising the car (with you as a passenger) by the crane - very clear.
You are helpless - one simply does something with you and you are not able to get out (of the situation). You are carried around the factory. The
factory means - in the broadest sense - a machinery, in which - in the initial position of the dream - you are. Now, you are carried around it and you
land in the water.
The meaning of the water is various. Here are some meanings: cleaning, Baptism, resolution, flowing, psyche, feel, unconscious, solution, letting off,
swimming (or going down), truth. If you look at these concepts and think about it, why you have not got off the car and even have tried to prevent
that water penetrates into your car, you then know, too, what you fend off. You would have had the chance to stay alive and not suffocate, if you
would have left your car (with all meanings of the car) and swum into the water. This means that this type of your life and the type of the locomotion
require urgent a course correction in your life. The water points out to you to letting off the previous - all what is wrong. The adherence and the
defence let you sink. The death can be beautiful, is it, however, what you want?
Sorry, maybe I was too direct?