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Why are there are more conspiracy theorists now than 6 or 7 years ago?

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posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 11:49 AM
Why so many conspiracy theories?

Easy: There's PROFIT to be had from it.

The Internet has opened up a vast new collection of not so bright folks willing to give thier money away, and plenty of smart folks willing to take it.

"non-profit organization" does not mean "Owners/Founders not taking money out for themselves" it's a TAX STATUS only. The tax returns of the owners of these non profit organizations are in the public domain, freely available at, go see how much money they are paying themselves before subscribing to thier "truth"

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 11:51 AM
reply to post by bsbray11

I would say that there isn't anymore conspiracy theorists then there was to begin with. The reason that more people are able to speak there mind would be because of the fact that there are blogging networks and the internet has made it easier and easier to trade information. Thats why there "seems" like there are so many but they were here all along.

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 12:26 PM

Originally posted by theRiverGoddess
Why are there are more conspiracy theorists now than 6 or 7 years ago?

Because of the worldwide AWAKENING my friend.....
People are awakening to MANY truths that once were hidden.

This is the true answer to your question. Good, to the point post.

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 12:59 PM
Why are there more conspiracy theorists now, it's very simple!

The internet.

More people are linked to more sources of information now than any time in history.

You don't have to get off your butt to reasearch your topic all you have to do is point and click.

It does not really matter if the information is correct or not because the majority of the people beleive the information to be correct just because someone wrote it.

And thats the problem, a person will read anothers views of a certain event and take it as fact without any research what so ever.

My 2 cents worth on this topic.

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 01:05 PM
reply to post by bsbray11

Why more interest in conspiracies? Because the veil is lifting, people are waking up and the powers that be don't care anymore who knows what. That said, it is a dangerous time as there are still enough debunkers around to confuse the newbies to how this world is really run and the newbies could slip back to their old, unconscious ways with just one Brittany Spears scandal.
The bottom line is that those who've been in control are now in over-drive to achieve their nefarious plans of world domination and enslavement.
I read recently that the New World Order is 75% in place (survelliance, food control, money, all the good stuff we little people need to survive). While the odds look scary 25-75, I still believe that there is hope.
Why more interest (part 2): This is an election year in America and there are those who truly sleep for four years and then suddenly wake up. Furthermore, there has never been two more dismal candidates from the mainstream parties being presented to the American people. All the while being hyped and rammed down our throats by the supposed objective media (both sides). We've got an old man for the GOP and the other, with very little credentials or experience and now even questionable citizenship.
What a mess!
I am writing this from Denver where one can feel both the excitement and the trepidation as the convention begins. Rumors, or course, are floating around and I just look forward to next Friday when like a bad tooth-ache, it is all over.
Why more interest (part 3): Thanks to sites like this and many others - the hoax that was 9-11 is gaining increased acceptance. Every September 11th, since 2001, I feel the sadness and quiet reflection settle over this great land as we look back to the horrors of that day. I guess they expected total panic from us - and we fooled them - we were just very, very sad for all the loss of innocent ife from the Pearl Harbor of the 21st Century.
That's my 3 acts of acceptance for today. Oh, trust me, there's lots more coming and my advise is to stay strong and tell those near to you, that you love them.

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 01:30 PM
reply to post by SlightlyAbovePar

the reason people don't "go in front of the media" and say the government killed 3000 people is because they dont want their families to be kidnapped & assasinated

would you do it?

i think not

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by SlightlyAbovePar
Bravo to you for "raising awareness". High-fives all around.

We are talking about the murder of over 3,000 innocents. Either you have the conviction of your beliefs, or you don't. It's been almost seven years. Sitting in front of a computer making post after post after post about 'smoking gun' evidence and doing absolutely nothing about it is obscene.

Stop urinating on the graves of those who died for your entertainment. If you believe what you say, do something.

Raising awareness? Are you for real?

You know as well as I do that this would go nowhere. Period. You keep belittling people (as well as throatyogurt) with words and name calling. That is the reason right there. Every single person that has TRIED to go to the public MSM with this has been labeled as kooks and such. Conspiracy nuts and so on. No DA, sypathetic or not, will touch this. Plus, you know full well that even if a DA did take on this case that it would be crushed in the supreme court because of who hand picked them. It's a joke and your statement to act is just a bunch of hot air to try and provoke.

Another reason is this. Money. Plain and simple. I don't have the millions it would take to bring this to trial. I don't have the millions it would take to get all of the evidence gathered in a way that would be allowed in court.

You see, you say "do something" but you KNOW full well that it would amount to nothing. We would be torn apart by the media and our lives would be destroyed. Plus we would end up on the 'terror' watch list and wouldn't be allowed to move about this country.

You know full well that is what would happen.

So, the only alternative left is to make as many people aware of the crime that took place on 911.

I'm sorry, but there are just TOO MANY coincidences that took place before, during and after that event for it to have gone off like the official story says it did.

Oh yeah, how many times will it take for our president to be caught in lies on TV along with his many cronies before you will believe that he is a liar and is willing to lie about anything? Seriously, he lied about watching the first plane crash into the building as he was waiting to go into the classroom in Florida because "obviously there was a TV there". He lied about many other things and yet you still believe that he and his administration wouldn't lie about this?

You and throat are the ones that need to wake up. Period.

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by Lokey13
reply to post by bsbray11

I would say that there isn't anymore conspiracy theorists then there was to begin with. The reason that more people are able to speak there mind would be because of the fact that there are blogging networks and the internet has made it easier and easier to trade information. Thats why there "seems" like there are so many but they were here all along.

Nope, not true at all. I was completely AGAINST conspiracy theories. I thought, as I was TAUGHT to think, that CTers were kooks and nut jobs. Then I did something that I was NOT taught to do. I began to question things. I only started to believe in a few conspiracy theories a couple years back. Thus, a NEW CTer. I have also got quite a few friends with various engineering experience to question the original story and the NIST reports so they are now CTers.

You see, not the same number of people.

However, I have seen some people give up on CTs altogether and stop being involved. Doesn't mean they don't believe in them it just means they are sick of seeing the truths that some make clear.

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