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What is happening here, Alien travel?

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posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 12:51 PM
Ive seen a couple of these videos where there is the same thing happening, a ufo comes out of a worm hole type cloud, I dunno. What could this be?

Is there any logical explanation of what is happening here?

Scientists are getting early indications that the whole universe is a network of wormhole subways interconnected for instantaneous galactic travel. For example, the UFOs traveling through wormholes can travel 25 light-years in less than three months. According to new findings acceleration within worm holes can make the UFOs even travel faster – some conceive that UFOs can travel more than a thousand light years in less than a month.

Wormhole is a hypothetical "tunnel" connecting two different points in space-time in such a way that a trip through the wormhole could take much less time than a journey between the same starting and ending points in normal space. Wormholes arise as solutions to the equations of general theory of relativity as defined by Einstein when they are applied to black holes.

A journey is possible if a wormhole is held open long enough for a spacecraft (or any other object) to pass through. To keep a wormhole open would require matter with a negative energy density and a large negative pressure—larger in magnitude than the energy density. Such hypothetical matter is called exotic matter. "Empty space" at the smallest scale, it turns out, is not empty at all but seething with violent fluctuations in the geometry of space-time. At this level of nature, ultra-small wormholes are believed to continuously wink into and out of existence. Advanced alien civilizations expand these tiny wormholes to macroscopic size by adding energy. Then the wormholes are stabilized using two charged super conducting spheres in the wormhole mouths. Finally, the mouths could be transported to widely separated regions of space to provide a means of travel. For example, a mouth placed aboard a spaceship might be carried to some location many light-years away. During the trip and afterwards instantaneous communication and transport through the wormhole is possible. Due to time dilation based on the theory of relativity, the journey need not take long, even as measured by terrestrial standards. For example, if a fast starship carrying a wormhole mouth were to travel 25 light-years away, shipboard clocks would measure the journey as taking just three months. But the wormhole stretching from the ship to Earth directly links the space and time between both mouths—the one on the ship and the one left behind on (or near) Earth. Therefore, as measured by Earthbound clocks too, the trip would have taken only three months—three months to establish a more-or-less instantaneous transport and communications link between here and a point in Universe 25 light years away.

Advanced alien races elsewhere in the universe have set up a network of wormholes for intergalactic travel. The UFOs are tipped with the “exotic matter” to access, open and travel through the wormholes. The reason why we see UFOs and then they disappear is because we can only see them when they come out of the wormhole and take an instance to apply the electromagnetic stealth.

The universe is a subway network of wormholes connected all around for galactic travel.

Is this what we're actually seeing? An alien species entering our solar system from somewhere light years away by traveling through a worm hole..

To be honest i cant really explain what is in these videos, but it definatly dosent look like a natural occurance..

Your thoughts please..

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 01:09 PM
The second film looks authentic and it would be the clearest indication of a wormhole close to land. Even without the film evidence used for examples, this is the most probable way that space travel occurs, and is actually what is at the heart of our own controversial experiment that could create a black hole. An attempt to create a wormhole, or interdimensional travel. I can't remember where I read that explanation and I'm not feeling well enough today to look (have a touch of the flu) but, this is a very good thread. Of course, if that were disinformation concerning the above experiment, then they could already be using this, and what we're seeing might be our own secret technology. For some reason I imagine our visitors doing this a little further out in our atmosphere.

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 01:16 PM
reply to post by mystiq

Do you think the people at CERN are trying to create interdimensional travel with what there doing with the hadron collider, I always thought there was a hidden agenda behind what they are really doing..

I dont think there telling us the truth anyway, thats for sure.

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 01:28 PM
Hey, that is the one. Yes wormholes where one of the things being spread about it, which of course could be a complete over-reaching. But I filed it away. And I just did a quick search to see and found this:

All around us are tiny doors that lead to the rest of the Universe. Predicted by Einstein's equations, these quantum wormholes offer a faster-than-light short cut to the rest of the cosmos - at least in principle. Now physicists believe they could open these doors wide enough to allow someone to travel through.

Quantum wormholes are thought to be much smaller than even protons and electrons, and until now no one has modelled what happens when something passes through one. So Sean Hayward at Ewha Womans University in Korea and Hisa-aki Shinkai at the Riken Institute of Physical and Chemical Research in Japan decided to do the sums.

They have found that any matter travelling through adds positive energy to the wormhole. That unexpectedly collapses it into a black hole, a supermassive region with a gravitational pull so strong not even light can escape.

For now, such space travel remains in the realm of thought experiments. The CERN Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland is expected to generate one mini-black hole per second, a potential source of wormholes through which physicists could try to send quantum-sized particles.

But sending a person would be another thing. To keep the wormhole open wide enough would take a negative field equivalent to the energy that would be liberated by converting the mass of Jupiter.

[edit on 21-8-2008 by mystiq]

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 01:29 PM
Hmmm so are you saying that Stargate SG-1 is closer to the truth than what we gave it credit for??

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 01:38 PM

Originally posted by rangersdad
Hmmm so are you saying that Stargate SG-1 is closer to the truth than what we gave it credit for??

Give me one reason why its not possible, How do we know they are not basing stargate the tv series on a real actual project, I can never be ignorant about something that i know is very possible, we dont know what they are doing in these secret projects, it goes beyond our own comprehension..

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 01:41 PM
reply to post by Truther

I am most probably the least ignorant person you will ever meet, My belief is that anything is possible, there for i never write anything off, No matter how bizarre the story may seem.

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 01:43 PM
interesting vids,the 2nd one looks valid,the "ufo" looks to
have alot of speed and the trail it has is amazing,,
wonder if there is any other vids out there of this type

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 01:50 PM

Originally posted by dave77
interesting vids,the 2nd one looks valid,the "ufo" looks to
have alot of speed and the trail it has is amazing,,
wonder if there is any other vids out there of this type

Well ive come across about 4 of them, 3 in the states and 1 in russia.
To be honest i think these vids are more interesting than the normal ufo vids you get.

If there is one person in this section that can explain away these vids, please do cause im racking my brains. My view is its either a secret government thing or its the real deal, thats what what ive come up with so far.

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 02:01 PM
Well if they are "conditioning" us to be ready for space ships that can travel through the universe using wormholes with shows like Stargate SG-1 ...then bring it on already!! I would love to get it out in the open for a change.

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 02:02 PM
Wormholes are the best way to travel over larger distances. In one video you can clearly see the wormhole open up.

A military man starred in one of the SG-1 episodes and if you look at the credits the government had a hand in it's production. I think the reason the military were heavily involved in the production of the programme to educate the public and sublimely admit that they know more than they are telling.

Rather than come right out and admit the truth, they used STARGATE to tell the people by stealth what we had already suspected. Also, it asks the question just how much of the sci-fi tech was being used by our military from back-engineering?

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 02:06 PM
The first two links are launches from Vandenberg AFB. The Russian video looks to be the same.

[edit on 21-8-2008 by Turiddu]

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by Turiddu
The first two links are launches from Vandenberg AFB. The Russian video looks to be the same.

[edit on 21-8-2008 by Turiddu]

Please fill me in on this air base, and what are they launching? Cause i know what it looks like when they lanch a rocket, Im sorry i find it hard to believe that these are lauched rockets

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 02:14 PM
reply to post by Turiddu

Plus in the russian vid, the object seems to be in a spiraling motion, why would this happen if it was a rocket?

+14 more 
posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by Truther

Hi, Truther

I post some informations about the second video:

This video was submitted HERE (eight months before the one of the OP)
With the title:
Unknown Object in P.D.R. CA

and its description reads:

November 8,1997 An Unknown Object that flew over Toe`s Beach in Playa del Rey,CA. Notice the bright object right over it.

Delta II Rocket / Iridium MS-5 Launch Photos

On the evening of 1997 November 8, a Delta II rocket carrying five Iridium communications satellites lifted off from Space Launch Complex 2-West at Vandenberg AFB. The launch took place during evening twilight and the rocket climbed out of the Earth's shadow and into sunlight, creating a memorable display visible over a wide area. The webmaster recorded the event on film from Santa Ynez Peak in Santa Barbara County, California.

The Delta II carries the Iridium 38, 39, 40, 41, and 43 satellites into orbit as its sunlit contrail is suspended in the dusk sky. The webmaster took this photo during the late portion of the first stage burn just before main engine cut-off (MECO). The bright white dot on the right is the planet Venus.

This image shows the sunlit contrail from the Delta II just after first stage main engine cut-off. Following MECO, the rocket dropped significantly in brightness and was difficult to see. The very faint white speck in the lower left may be the rocket following second stage ignition.

Delta II Rocket Launch, Vandenberg AFB, CA
November 8, 1997, 17:35 PST

Exposure: 1/30 sec.
Film: K-Mart Imation ISO 400 color print
Lens: Tamaron 28mm-200mm f/3.5 at 28mm.
Location: Goleta, CA, 42 miles ESE of launch point.
The top frame shows the rocket's exhaust plume illuminated by the sun, about 20 minutes after sunset. Venus can be seen below the rocker, Jupiter is off to the lower left of the rocket. The bottom frame is a close up of the rocket approaching Jupiter. The exhaust plume is now in direct sunlight. Notice the difference between the white plume in the top frame and orange exhaust in the lower frame.

So, a Delta II rocket was launched on November 8, 1997 from Vandenberg AFB, and i guess that is the one that we see in the video.

The first one, if i'm correct, was taken from Yosemite National Park:
i don't have any information about it, but you can compare it with the first one for yourself.

The third one was taken in Tomsk, Russia, on September 14, 2006.

The citizens of Tomsk saw an unidentified flying object in the sky in the evening on Thursday.

According to messages of many eyewitnesses and amateur video recording, the luminescent object emitting three long lights rays was seen high in the sky.

After several minutes the object changed into a bright point which moved in cockling trajectory having left a short track.

It is possible that starting a rocket from the cosmodrome Baikanur was taken for the unidentified flying object, the Department of natural resources and environment protection reported.

The starting a rocket, one of the stage of which have fallen to the territory of Tomsk, might been taken for the UFO really, the chairman of the regional Civil Defense committee Victor Lotchinkin said.

On the other version the citizens might watch a unique meteor caused by air discharge, which could take any shape, he underlined.

Citizens see UFO in Tomsk

[edit on 21/8/2008 by internos]

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 06:22 PM
Very interesting.

will keep an eye on this one for sure.

would be good to know how authentic these are.

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 09:35 PM

Originally posted by rachel07
Wormholes are the best way to travel over larger distances. In one video you can clearly see the wormhole open up.

A military man starred in one of the SG-1 episodes and if you look at the credits the government had a hand in it's production. I think the reason the military were heavily involved in the production of the programme to educate the public and sublimely admit that they know more than they are telling.

Rather than come right out and admit the truth, they used STARGATE to tell the people by stealth what we had already suspected. Also, it asks the question just how much of the sci-fi tech was being used by our military from back-engineering?

Or they had a millitary advisor on the show to train the actors in a realistic manner of acting as milliraty personelle. Much like they often have real doctors involved in medical shows in order to ensure that the jargon is used properly.

I doubt they had someone from the RSG on the show to make sure they had the right chevron positions for the offworld gates or that teal'c spoke proper jaffa.

Or if they did, then that would make the Wormhole X-treme episode a parody of the SG parody of the RSG.

(I do think they played on the notion for the very reason that it would get some people thinking that way tho,

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 10:18 PM

Originally posted by Truther
Scientists are getting early indications that the whole universe is a network of wormhole subways interconnected for instantaneous galactic travel.

Elaborate please, because a wormhole is nothing more than a theoretical proposal that so far is represented by nothing more than some mathematical calculations on paper.

And you can invent anything that way.

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 10:39 PM
"knock, knock, knock. Is this thing on?" Internos, please step closer to the microphone, I do not believe they heard you. I give you a star for good sense
For everyone else, look at Internos post above it will take you far from ignorance.

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 01:20 AM

Originally posted by vance
"knock, knock, knock. Is this thing on?" Internos, please step closer to the microphone, I do not believe they heard you. I give you a star for good sense
For everyone else, look at Internos post above it will take you far from ignorance.

Yeah, I was amazed and shocked until internos had to ruin everything
, Oh well, can't win them all.

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