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Dems Pounce on McCain Admission He Doesn't Know How Many Houses He Owns

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posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 06:03 PM
reply to post by NorthWolfe CND

I also do not know how many houses I have, so what????

Well....that makes you one of two things then....

#1. Not smart.
#2. Rich.

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 06:11 PM

Originally posted by NorthWolfe CND
reply to post by Grafilthy

This is getting ridiculous.
I can see that in this election no relevant political issues are going to be debated. Seems that people are only interested on the anecdotal, the substance will remain unknown, due to the people. So, in a year or two, the next President will be bashed over some stance that nobody knew was his. All people seem interested in is race, religion, personal issues, and everything irrelevant under the sun...

I also do not know how many houses I have, so what????

So whats new about that exactly?

Politics is always about the cult of personality and whichever political party manages to do the most damage to its opponent-its rarely about policies.

Or, if you're really cynical- a choice between the awful and the horrible.

If you don't know how many houses you own, then you must be very clever or very privelliged to have/earnt so much that its not even something you're aware of?

For those of us who can barely afford to pay the bills and know exactly how much we have-down to the last penny, comments like that can make you/Mc Cain look a bit out of touch and uncaring.

[edit on 21-8-2008 by the way]

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 06:33 PM

Originally posted by burdman30ott6
reply to post by Grafilthy

Huge difference: John McCain isn't running on a platform which decries capitalism and embraces socialism & socialistic ideals while grasping his fistfulls of cash like Kerry & Edwards were. Say what you will about McCain, at least the guy isn't hypocritical about his finances like Kerry was, calling for the wealthy to be brought down so that the dregs of the economy can be brought up while holding hundreds of millions of dollars in his portfolio. Kerry learned everything from the masters of sitting on top of their stacks of gold inside the comfort of their ivory towers, George Soros & Warren Buffet, while condemning everyone else who has made any substantial grip in their life.

Besides, McCain's wife isn't a stark raving loon.

Don't forget to mention that all those socialists on the left with hundreds of millions of dollars, and in some cases billions, are always yelping, and have been yelping for decades, about how they need to pay more taxes. How the poor should pay less taxes and corporations need to pay more taxes. But when the democrats were in charge of the Congress and the White House they did nothing to implement those things......


posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 06:45 PM
reply to post by the way

We all got it rough buddy. I know that if people here knew how much I made they'd be like.... gosh I wish I had that then I could buy some fun stuff. The fact is everyone making under 1 million dollars a year is being hit pretty hard. Economically speaking it is all relative. For instance some one who makes about $800,000 per year would more than likely have bought a house worth about $1 to $2 million about a year ago. Depending on when they bought and now that property value may have dropped to 800,000 to 1.5 million or less. Then factor in that their monthly expenses for that house are 2 to 5 times more than yours or mine. The mortgage on that house would be astronomical compared to what I payout now. Then think of the kids, clothes, and everything else will also be more expensive due to their kids being used to having shoes and clothes that cost hundreds of dollars more than what we pick up at target. Then consider that the drop in property value, second mortages and home equity lines have probably put their loan to value ratio at more than 80%; which means if they attempt to refinance into a lower rate they will actually be paying out more. If they are able to refinance at all.

So is this guy actually rich? Or is he living from paycheck to paycheck (deal to deal) just at a higher level of income than the average schmoe who only makes $36K a year?

Also consider if the fed decides to raise interest rates and they spiral upwards and out of control like they did during carters failed presidency. We had home mortgage interest rates over 20%!!!!! The middle class would collapse at that point.


[edit on 21-8-2008 by euclid]

[edit on 21-8-2008 by euclid]

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 07:19 PM
Thats a very fair point, euclid, as always...
But Northwolf cnd who I was replying to said - " I don't know how many houses I what?"

If he was experiencing the same economic downturn as the rest of us I think he'd know how many houses he had? Or may have even sold one?
My point still stands.

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 07:51 PM
reply to post by the way

LOL.... he might be in 5 to 20 million and up range....

they aren't affected by what happens to us wee-folk. They have financial managers and accountants who manage their properties, investments, retirement funds, taxes, groceries, bills. All they ever know is how much they have free on their credit cards.

I wish I had his money then I could buy some fun stuff!!!!


[edit on 21-8-2008 by euclid]

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 08:49 PM
It makes me wonder if McCain had this planned. Make a stupid statement about a house, then turn the focus on how Obama acquired his house through a shady deal involving convicted felon Tony Rezko.

Absolutely brilliant! I wonder if Karl Rove is behind this?

America get ready to be re-introduced to Lord Obama's good buddy...Tony Rezko!

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 09:04 PM

Originally posted by mattifikation
I'd rather have a President who doesn't know, off the top of his head, how much property he's invested in than a President who doesn't know, off the top of his head, how many states are in the U.S.

One of those bits of knowledge is important for leading a country, the other... not so much.

This is the best post in this thread, good point. The McCain camp should really use that, it would be funny and to the point.

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 09:28 PM
reply to post by nyk537

Celebrities are not running to lead our country though. There is a difference.

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 09:46 PM
reply to post by yellowcard

Or Perhaps Obama should just start attacking him on his foreign relations experience and his knowledge on the rest of the world.

I mean we all know:

Any Potential President should know Iraq Borders Pakistan

One should clearly know that Putin is the President of Germany


The amount of al Qaeda extremists in Iran

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 03:41 AM

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 10:14 AM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

Lets be clear on this folks, virtually all politicians are out of touch with American society by virtue of both their wealth and the privleges that come from being a politician. BTW "American society" as a generalization is pretty broad: is McCain out of touch with South Central LA?--big time. How about Scottsdale Az or Salt Lake City Ut?,---not so much. Barack's views are as distant from my own as McCain's probably are from someone in the gheto, thats why we have a representative government--ideally, everyone has a better chance of haveing their concerns addressed.

As to your second point re: his wife's involvement with the beer industry, virtually every society in the world uses some type of psychoactive substance, either ritually or as a part of regular life. Are you suggesting that you know what is best for everyone? Your comments indicate a paternalistic/ fascist mindset. Just because some people use certain substances as a crutch or destroy their lives, doesn't mean that you should dictate what their options are. Alcohol has been around since the dawn of time--present in the Bible, in Egypt, the Mediterranean, Europe etc Its not like the McCain's have a monopoly on its origination, production or distribution.

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 10:22 AM

Originally posted by RRconservative
It makes me wonder if McCain had this planned. Make a stupid statement about a house, then turn the focus on how Obama acquired his house through a shady deal involving convicted felon Tony Rezko.

Sure! And when he mentioned the trouble on Iraq-Pakistani border (and how stupid is that), it was a secret ploy to undemine Musharraf (which did happen). I wonder what I should make of his promise to "ban all beer" -- oh wait, Budweiser brand was bought out by Europeans after that!

Every time McSame says something stupid, it's actual a part of a well designed Uber Plan of some sort. I get it.

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 01:24 PM

At least McCain isn't living a bad M. Knyght Shamalan movie...

"On this Memorial Day, as our nation honors its unbroken line of fallen heroes -- and I see many of them in the audience here today -- our sense of patriotism is particularly strong." - Obama, May 26th, 2008.

So... he sees dead people?

My point isn't so much that one candidate is dumber than the other, but that brain farts happen. Only a complete knucklehead would be swayed by some spin doctor who can't come up with a better attack than "Look at how bad this guy messed up that speech!"

That's right: Only a complete, utter, knucklehead. Doesn't matter which political party you're talking about.

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 03:19 PM
The only REAL reason this matters is this:

McCain gaffe over houses could anger voters

Voters can swallow the fact that Republican presidential candidate John McCain is seriously rich but they might not stomach the idea that he doesn't understand their own money worries.

And that is the bottom line. Most would not care if he can't remember how to tie his shoes (I wonder if he can?) but many will be insulted by what appears to be an extravagantly rich pompous ass (as in donkey) who can't remember how many houses he owns at a time when so many Americans can hardly hold onto the houses they are attempting to pay off. To many it will appear MCain is too far above them economically (he is in the top .5% after all) to understand life for the other 95%.

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by buddhasystem

Now you've done it. I'm by no means a big John McCain fan (but will be casting my chit for the guy in November to prevent the alternative), however I have grown weary of seeing "McSame" getting tossed around in damn near every thread I see. Henceforth, in every thread I am involved in where I see the word "McSame" appearing*, I shall counter by dubbing him "John McChange" and that's a damn change we can all believe in!

*(sans the new Bully Pulpit forum where the satisfaction of seeing wrists slapped by mods over "McSame" will be satisfaction enough)

So, does President McChange have to place all of his property holdings except homes he can demonstrate he's held as residences into escrow after he's elected? Can the sitting president trade on the real estate market whil in the White House, or is that a conflict of interest.

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by burdman30ott6

It all boils down to the fact that there is one house he won't be living in......


posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by Grafilthy

I agree. By the time January rolls around we'll probably be entrenched in a war with Russia, so they'll just house President McCain in a safe bunker somewhere for the duration of his presidency. Hopefully the fellon hooked Obama up with a good bomb shelter contractor for some crawlspace expansion underneath his new mansion, as I don't believe the government usually has enough bunker room for junior senators...

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 04:34 PM

-*- shameful bastardization of candidate names
-*- shameful focus on personalities instead of issues

If you guys aren't going to deny ignorance, at least try to deny embarrassment.

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 04:47 PM

Originally posted by mattifikation

"On this Memorial Day, as our nation honors its unbroken line of fallen heroes -- and I see many of them in the audience here today -- our sense of patriotism is particularly strong." - Obama, May 26th, 2008.

So... he sees dead people?


I guess you have never seen those without limbs or those with injuries and purple hearts pinned on their chests sitting in a crowd! I'm quite sure many fell after being injured, but they got back up and overcame.

You sir are the knucklehead! For being too thick to understand what he was saying!


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