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The hatred and race baiting on this board is evident

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posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by MRGERBIK

caution, long-winded, Thought-prokoking disscuion ahead... those unable of reason, please stear clear...

I ussaly don't get involed in threads that are OBVIOUS race-baiting topics, based on your Thread title...

BUT, since you are a tenured Member, i decided to read it...

There is no doubt that there are 'racists' here on ATS...
But there isn't a single brand of Racism...
It comes in all shapes and colors...

There are topics on ATS that are Absurd about Barrack Hussein Obama...
as well as topics that are Absurd about John McCain...

Over the years, i've found the best way to deal with those is to stay away... You cannot reason with those incapible of reason... And your only liable to say something you'll regret if you try... it can be frustrating talking with someone incapible of reason...
Its wasy to see, A->B, B->C, Thus, A->C... A simple process, of connecting two thoughts, to get something NOT GIVEN...

To some people, this just can't be done in thier head...

So just aviod those worthless threads... and when someone says somethig stupid, like, "Im voting For Obama, Becuase he is Black, and I AM BLACK", just ignore them... I don't mean LITERLY press the Ignore button, but just don't respond...

Ive been called a racist on these boards... oh, idk, TONS of times... Ussaly by memebrs who have been on ATS about a week, and post a 1-liner, Such as, "You sound like a Racist Biggot!" Just give me an insight on to the thought process of that Individual...

Now, im not sure what the point of this thread is... You just make a statement... Like, "It is Daytime..." Great... So... what are you trying to say?

Are you trying to say that you THINK that the Threads YOU DEEM racist should be removed?
And the members YOU DEEM racist should be banned?

In my opinion, Which CERTAINLY inst held in high reguard in Upper-ATS circles, i think there should be MORE of this Racist Garbage on ATS...

Why you ask... Because, we need to see it.
It should be know... We should be able to call someone out when appropiate...

Freedom of speach ISNT made for the POPULAR speach, BUT, for speach that is LIABLE to offend someone... Otherwise, why would we need to protect it...

If someone wants to come on here and say that Blacks are worthless, and because of thier skin color, they should be killed, and only whites with blonde hair and blue eyes are 'ture' humans... Let them talk... and, try to talk to them...

Try to reason with them...

If they CAN reason, then, you should be able to show them the faults in their argument... If you can SHOW that they are incapible of reason, then that shines light on thier arguement...

People need to see examples of what is WHAT...

If you are walking along the street, and you see a Hooker/Junkie/Bum on the corner, you HAVE TO EXPLAIN this to people who haven't seen it... Like children... you say, "look, that is a degenerate bum..." and explain what it is... So they have an understanding of what it is...

in Todays world, EVERYTHING is so DAMMED politicaly correct and full of feces, that if you point out illigal aliens are criminals by defintion, you get called a Racist against mexicans...

People are throwing around words that they TRUELY don't know the definition of...

Alot of Obama supporters think that if you question Obama, that you are a Racist...

That is TRUELY moronic...

The word 'Racism' has lost its understanding...

People who have been subjected to Racism know what it feels like...
Asking questions with a disire for truth and understanding ISNT racism...


Our populations are being 'programed', and part of that programing is to destroy the ability to INDEPENTLY THINK CRITICALY...

For instance, when ever i talk about Barrack, refer to him as Barrack HUSSEIN Obama...

Why, for a few reasons...

For one, when i first heard that Hussein was his middle name, when i told people, i was called a Racist, and even THREATENED... And if i ask a question like WHERE DID THE NAME COME From... i get called EVEN more names...

Am i a racist for asking question for that the Answer is not readily evident?
In school, they said, "No question is stupid"
In politics, i guess it goes,

"If he's Black, then you can't ask THAT

I think we should be able to ask questions...

Such as:

What kind of Judgement can Obama have if he sat in Rev. Wrights church for 20 years...
How good can Obama be at picking things up, if he can't figure out "God DAMM AMERICA" means his pastor doesn't realy like the US...
What is the mentality of his wife if her COLLEGE THEIS paper is a long winded rant on how 'whitey' is keeping the Blacks down...
What is Obamas Connection with KNOWN TERRORIST William Aiers...
Or asking Obama to explain his experences at a Madressa school...
Or his connections to Luis Farakon, and the WeatherUnderGround...
Or on his lack of experince...
Or why he canceled a trip to see wounded troops after he learned the cameras couldn't follow him in...
Or asking him to explain statements he has made on KEY issues...

UNdoubtalby, someone will interpret AT LEAST ONE of the above questions to be Racist...

How, i have no idea...

Now, in your eyes, im probaly just some Fox-Watching Neo-con...

And it can't be farther from the truth...
I don't watch ANY CABLE NEWS
I HAVE NEVER identified my self as part of the 'conservitive movement'
OR the Republican Party...
And, i laugh (loudly) when i hear Fox news say, "Fair and balenced' or CNN call itself, "The most Trusted Name in News"

If ive gone off-topic, ive come back full circle...


In todays Politicaly Correct world, when the TRUTH HURTS, some would rather just ignore it....


PS, anyone who takes the time to rad my post, Thank you, anyone who replys to me, i will reply back...

Honestly, and unfiltered...

[edit on 8/21/2008 by TKainZero]

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 11:55 AM
This would be a good time to revisit an oldie but goodie thread: Burried Prejudice. The Bigot in your Brain

We know the sources that seed racial hatred:

Enough with the self promotion.
I've said it before, ATS before the elections turns into TMZ for racists. Just hate filled gossip and sensationalism.
Once again, we are getting exactly the government we deserve.

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 11:56 AM

Originally posted by MockedUnicorn
I think what most of these people against Obama are scared of is a president with no stance on anything worthwhile, while screaming CHANGE and acting like a modern day Jesus.

Skin color has little to do with it.

You mentioned a "black Planet". I dont think people are scared of a Black Planet, they are scared of Urban Society taking over our mainstream ideals as a country.

They are scared of people from a society that is accosiated with violence and crime and drugs being the social norm.

Now, I am sure that there ARE racist people on here.

They are everywhere.

Let me try to understand what you are saying? White people fear black people because they are a drug dealing, gun-toting criminals? Sounds a little stereotypical to me. How about burning crosses, nooses, and be drug behind a pickup truck. These are things to fear, and thats something you will never have to worry about.

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 11:59 AM
While they're playing politics, I have to watch out for myself and my own.

"It is what it is."

Black, white, man, woman. They're all working for the same people. Kissing the same ass. That's why you can count me out.

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 12:00 PM

Originally posted by sir_chancealot
Divide and conquer, aka Hegelian dialect. You shouldn't be really surprised. If TPTB can keep all the little people at each other's throats, they won't be on theirs.

Oh, I'm not surprised. But if you look at the international world media, this would have a hard time of getting off the ground without any counterpoints right there on the side of the table. Especially with a progressive country as America, you would think people would be more open to dialogue and discussion by now. I suppose that's wishful thinking.

But I guess you make a valid point. We are the worker ants and the conservatives on ats and elsewhere on the internet still want to pretend they are part of this "movement" being transformed in the backrooms of D.C. But you can't help but laugh when you read talking point after talking point that was coordinated by Matt Drudge for National news to pick up the ball and run with it. We have people on ATS who would never admit that they get their information from Matt Drudge and don't understand how Political Operatives work. it's so sad that no one knows about the association with Karl Rove, Ken Mehlman,Corsi,Conservative Publishing Warehouses.Washington Times.Briebart and how Drudge Report is the focal point of all of these distractions.

Isnt it funny how we never get to talk about the war party on national news wires? And who the primetime players are for WW III

it's the ultimate evil Ponzi scheme.

Meanwhile Corporate America is doing a stealth takeover of every institution in this country. And yet the "Liberals" are the problem. You just have to laugh at this terribly distorted world view.

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 12:01 PM

Originally posted by MRGERBIK

I disagree wholeheartedly. Why do you think Jerome Corsi (Author of Obama Nation and Unfit for Command) was going on a White Nationalist Neo Nazi oriented program but he canceled when it was mentioned oN CNN? I am telling you it's code,MockUnicorn. Corsi even got caught on Free Republic being racist and prejudice toward muslims and other cultures and religions. He even had to apologize for it. Nobody brought it up in the national media for years it went unchecked until media matters finally got on Larry King to discuss the book "Obama Nation" Which is code for "Abomination" This is all premeditated. You see the facts and information it's usually on a blog or a op-ed piece in the farthest corner of the internet. He apologized for being racist and prejudice. And yet he was still the author of Obama book. What does that say?

We need to face up to the facts that we have a race baiting media. When you use the word "uppity" it means something. When you hear that on the radio it's not a gaffe. It's playing to the racists in the red states. These are my issues that are never brought up in the Main Stream Media (Or For Profit Media)

I was referring to people here on this board. Because that is what the title of the thread referred to. I am not sure who Jerome Corsi is, because I dont watch television at all.

I could write a book. Does that make me credible? no.

Just because some guy who is a racist writes a book, then chickens out of a radio appointment because he is embarassed of himself doesnt mean that everyone on this board shares his beliefs.

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 12:07 PM
reply to post by nyk537

I know, but let the truth be heard. In my opinion racial differences should of disappeared along time ago but people keep bringing it back up.

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 12:07 PM
Why oh why can't we get Above Politics back as a sister site is beyond me.
It would save so much time for everyone.
The extremists from both sides can go at each other all day and the rest of us carry on with our lives. Instead, no matter how much we say we will ignore the hate threads, when they pop up with such absurdities, we just can't let them go.

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by schrodingers dog
Why oh why can't we get Above Politics back as a sister site is beyond me.

I loved

I was VERY sad, and TOTALY against having it re-intergrated into ATS...

I thought it would bring in the crazies...

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 12:19 PM
I think some ppl (including myself) get so tired of the ignorance displayed on this board that we throw out things just to give you ppl something to bitch about.


1. Cities such as Detroit ARE in ruins because the "African Americans" (for your benefit) have come in, crime went up and whites started moving out to find more peaceful living conditions. This is proven it is fact.

Yet I after pointing this out in regards to a particular topic, I was called racist despite the fact that I posted the proof. The "racist card" was thrown out to deny the truth and continue in ignorance.

2. I have watched others post proof of why Illegal Mexicans in this country are having a negative impact on those who are living here legally.

Again, ppl bashed them for being racist rather looking at the content and coming up with a more intelligent reply that would add to the thread. They were denying the truth in favor of ignorance.

3. Some on here are, IMHO, wise enough to see that religion, NO MATTER what the religion is dogmatic and meant to shut down the rational and independent thinking/logic.

If the truth is said bluntly regarding the dogmatism in religions that generally consist of another race, the content that is being pointed out is ignored and suddenly the person is racist.

I don't know ANYTHING about Jerome Corsi other than what I have read here. Up to the point I read, the attacks that he was racist had not been supported (at least on that thread). Someone called for proof that he was racist and some quotes were slapped up that WERE NOT racist. They were intolerant of religion and those that are religious, but that isn't racism. (Not sure if proof of racism was posted after that point bc I quit reading due to the fact that ignorance was out in full force as to the difference btw intolerance for race and intolerance for religion).

I can say something like filthy spics serve as nothing better than speed bumps for the highway and I can automatically predict the kind of emotions some of you will experience. Do I believe that? Honestly, does it matter? NO! What should matter to *you* is whether *you* agree with it or not. But having said that one statement, I know that I now hold some of your emotions in my hand. You are angry and I could either pacify your anger with an "I'm sorry" (that may or may not be heartfelt) or I could continue to rile you up.

Basically, it has gotten to a point where political correctness is allowing you to be easily controlled. You miss key points of discussions concerning issues that REALLY matter bc you are so concerned with how someone else's opinions. It should only matter what *you* think when it comes to personal tastes and when it comes to discussions, stick to the issues.

When you refuse to look at issues in favor of throwing out the racist card or any other "politically correct" tool that is meant to keep these things from being seriously discussed with an open mind, then sometimes the only thing to do is have fun with your arses. You put your emotions into our hands by being so easily offended and I for one will admit to having fun exploiting that; more for entertainment value, but there is that small fading hope that someone will wake up to realize that being offended is less about ppl's feelings than it is about keeping you from seeing the truth.

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 12:35 PM

Originally posted by DeadFlagBlues
While they're playing politics, I have to watch out for myself and my own.

"It is what it is."

Black, white, man, woman. They're all working for the same people. Kissing the same ass. That's why you can count me out.

Star for you fella.

Glad to see that at least someone can see through the party line b.s. These politicians on both sides work for the same masters and attend the same parties, and unless you are part of the wealthy elite, you are not invited
These people care about money and power, they do not give a damn about you Mr. Joe Smoe 9 to 5'er. You represent a vote and that is about it.

Pretend these people care about you and your family, pretend that you are a part of their political party (either one) keep on sending in money and donating time to campaign for your future slave master. Pretend that your vote will make a difference.

The devil only knows one color and that color is green, and if you dont have any green then you are the enemy and are expendable.

A society divided is a society conquered, and what better way than to incite hatred through perceived race value or classism. I guess it doesnt bother people to be poor and wretched and being exploited doesnt sting so much as long as they have some other class of people "underneath" them.

In reality we are all in the same pressure cooker and all of our lives are of equal value to the PTB - worthless.

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 12:38 PM

Originally posted by TheHunted
Let me try to understand what you are saying? White people fear black people because they are a drug dealing, gun-toting criminals? Sounds a little stereotypical to me. How about burning crosses, nooses, and be drug behind a pickup truck. These are things to fear, and thats something you will never have to worry about.

No. That is not at all what I am saying. It sounds like you need to brush up on reading comprehension.

What I am saying is:

(most) White people are not scared of the COLOR OF BLACK PEOPLE'S skin, so much as they are afraid of the stereotypes that very few are working to disprove.

It is not fair to the hardworking and honest people, that they have to be discriminated against because people with the same color skin as them portray themselves in media as criminals, and at the same time, become spokesmen for their race.

Does that clear it up for you, or are you going to just keep (unjustly) calling me a racist?

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 01:10 PM
It seems that we will always be Sneetches counting the stars on our bellies... whether it be ecomonics or racial separatists humans are always finding reason to deem themselves better than someone else. I still have hope for that day when this will no longer be the case. Having Obama as President I think will bring us closer to that day.

Here's hoping.


posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 01:20 PM
reply to post by MockedUnicorn

Do you have a guilty concious? Or maybe need to brush up on your reading skills? Not once anywhere in my reply do I mention you as a racist. I started with "Let Me Undertand" meaning I did not quite understand what you were implying. Then I wrote a reply to what I believed you were getting at.

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 01:29 PM

Originally posted by TheHunted
reply to post by MockedUnicorn

Do you have a guilty concious? Or maybe need to brush up on your reading skills? Not once anywhere in my reply do I mention you as a racist. I started with "Let Me Undertand" meaning I did not quite understand what you were implying. Then I wrote a reply to what I believed you were getting at.

You didnt come out and say the word racist, but your imagery about the crosses and trucks "sounded" like you were comparing me to that kind of thing.

I appologise if you really were just asking a question, but it sounded agressive to me, so I simply answered it with (what i believed to be) equal agression.

If not, then I really hope i did clear things up in that last post.

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 01:42 PM

Originally posted by MockedUnicorn

Originally posted by TheHunted
reply to post by MockedUnicorn

Do you have a guilty concious? Or maybe need to brush up on your reading skills? Not once anywhere in my reply do I mention you as a racist. I started with "Let Me Undertand" meaning I did not quite understand what you were implying. Then I wrote a reply to what I believed you were getting at.

You didnt come out and say the word racist, but your imagery about the crosses and trucks "sounded" like you were comparing me to that kind of thing.

I appologise if you really were just asking a question, but it sounded agressive to me, so I simply answered it with (what i believed to be) equal agression.

If not, then I really hope i did clear things up in that last post.

Sorry for the misunderstanding! A lot of my comments may come off as aggressive and are truly not. I like to be as graphic as possible for other readers of my post. The simple fact is racism is horrific on all accounts. These actions I spoke up are just examples.

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 01:47 PM

Originally posted by TheHunted

Originally posted by MockedUnicorn

Originally posted by TheHunted
reply to post by MockedUnicorn

Do you have a guilty concious? Or maybe need to brush up on your reading skills? Not once anywhere in my reply do I mention you as a racist. I started with "Let Me Undertand" meaning I did not quite understand what you were implying. Then I wrote a reply to what I believed you were getting at.

You didnt come out and say the word racist, but your imagery about the crosses and trucks "sounded" like you were comparing me to that kind of thing.

I appologise if you really were just asking a question, but it sounded agressive to me, so I simply answered it with (what i believed to be) equal agression.

If not, then I really hope i did clear things up in that last post.

Sorry for the misunderstanding! A lot of my comments may come off as aggressive and are truly not. I like to be as graphic as possible for other readers of my post. The simple fact is racism is horrific on all accounts. These actions I spoke up are just examples.

Awesome. Added you to friends.

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 01:51 PM
reply to post by justamomma

I can say something like filthy spics serve as nothing better than speed bumps for the highway

hey gringo, you talking about me family. me no happy with you.

me take you to court and sue you for bottle of tequila.

sorry had to......

these kind of racist things people talk about are encountered in our music and tv (comedy Central) a whole lot and people laugh and dance to them till the cows come home.

debate these comments if you like or just move on to the next post.

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 04:19 PM
I wonder where the idea that McCain was never mentioned about having been born at the Panama.

I recall quite well it being mentioned here on ATS and the mainstream news around the same time. This was early on though when there were still many candidates trying to get you to believe their lies.

I don’t care what their skin color is. I really don’t care who they worship either. I do care about what type of person these people are and they are both career politicians who are lying. You can tell this because their lips are moving. Until recent news about his voting no on certain bills I honestly liked Obama more than McCain (not that I really like either). After seeing his vote on such bill I would not vote for him if my life depended on it. As for voting for McCain, that is not going to happen either.

My ideas have nothing to do with race. But the candidates might want to start shutting their mouths the more they talk the more I dislike them. I had high hopes for Obama at first but he keeps speaking. I used to defend Obama with those I work with

Just my opinion and how I see it, take it or leave it your choice.


posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 04:26 PM
Oh and just so we are clear about McCain and his birth being mentioned.

This is of course only a portion of what can be found. A simple search would have revealed that the fact that it was never mentioned is indeed not fact at all.


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