posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 11:46 PM
I'm unsure if that video has ever been posted here or not, so I will leave that to some of the more knowledgeable folks here.
In my opinion: I don't think it is fake... I mean in it being a rubber dog-thing, or some Hollywood style special effects creation. Live animal,
well... it probably was. That's my take. I don't think it is a viral video, or it would have had more dramatics involved... to pump the viewer up.
The thing dramatic I noticed was... well... it's a male. Hard to make an educated guess as to what species due to the video quality, but a few big
things come to mind: (the light is on, so hear me out here)
A. According to the video, this guy (and you
can easily tell it is a male from the vid :lol
was shot... (in Saudi
That in itself brings two questions up:
1.) The author of the vid states that the voice from the narrator was removed from the audio track. For me, that takes away from the fact that it
could have even came from Saudi Arabia, and lends no help to where this was even filmed. Apparently you can contact the creator and he will send you a
better version including the audio.
(any takers here?)
2.) This thing was shot? Where? By what?
I saw no noticeable wounds on the corpse... hard to tell time and means of death. The camera man seemed to be focused on the head for the better half
of the clip. Not much to see in that department. Not necessarily strike two in my book, but it would back up the claims IMHO.