posted on Apr, 3 2004 @ 07:57 PM
it has been repeatedly scientific proven that male discharge sperm and whatever else comes out is good for the vagina and womb. when those fluids get
up in there they affect the female the same way drugs would. antidepressants perhaps. and i can attest, and so can any other dude(unless somethin'
just aint right) that sex is definitly healthy. for heart, brain, courage, emotion, helll, freakin' everything.
and jack o lantern that says animals can't think. something just aint right with you.
animals have full blown emotions. any fool can see that in their dogs or cats eyes. and you can see it wild animals too on animal show when they
care for their young. many animals even use tools.
the problem is that too many humans don't think for themselves and follow blindly the bibles that are full of lies. wake up and smell the