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Is Ghost Hunters real?

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posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 09:07 PM
Maybe it's just me but the show Ghost Hunters seems to have an abundance of evidence that is just well....unbelievable. I'm a big fan but I often find myself wondering, has any of this been faked? Does anyone know if any of the evidence presented was fraudulent or if there has been any significant evidence to support the idea that they may be faking some of their evidence?

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 09:14 PM
reply to post by Soulstone

I have wondered that, too. Have you watched Paranormal State? The investigators on that show seem more real to me. They used a device on one episode that translates vibrations (I think) into words. It was neat to watch, but I kept wondering if that was something scientifically feasable. It was very entertaining.

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 09:38 PM
I watch Ghost Hunters occasionally and it seems real to me. To be honest I don't think they get a great deal of evidence. More like bits and pieces, with pictures of orbs and garbled EVP's. They seem to like to debunk what they find...but it might just be part of the show.

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 10:37 PM
I believe Ghost Hunters to be the "most real" of all the paranormal study shows. They throw out 90% of evidence that most people would use. They debunk stuff that others would think "wow paranormal!"

So yes to me the evidence is real that they present to us.

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 11:04 PM
I'm one to believe things are fake, but Ghost Hunters seems to be more 'real' than most paranormal shows out there.

Example: Most Haunted *shudders*

Again, they do tend to debunk it or try to debunk it. And I know I've gotten frustrated when about 5 or so episodes in a row, there's no evidence in any case presented.

Now, the promotional spots for the next episode...definitely fake. I'm so sick and tired of hearing "The greatest discovery YET!" only for it to be a bat flying out and scaring the pants off of grown men.

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 11:17 PM
I think so. the fact that they discredit alot of things helps. I just saw one where they were at Elizabeth Bathory's castle and they could've made up a ton of stuff, but they didn't. And if you have seen the shadow figure, the running man with the cloak, from the prison episode, you will believe. bc if that was real, then there MUST be something to it

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 11:24 PM
I'd bet that Ghost Hunters is real. They take a scientific approach to spirits while Paranormal State seems to take a more religious approach. But I think they could CGI a lot better stuff if they wanted to.

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 11:30 PM
I think they are real too. I met TAPS this summer in Savannah at a bar lol and they were all really cool guys. EVP's really work and you can capture some pretty crazy stuff. I wouldn't suggest trying it, but I think they are real. Sometimes they don't even find anything on their shows.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 01:03 AM
I think that they are frauds personally. That is, the shows where they find extroidinary evidence, I think those are faked. And I find it hard to believe that they could be fooled every time, so I'm thinking they are in on it.


Lighthouse episode: A moment before the chair moves, there is a reflection in the window of a sharp movement outside. Like, 1/8th of a second before it moves. It's obvious to me that someone pulled a string. It's less obvious to those who believe (from the official site, when I would chat with them about it); they would rather think someone just happened to be moving on the stairs at the very moment the chair moved. Sorry, I don't buy that.

Prison episode:

Laughably fake imo. You see a "ghost" move up the walkway.. then running away. It was wearing sneakers. I guess those old prison ghosts just like wearing Reebox or something. hmm.. a ghost wearing sneakers moves up along the walkway, then runs away on it, obeying the laws of physics.. (not moving through bars, off the walkway, etc), one would guess it is a physical object.

I watched through a couple seasons, but I came to two conclusions:

1. A show on paranomal studies is NOT a very good show to do. Because what are REALLY the odds that people will catch something on a given night? Lottery winning odds perhaps? And I don't mean heat signatures or cool spots or anything like that, but talking about moving objects and the dramatic stuff that occurs on the show. The odds are so low, that these guys *repeatedly* getting this on tape, would defy all odds. So the only way to make this show sell, is to have some drama. If you have none, people get bored, and the show goes away, end of story.

2. These guys have to be in the know on the fakes. I've heard some suggest that those responsible for the show are doing the faking, and tricking these guys. I don't buy that at all. They are there all night. They man the cameras, that's why they are there. And yet people are hoaxing them right in front of their eyes? Naw.. I think not.

I think that some of the stuff they find MAY be legit, since these are some fairly haunted spots they hit. But I'm talking about EVP, EMF readings, stuff like that. Not the spectacular things that happen, I think those are all staged.

I quit watching the show. While I DID enjoy their studies, and a supposedly nuetral standpoint, I did NOT enjoy being made a fool of. I am not going to sit each week and watch some ridiculous stunt pulled off to help ratings. They've gotten sneakier, but especially some of the earlier ones, were very obvious fakes. Even some of the new stuff is easily explained.

I'd love a serious show on this subject, but I think it wouldn't last long, it would be some heat and sound readings, and nothing more. That doesn't sell.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 02:02 AM

Originally posted by teflon_superhero
I'm one to believe things are fake, but Ghost Hunters seems to be more 'real' than most paranormal shows out there.

Example: Most Haunted *shudders*

Again, they do tend to debunk it or try to debunk it. And I know I've gotten frustrated when about 5 or so episodes in a row, there's no evidence in any case presented.

Now, the promotional spots for the next episode...definitely fake. I'm so sick and tired of hearing "The greatest discovery YET!" only for it to be a bat flying out and scaring the pants off of grown men.

They do a good promo
Yea I would say only 70% if not less of the shows have any evidence besides a EVP and even with EVP they always well usually say its not haunted. Unless of couse they have had enough personal experiences that were not caught.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 02:09 AM

Originally posted by fleabit
I think that they are frauds personally. That is, the shows where they find extroidinary evidence, I think those are faked. And I find it hard to believe that they could be fooled every time, so I'm thinking they are in on it.


Lighthouse episode: A moment before the chair moves, there is a reflection in the window of a sharp movement outside. Like, 1/8th of a second before it moves. It's obvious to me that someone pulled a string. It's less obvious to those who believe (from the official site, when I would chat with them about it); they would rather think someone just happened to be moving on the stairs at the very moment the chair moved. Sorry, I don't buy that.

Prison episode:

Laughably fake imo. You see a "ghost" move up the walkway.. then running away. It was wearing sneakers. I guess those old prison ghosts just like wearing Reebox or something. hmm.. a ghost wearing sneakers moves up along the walkway, then runs away on it, obeying the laws of physics.. (not moving through bars, off the walkway, etc), one would guess it is a physical object.

I watched through a couple seasons, but I came to two conclusions:

1. A show on paranomal studies is NOT a very good show to do. Because what are REALLY the odds that people will catch something on a given night? Lottery winning odds perhaps? And I don't mean heat signatures or cool spots or anything like that, but talking about moving objects and the dramatic stuff that occurs on the show. The odds are so low, that these guys *repeatedly* getting this on tape, would defy all odds. So the only way to make this show sell, is to have some drama. If you have none, people get bored, and the show goes away, end of story.

2. These guys have to be in the know on the fakes. I've heard some suggest that those responsible for the show are doing the faking, and tricking these guys. I don't buy that at all. They are there all night. They man the cameras, that's why they are there. And yet people are hoaxing them right in front of their eyes? Naw.. I think not.

I think that some of the stuff they find MAY be legit, since these are some fairly haunted spots they hit. But I'm talking about EVP, EMF readings, stuff like that. Not the spectacular things that happen, I think those are all staged.

I quit watching the show. While I DID enjoy their studies, and a supposedly nuetral standpoint, I did NOT enjoy being made a fool of. I am not going to sit each week and watch some ridiculous stunt pulled off to help ratings. They've gotten sneakier, but especially some of the earlier ones, were very obvious fakes. Even some of the new stuff is easily explained.

I'd love a serious show on this subject, but I think it wouldn't last long, it would be some heat and sound readings, and nothing more. That doesn't sell.

Rewatched the episode about 10 times the ghost isnt wearing sneakers in the prison its the light off the wall. I thought the same thing its a pure black shadow.

Now the lighthouse I get how U can think a chair was pulled by a string I watched it on my dvds like 3times(not one of the best episodes) I did not see anything in the mirror maybe i am missing it?

Good post no believers will not believe more then others trust me. I go through life on a normal basis 1day at a time. BS is BS real is real.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 02:11 AM
hey fleabit................ shut up coz u make no sense

just because there is a movement in a window doesnt mean its not reflecting something inside instead of a sharp movement outside.
i dont know how you counted an 8th of a second in your head while watching a video, and yes there could have been someone on the stairs, and unless you know if there was then you cant say there wasnt.

"ghost was wearing sneakers" im sure if a ghost was going to appear infront of you it wouldnt be naked. mayby he died with those shoes on. he might not even know he can walk/fly through walls. not everything has to walk through walls to be a ghost

the chances of seeing a ghost on the night they stay isnt lottery winning odds. because they obviously wouldnt choose a house where some guy said he once saw a ghost 3 years ago and he hears bumps in the night. they would go to a house where they claim to see ghosts on a regular basis. and anyway, you obviously only see episodes with ghosts in them because they arent stupid enought to air a show where they sit a room and capture nothing then they talk about how much footage and evp's that they didnt record.

they are more likely to show themselves or do something when they know that someone is watching.

i dont say all this in defence of ghost hunters saying they never fake anything because noone is stopping them from faking anything and they could do it at times when they dont have real evidence.
but there really isnt much evidence saying they fake stuff.

ghost hunters may very well be "a serious show on this suject" and that they dont fake anything but untill they confess then we wont know.

no i dont watch ghost hunters regularly because i dont have pay tv. but that doesnt change anything.


posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 02:15 AM
i feel like they are real. the evidence they find is very very little, if they were catching full body figures ever show it would be one thing, but one out of 50 shows, actually the show usually is quiet boaring because of the lack of evidence, if they wanted big audiences they could easily fake tons of stuff.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 03:50 AM
I believe the show to be real.
Before the show was aired, I generally disliked most "ghost hunting" shows. But, this is my exception. I'd love to do what they do, however, it's easy to tell that many times in their line of work, they come up with nothing.
And, as someone else has said, they debunk most of the evidence they get anyways.

Although, I must say, I hate the annoying sound effects used during the show.
I'm trying to pay attention to the actual audio, not "creepy" noises to try and give the show a "ghost hunter-ish" atmosphere.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 04:00 AM
Yes, I too doubt the honesty of this show. As the original post said they do seem to get some amazing video.

I've found that several (many!) "reality" shows are actually scripted and guided by the director and all that. After all, it is a show to MAKE MONEY. If the show doesn't get any amazing footage they don't get viewers. No viewers = no advertisers = no money. So basically... I think they invent material to keep the show alive.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 11:28 AM
Danredd, no reason to get snippy mate, we are all entitled our opinions.

Lighthouse episode: The movement could not have come from inside the room. It was supposedly an enclosed room with the lights off, with a camera facing the door and conveniently, a chair. It's also btw, ironic that nothing happens off screen. There is never a movement reported by someone who does NOT have a camera, and the camera always catches it. A tad too convenient.

The movement was clearly from outside. It wasn't a mirror, it was a window. And it occurred immediately prior to the chair moving. And when I say 1/8th of a second, I mean it happened precisely before the chaired moved. Movement -> chair moved. Nothing prior to that. Yes, I suppose it could have been a great cooincidence and someone did a sharp movement on the stairs at that exact second further down, but when using common sense, you have to think that the movement was responsible for the chair moving.

The prison ghost seemed terribly fake to me at least, I watched it (and redone versions of it) many, many times. It looks like a person underneath a blanket. It reacts in a physical manner (is constrained by the physical location). It screams hoax to me.

As far as them only showing the shows where they got extroidinary evidence, let me ask you this:

There are researchers that have done this a lot longer, and do it more often, than our plumbing ghost finders here. They have taken a ton of video, a ton of pictures. Now and again one MIGHT catch something amazing. ONCE. I have not heard of any serious ghost hunting team that has a plethora of amazing evidence. So these guys are extremely lucky, or it's fake.

Now, you need to consider also: Would it benefit them to hoax amazing stuff? Well, yes, yes it would. Continued shows, higher ratings, more money. So that is an issue. When you introduce media, money, and a need for something to happen, are you terribly surprised something does? I'm not. Yes, it is "lottery like odds."

But you can certainly believe them if you want. I was dissapointed in the show personally, but I am at least pleased the field garners some attention from stuff like this, that's better than nothing.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 11:50 AM
I agree with that the sound effects are annoying and detract from the show.

However, I think that some of it is real and some of it is definitely faked. I remember an episode where they did an EVP and twice they got a word from a femal voice but the tone, inflection and pattern was identical. That was clearly fake but they did not seem to pick up on that. However, they do have some amazing footage and unexplained things on it but they are few and far between.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 03:52 PM
As if my opinion like this would matter...
I've watched Paranormal State, Most Haunted, and a few other ghost catching shows, and Ghost Hunters is what I consider to be 'real' they do a lot more debunking than other shows, and they don't seem to lean on all of the info they get from mediums/psychics (when one is used) to explain what their equipment isn't catching.

--My spirit 'Guide' watches these shows with me and says that many of the others especially Most Haunted are faked to all completion. Especially parts where mediums/psychics/normal people are "possessed" by a spirit, which I see in a lot of shows. Paranormal State is the most real of the 'fake' shows, but certain things (like the ep. where they bleeped a demon's name-- "Belial") are faked to get more ratings. You can't summon a demon by continuously speaking its name.
And people are dumb for thinking it's a bad idea to say the name of a particular demon.

In short, Ghost Hunters=real, everything else=mostly fake

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 04:06 PM
I have seen all the episodes of Ghost Hunters and I think that they are real. Most Haunted is a comedy to me, I laugh and laugh, those British are fummy people (and I know, my mom is one!)

I have seen several episodes where they find nothing, and I mean nothing, that's not good for the ratings, but it adds to credibility.

I like them and I watch them and yes I guess I even trust them to a point.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 08:16 PM
Ive seen both Ghosthunters and Paranormal State. I find Ghosthunters to be way more credible than the other show. Paranormal State exagerates everything and the dude believes everything you tell him. I havent seen one where the place wasnt haunted or where they didnt believe the people. At least on ghosthunters they take a scientific approach. if you want to call what they do or the way they do it a science. Not really science used just logic.

I have seen ghost hunters call a couple people out for setting things up and trying to fool them. I hate when the episodes are boring and there is no evidence. Just a waste. You know its going to be a bad show if they do more than one place in an hour.

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