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Are there any contactees here?

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posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 01:00 AM
Has anyone here had contact? Abductee? Contactee? Invitee?

To me this is a serious question so I ask to have serious replies if all of you don't mind.

Do any of you need help? Can anyone offer help?

I came here to ATS to specifically seek out one man that comes here to ask for help. But unfortunately he is not feeling well and is not replying to anyone's posts for a little while and I have found no other way to get in toutch with him. So I decided to post this.

My area has had a huge surge in craft flying around since the dawning of this year. In February and March I would see a craft every 4-8 days. It was always the same craft too. It looked close to this:

But others have seen different craft. Even MUFON came to investigate.

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 01:14 AM
I have had experiences, that I don't wish to discuss in detail at this time, that involved UFO's... but no direct (physical) contact with other beings.... not sure if this makes me a contactee?

Where are you where all the sightings are occuring? I like researching current UFO flaps etc...

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 01:22 AM
Bucks County Pennsy and surrounding areas. Oxford Valley Mall, Rt 413 are some sightings. It's even been on TV News and front page news in the area as well.

It's ok, I'm not too high on saying things in the open at this point either.

[edit on 19-8-2008 by Valkyr8]

[edit on 19-8-2008 by Valkyr8]

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 01:29 AM
Hey im not sure if I have or not. let me explain.

When I was 7. I was in my backyard playing. I saw something moving in the sky out of the corner of my eye. I looked up and saw a craft flying over my house moving from north to south. It was a metalic grey color, and I didnt see any windows or lights. Here is a picture I drew with the basic shape. Yes its a crappy drawing but you get the general idea.

I climbed a ladder that was in the backyard to get a better view. The next thing I remember im running back into the house terrified. I see it moving now from south to north heading the direction it came from. I somehow knew I wasnt supposed to tell anyone about it. I didnt either for years.

I dont remember seeing any aliens or being inside the craft.

Ive seen ufos two other times both this year. Nothing too exciting though. Just lights in the sky.

Thats what happened to me. I dont know if I was abducted or not. All I know is thats about when my interest in the paranormal and the unknown started.

Make of it what you will. I dont know what to make of it personally.

I have had dreams of being abducted by beings in a craft shaped like an acorn with out the top. Ive had dreams of being chased by them too.

[edit on 19-8-2008 by gimme_some_truth]

[edit on 19-8-2008 by gimme_some_truth]

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 01:43 AM
I can't seem to get my crappy pic up here. I had a drawing of what I saw this past Thursday evening. The pic is in my email...... I made it at work then emailed it to myself.

So I'm not the only one who has had a close entounter or 2 huh.....

[edit on 19-8-2008 by Valkyr8]

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 01:48 AM
reply to post by Valkyr8

May I ask when this UFO was sighted and where? Please.

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 01:51 AM

Originally posted by Aislin
reply to post by Valkyr8

May I ask when this UFO was sighted and where? Please.

Thursday 14th 2008 8:55pm Burlington/Bristol Bridge. 12 feet long crusing over the water about 50-75ft off the surface at about 10mph heading towards PA. 150 feet from the bridge off to the right if your heading into Jersey.

It's the other 2 things that have happened this week that brought me to ATS and seek out someone specific. In February and March I had 2 very VIVID dreams that I don't think are dreams anymore. Not after the week I've had......

Oh! it was minutes before the bridge closes. This month it is haveing some construction done so it closes at 9pm and open again at 5am I think. Since it was just about to close I was one of only three cars on the bridge at that time.
[edit on 19-8-2008 by Valkyr8]

[edit on 19-8-2008 by Valkyr8]

[edit on 19-8-2008 by Valkyr8]

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 02:00 AM
reply to post by Valkyr8

12 feet long

The UFO in the pic appears to be a sphere, but you described it as 12 feet long. Was it a cylindrical object?

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 02:10 AM
The pic is what I saw over Feb-March. I can't get my pic up that I drew a Thursday night. It's in my email. The craft durring Feb-Mar was very large, it was eliptical. The one Thursday was very small and also eliptical.

The pic above I believe is a frontal veiw of the craft if it is anything like what I saw.

[edit on 19-8-2008 by Valkyr8]

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 02:21 AM
reply to post by gimme_some_truth

Can you remember what terrified you. Can you remember if you saw a person or EBE?

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 02:42 AM
Thanks for the info on the sightings i'll look into it.

Originally posted by Valkyr8

So I'm not the only one who has had a close entounter or 2 huh.....

Hahaha definitely not... if you go to the mufon website they have the last 20 filed sighting reports.. normally filed in the last 24 hours.

It's happening all over the world.. the big question is: what is it exactly that is happening?

If you want more info on UFO's (no offense intended if you already know this) I'd recommend this website has a good run down on basic info

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 03:05 AM
I've been studying these craft and races for about 15 years. But I didn't really think one would EVER be knocking on my door. Thats why I'm here. Studying is one thing. Contact and invitation is something of a TOTALLY different nature all together.

I've been feeling all of you guys out. Trying to decide if I'm gonna copy and paste my journal of the past week on the thread. It details what I've seen last week and the whole reason why I'm here to try and contact Sargeant Clifford Stone. One of you put you personal experience up here. And through talking to you people I'm starting to feel comfotable enough to do the same. So when I get home in the morning I'll copy my journal onto here.

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 03:42 AM

Originally posted by Valkyr8
reply to post by gimme_some_truth

Can you remember what terrified you. Can you remember if you saw a person or EBE?

I really dont remember seeing any type of EBE or person. It just seemed like timed jumped a little. One second the craft is flying slowly toward me. Then all of a sudden its backing up the way it came as im running into the house.

Im not sure exactly what frightened me. It wasnt the craft it self. I was actually curious about it. Thats why I climbed the ladder trying to get a better look.

I just dont know.

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 03:46 AM

Originally posted by Valkyr8
I've been studying these craft and races for about 15 years. But I didn't really think one would EVER be knocking on my door. Thats why I'm here. Studying is one thing. Contact and invitation is something of a TOTALLY different nature all together.

I've been feeling all of you guys out. Trying to decide if I'm gonna copy and paste my journal of the past week on the thread. It details what I've seen last week and the whole reason why I'm here to try and contact Sargeant Clifford Stone. One of you put you personal experience up here. And through talking to you people I'm starting to feel comfotable enough to do the same. So when I get home in the morning I'll copy my journal onto here.

I look forward to reading what you saw. Im glad you feel comfortable enough to share with us.

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 04:11 AM
Its actually you that really made me feel that way the most. I've been to another forum place and poeple will jump at you and attack ferociously if you even hint at something that destroys their sence of reality.

Thank you very much

It's not only what I saw but what happened. I'll have an entry from Feb and March as well.

[edit on 19-8-2008 by Valkyr8]

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 05:21 AM
In 1986 the same year Haley's Comet flew on by, I saw a UFO. It was like a giant fire ball in the sky, flying horizontal across the sky line then it did a sharp turn left and flew into the clouds. It was flying pretty low to see it from my bedroom window.

About 10 years ago I had an experience where I was half awake, half asleep and saw 2 short figures standing next to my bed, they were dressed in black with strange looking black hats. One stood near to my right arm and another at the foot of my bed. They were not friendly. On seeing them I felt the most amazing fear that I have ever felt in my life. I could not move or scream, it was like they had control of my body and mind.

I've never had great experiences with this kind of thing but I'd like to think you can have positive ones too. I guess it depends on the race, huh?

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 07:10 AM
As promised here is my journal. I have made only 1 edit on this the "f" word is taken out. Everything else is raw and unedited:


Been seeing the same craf (craft) every 4-8 days. I have had contact though! I had 8 visitors come. It may have one (only) been 4 different races but it also could have been 8 different races. I really can't remember.... I can't remember much at all. I know I was in their presence for a good bit of time. It was 8 individuals. 1 was a grey, this individual was to my left. In front of me was the kind that is in the Mexico footage of the guy haveing his arm grabbed. To his left (my right) was what seemed to be a grey human hybrid. It was very dark and I could only see slioets of them all. No detail at all. What I do remember is that we all spoke in a manner that was matter-of-fact, sorta like a business meeting almost. I remember something being said about the star system Pullox. Also, I remember being told that I will not remember the interaction with them. And I remember being told that they would return. Lastly, I remember being put down to my bed, and extending my left hand up to the individual that put me there. "Thank you for bringing me back home, good night my firend." I remember saying as I smiled to the individual. It wasn't a Grey but a close relation in specie. I don't know this kind of race....


They came back, but this time it was only 2 individuals. I don't remember much at all. Just that there were 2 of them. It was 2 of the same from February. The Grey and the other was....... I don't know. Still only silouets, very dark. But I think we were standing up and talking. This meeting was brief though. Thats all I can remember. I want to know the truth..... Were they dreams? Did it really happen? I want to undergo hypnosis to know the truth and to remember what was said. I wan brought home in the very same fasion and thanked the person as I did last month.

Saturday 9th August 2008

Watched Rober O. Dean on Project Camelot. WOW! Very impressive! Started to feel changes in spirituality and enlightenment. Not a difficult transition at all, just a tiny bit bumpy. First heard of the idea of humans being created by aliens 2 years ago. Didn't really buy it. From 2 years ago to present, have seen and read about it from different source that are unrelated. Robert saying it is a hard fact and backed it up solidified it within me.

Saturday night

Was visited, but still awake. Became very startled and a little scared. Heard a reptilian hiss, then with my eyes open heard it again. Was loud the second time. Hiss sounds like it came from about a foot and a half away from me. Was looking directly at that specific location but could see nothing at all. Could DEFINITLY feel the presence there, and I heard it breathing. Wanted to reach out my hand to see if I could feel something but was too affraid. Fell back asleep after about 30-45 min. Nothing else happened.

Sunday 10th August 2008

Thinking ALOT. Grappleing with my new sence of reality. Not difficult, not scarry, tiny bit bumpy though. Gave Allie the dragon pendant. She loves it!

Sunday night at work

While getting ready for work was proccessing hard on everything. Stuck by major revelation. Is everything connected? Paleontology? Geology? Archaeology? Anthropology? Ancient human cultures? Yes! There is a common thread of it all. There is physical proof that we have been visited not for hundreds of years, nor thousands, tens of thousands, not even 3 million years with the australiapithecus, but 2.8 billion to 3 billion years. Earth has been visited for the past 3 BILLION years and there is phisical proof of this! Everything I have studied through out my whole life has a common thread running through all of it like a spider web. EFING INCREDABLE!! I want to conduct my own official study on this and map out everything I can find!

[edit on 19-8-2008 by Valkyr8]

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 07:12 AM
Monday 11th August 2008

Monday night at work

Recieved a message from a contact on the net. First message in 3-4 days after have cooresponded multiple times a day. He told me after he spoke to me his computer has been broken into, emails gone through, and recieved odd phone calls. Warned me I was in way too deep. Told me I knew WAY more than he did and he didn't want to know what I knew, didn't want to study anymore EVER AGAIN! I got FREAKED AND PARANOID! I have been watched before here and there for years. Black helicoptor, FBI, followed by gov cars and SUV's.

Thursday 14th August 2008

Been PARANOID for the past few days. Made plans for disappearing off the face of the Earth and untrackable for the past few days. But I realized if I was wanted I would have been picked up by now. Pretty sure I'm safe. Just trying to scare me into stopping my research and studies. Not working!

Thursday night 8:55 pm

Was going over the Burlinton/Bristol Bridge and saw a MAGIFICENT craft going over the Delaware. Was about 150 feet away from my car. About 12 feet long going about 10mph at a 45* angle from the bridge heading towards PA. GLORIOUS! BEAUTIFUL! STUNNING! MAGNIFICENT! Very happy to see it! Not afraid at all!! Knew I was going to be visited again soon! Happy about that too! Unsettled a little but very happy!

Thursday night at work

Saw Allie, told her about the craft. She turns me into a kitten, purry and playful. Was told by some one who has spoken to Allie about me that she has feeling for me too but is weird about my age. I'm 10 years older..... :-( I felt the same hesitence for this same fact. She said she could get past it though. :-D. VERY SCARRED!!!!!! I know I'm falling in love with her...... SO TERRIFIED!!!!!!!

Friday night late 15th August 2008

Tried falling asleep. Heard a strange language in my head again like I have been for the past few weeks. Can't make out anything at all. NEVER heard anything like it EVER. Knew they may come tonight. Was thinging towards my visitors that may come by sometime. Asked to be paralized if they came. Said I might be afraid but wanted to be in their presence in what ever manner. Asked to be paralized because I didn't want to be a potential threat to them because of some fear I still have in me. Want to be peacefull, want contact, want to talk, want to be in their presence again like in February and March. No longer thinking of them as visitors or neighbors but now more as friends and very distant family. Feel at peace with them but still afraid a bit. Asked to have an implant put in me if need be, some where that would not cause pain or discomfort.

Was sorta close to falling asleep. Heard a buzzing chirpy twittering noise and felt something in my mouth and on my left rear molar. Knew I was being contacted again! Snapped out of my sorta asleep state very quickly! Startlled but not affraid. Snapped my eyes open! FULLY CONCIOUS!! Saw a spark floating about a foot above my face! Buzzing chirpy twittering noise again as it pulsated yellow, white, red, orange, and blue.... then it popped into a puff of smoke and disappeared. It had a scent..... I think it is burning magnesium, smelled like it anyway...... I started talking out loud! Felt a presence still there for at least 30-60 minutes the craft outside as well. Talked out loud to them asking to be paralised if I am to go somewhere with them. I don't want to be a danger to them at all. Heard breathing and saw a small shape for 10-20 minutes about 5 feet from the foot of my bed. The breathing sounded to be from a being smaller than myself. Was quicker and the lung capacity was not as large as mine. Spoke calmly out load as well as in my head. Was at peace, excited, but yes still sligthly afraid...... I don't want to be, trying not to be. I feel I'm doing better. During this time I thought I saw a face of a grey like being, but not a grey at the same time, in my mind. It was transparent though.... strange....

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 07:13 AM
was only silouet and outline of the transparent face. Was startled a bit but ok otherwise. Said I'll try and be asleep earlier tomorrow night. I'll try to be better and easier to deal with. Felt all over my body static electricity, for at least 20 minutes. Felt lighter weight wise. Was excited and my adrenalin was pumping a little! Was happy too! Heard talking in my head of the strange language tiny bits here and there. Tried to focus on listening but it didn't work too well.

Saturday 2:00pm afternoon

Woke up with starnge feeling in my mouth and molar still. Tasted metal in my mouth still. Looked in the mirror and saw nothing odd. But my mouth still has the smell of burning magnesium. Makes me think that maybe the spark came out of my mouth. I need help. I need someone to talk to about this. I have no one to turn to. I'm gonna try and write to Robert O. Dean, Clifford Stone, Marcia, and maybe even Charles James Hall. I hope someone can help me make sence of it all. I have an overwhelming feeling that I'm really onto something. Something great. I'm being contacted alot this week, and have had profound changes in sprituality, and have learned so so much. I think I'm drawing their attention now. I don't know this for certain, but this is what I feel. I need counsel, I need help from those who know more than I. I have studied this for about 15 years. My knowledge is vastly larger than most. But there are people who know more. I need their help. I want to understand. I'm looking forward to tonight. Maybe I'm being conditioned for..... something? Little by little being conditioned with baby step type exposure and contact... Is this what is happening?

Saturday night

Had to bring a friend to work. On the way home I started to feel funny. My head is fuzzy and my motor skills are off slightly. But, I feel like something is opening up in my head. Was fine one minute than felt wierd, almost like I've been drinking and I have a small buzz. Also I had my energy drained. So tired now. Going to sleep soon.... I've been thinking all day.... I think I remember seeing that spark thing before, a quite few times actually. Perhapse dateing back to my youth when I was but a lad. But, I really can't remember clearly. All I know is that the spark is familiar. Can't fall asleep 4:am now. I'm afraid again, but happy and excited at the same time. Odd mix........ I can hear the craft out side again, time to go to bed and try this again.........

K thats everything gang

Ok... I did have to edit 2 things. It is in parenthesis though. Those I did just now.

[edit on 19-8-2008 by Valkyr8]

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 12:37 PM
I've seen your craft! But I live in SE Lebanon County PA... I'm wondering if this craft is isolated to your area or if there's been other sightings out side of that zone... Your pic looks exactly like what I saw last August in a cornfield roughly 2 miles from the trailer park I call home.

If you have any other info on this spacecraft, I'd love to hear it, since what I saw looks very much the same as what you saw.

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