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Hitler, Ayrans, Summerians. How it all ties in.

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posted on Aug, 23 2008 @ 11:44 AM
ExoByte: By the end of this post, you will fall into one of the below categories. [snip] Mark my words, you will fall into one of the above categories or sub-categories, which are merely extensions of the above.

I fall into none of these categories because your post failed to tie all these loose ends together.

Many of the elements are well known enough but loosely related in the manner in which you present them.

After reading the other comments to your post and your replies it seems you admitted to loosing track of what direction / subject you were writing in / about. I have read your post three times so feel confident when I say that it lacks definitive direction.

Many eggs in a basket does not an Easter basket make.


posted on Aug, 23 2008 @ 01:55 PM
Well golly gee whiz, the author of this piece has re-discovered something that has been known since the early 1940's or before.

That the Aryans include very dark skinned people from India and its environs - known for at least 100 years.

That many different peoples used the same symbol as that called the "Swastika" by the Nazi's. Among those peoples were the Indians, the Chinese, and the Navajo peoples, among many others. Sadly, because of the Nazi's, the intellectually unlettered think the "Swastika" has something to do with all of those earlier uses.

That Hitler and his henchmen were deeply involved in the ioccult, and various mystical beliefs? Well, what do you expect from a buch of maniacs and total losers as human beings? People that look for some magical explanation of why they don't succeed, or that will make them superior to others.

Not one bit of this stuff is new. I learned some of it in grammar school in the 1940's, other parts in High Scholl in the 50's, and so on.

Big freaking deal!

posted on Aug, 23 2008 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by OldMedic

Not one bit of this stuff is new. I learned some of it in grammar school in the 1940's, other parts in High Scholl in the 50's, and so on.

Big freaking deal!

Does this fact make you superior or responsible for the mess the world is in?

posted on Aug, 23 2008 @ 03:53 PM
superb!!! man great job... pretty much all i have discovered but in much great detail!!! i love it... I hope to hear more from you

posted on Aug, 23 2008 @ 04:07 PM
No evidence to prove the "Hitler-Crowley" myth or the "Hitler/Nazis = Occulist(s) " link?

Not very surprising
My original post in this thread stands.

[edit on 23-8-2008 by Turiddu]

posted on Aug, 23 2008 @ 10:35 PM
heh perhaps the only good time to use Hitler to make a point is when you're really, really pissed... chuckle... or of course, referring to the current administration.

posted on Aug, 23 2008 @ 10:46 PM

Originally posted by Turiddu
No evidence to prove the "Hitler-Crowley" myth or the "Hitler/Nazis = Occulist(s) " link?

Not very surprising
My original post in this thread stands.

[edit on 23-8-2008 by Turiddu]

Are you going to make it a point to post this on each page of this thread?

That is immature and very annoying. Can you prove without a doubt that they never met each other like you keep saying? You can't can you? But you're more than willing to keep saying they didn't. Just because there's no official record they ever met, doesn't mean it never happened. You weren't there so stop acting as if you know for a fact they never met.

posted on Aug, 23 2008 @ 11:19 PM

Originally posted by Turiddu
No evidence to prove the "Hitler-Crowley" myth or the "Hitler/Nazis = Occulist(s) " link?

Not very surprising
My original post in this thread stands.

[edit on 23-8-2008 by Turiddu]

You'll only accept evidence from "acceptable" sources, so what's the use trying to convince you? But since you insist...

Crowley's student Dietrich Eckart would become an important mentor for Hitler during this time. Eckart was the wealthy publisher and editor-in-chief of the anti-Semitic journal Auf Gut Deutsch. He was also a committed occultist and a master of magic who belonged to the inner circle of the Thule Society as well as other esoteric orders. Eckart used his master's ritual magic to prepare Hitler for his occultic destiny of ruling the Aryan race and ultimately the world.

Having done his worst, Eckart died in 1923, but only after proudly advising those around him: "Follow Hitler! He will dance, but it is I who have called the tune! I have initiated him into the 'Secret Doctrine', opened his centers of vision and given him the means to communicate with the Powers. Do not mourn for me: I shall have influenced history more than any other German."

From then on Crowley himself influenced Hitler's thinking and beliefs directly. Hitler was already familiar with his writing and theories through the Thule Society, and The Book of the Law, oriented toward various fascist principles, became Hitler's guide. Very often he would paraphrase or express an idea from the book - often word for word.

Armed with new, secret psychological techniques Hitler was able to move the obscure National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP) from the clubs and beer halls to a mass movement, while in 1925 Crowley was elected World Head of the OTO.

Between 1936 and 1939 Crowley paid a number of visits to Nazi Germany while Heinrich Himmler's Occult Corps (Geheimnisvolle Korps) recruited or persecuted all practicing occultists in Germany and incorporated into one organization the Thule Society, the Vril Society and the German branch of the OTO. The SS Paranormal Division's subsequent vilification of Crowley during World War II was a simple cover; behind the political facades performed for the public the most powerful factions (occult and economic) of Germany and Britain were not enemies but allies, bound together in the one great war for the conquest of men’s souls and minds.

Himmler viewed the relationship between Crowley and Hitler like that once shared by Merlin and Arthur: the one magician, adviser and the architect of Camelot, the other true-born king, and each equally benefitting from the favors of the other. But Marianna Blavatsky, high priestess of the Occult Corps, claimed the relationship was more like that once shared by Rasputin and the Romanovs of Russia, and that it was Crowley who ruled the Third Reich

A quote without a source. Is that any better?

posted on Aug, 23 2008 @ 11:33 PM
one question that pops up in mind mind is why the deception ?

if aryans are indians and very far from germanic ancestory how come thouse two where used in propaganda as a driving force, it makes no sence in my mind

why put so much effort in the deception if it only was the search of mans origin in summerian texts ?

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 12:08 AM
reply to post by ExoByte

This is going to take me awhile to get through, but I wanted to thank the poster for his extensive work. It's just a great demonstration of connecting the dots of our history, today's events and an uncertain future for the Earth and mankind.
I have gotten snatches over the years regarding some of this and my quest continues. The Hitler piece is critical and all the more as information emerges about "Zionist Jews" and other confusing recent history accounts.
It is like Up is Down, Left is Right, White is Black. It is a matrix.
More and more, I am realizing that these times are critical in getting educated in preparation for really who knows. But it's going to be big and many will be ill-prepared and literally frightened to death.

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 12:41 AM
reply to post by isa75

I have read a lot of books on this. If Enlil and Enki say that they are gods, also his dad Anu. Then who made them. Why does none of the Sumerian tablets ever say who is above them. Why do they not ever tell the Sumerians who god really is. By Enlil, Enki, & Anu stating to us (after they made us??) that they are God, something had to have made them

You are exactly right to question this. The Sumerian gods were not the creators of all. They were the creators of our race possibly, but not the all powerful One, just entities that were more powerful/advanced than we are.

You may wish to read up on Hermeticism and the Free Zone. I think they most acurately describe where we all came from--That is we are all the same being, choosing not to know the different parts of ourselves, so we can play games and experience all the different facets of an infinite number of different lives.

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 09:38 AM
reply to post by nightmare_david

The burden of proof is on those making these claims, they must provide the evidence. I am sorry if you are "annoyed" because this ridiculous theory is turning out to be nothing more than fantasy with no legitimate evidence to back it up.

[edit on 24-8-2008 by Turiddu]

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 10:23 AM
great post by the op, some very interesting points.

personally, i think that most people on the planet must have this gean by now, but that it's a lot weaker in generations which have only had brown eyes, and much stronger in generations which have only had blue eyes for an example, meaning that blue or brown eyes are likely to return again for the next generation. apologies if i've got this wrong as i have never studied geneology.

does the fact that babies are born with blue eyes link in with it also?

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 01:11 PM
Star and Flag!!

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by Turiddu

Certainly, we'll see no video of the two together. More than likely, we'll find no correspondence between the two and I doubt there's any documentation that was passed from Crowley to Eckart to Hitler that can be referenced. So, there will never be enough proof to present beyond a reasonable doubt. But, Crowley's link to Dietrich Eckart, Hitler mentor, is enough circumstantial evidence for me to believe that there could have possibly been a distant, if not direct influence on Hitler.

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 01:46 AM

Originally posted by Turiddu
reply to post by nightmare_david

The burden of proof is on those making these claims, they must provide the evidence. I am sorry if you are "annoyed" because this ridiculous theory is turning out to be nothing more than fantasy with no legitimate evidence to back it up.

[edit on 24-8-2008 by Turiddu]

You did the same exact thing by making it a point to keep saying they never met with nothing to prove that at all, but kept implying it was a fact simply because it's what you believe.

I also like how you completely ignored Matrix1111's post above and decided to attack me instead. You had nothing to prove Matrix1111 wrong with so ignored it completely to attack me because I said what you were doing was annoying and it was. I'm waiting to see if this thread hits a page 10 to see if you come back to bring it up again.

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 10:17 AM
reply to post by nightmare_david

His evidence is proof of nothing, a "A quote without a source" in his own words. The fact of the matter is that even after 9+ pages, nobody supporting this theory has yet to offer any compelling evidence to back it up.

[edit on 27-8-2008 by Turiddu]

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 11:52 AM

Originally posted by Turiddu
reply to post by nightmare_david

His evidence is proof of nothing, a "A quote without a source" in his own words. The fact of the matter is that even after 9+ pages, nobody supporting this theory has yet to offer any compelling evidence to back it up.

[edit on 27-8-2008 by Turiddu]

I didn't bother giving you a source. What good would it be?

Is this about Hitler being influenced by occult secret societies or has it just been diverted to the "did Crowley and Hitler ever meet" debate?

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 01:16 PM
Here is part of my initial concerns with this topic:

-What evidence do you have to suggest a link between Hitler and Crowley? -And what criticisms do you have regarding the "offical" story of Hitler?

Almost every legitimate biography of Hitler suggests his interest in more "metaphysical" occult forms was very limited and he did not trust astrological charts. Hitler believed in "destiny" and the supposed supremacy of certain races and cultures over others but he did not believe in all the outrageous Occult and Mystical things people have attributed to him.

[edit on 27-8-2008 by Turiddu]

posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 09:13 AM
I know too little about either the Sumerians or Hitler/Nazis to have an informed opinion, but I did find the postings very interesting and earnest in the telling. I'd say I fell somewhere between the categories of one who finds the story exciting and a somewhat epiphanal, and the reader who remains curious to know more beyond the conclusion of the post.

I had a thought about "The Watchers". I just read The Threat, by Dr. David Jacobs, in which he presents his findings on years worth of study of evidence obtained from carefully conducted hypnotism on alleged UFO abductees. His writing depicts abductions are usually carried out by Grays, who are observed--through retrieved suppressed memories--staring into the eyes of the abductee at close range, effecting the abductee with paralysis or loss of autonomy over their physiological/psychological functions. I wonder if this often reported aspect of modern-day UFO abduction impacts the context in which Grays were called Watchers.

I imagine Grays in the time of the Sumerians would be noted as observers of human civilization, making the term Watchers an accurate description of them; however, I wonder if there was an additional meaning to this term--maybe lost in translation from an ancient language--a layer of definition that included the more tangible, literal behavior of grays possibly performing staring procedures to exert control on abducted humans back in ancient times. What the author of the posting described of the Sumerian account of (I'm paraphrasing here
the sons of gods intermingling with the daughter of men, and the children of Annunaki creating a man modified with their spittle and clay, and placing this being in a female (human), seem to me strikingly similar to Dr. Jacob’s description of the prevalent breeding and hybridization aspect--and core mission behind--the contemporary UFO abduction phenomenon.

Thanks to ExoByte for taking the time to share this very interesting and compelling account. I am persuaded that it is a topic worth much more study.

- Rionifics

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