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Hitler, Ayrans, Summerians. How it all ties in.

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posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 07:58 AM

Originally posted by anti72

and this one is debunked long ago. it is NOT a technical image, its just writing.
dont use this as disinfo.


they must have been writing prophecy


posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 08:01 AM

Originally posted by ExoByte

The Sumerians credited all of their highly advanced knowledge and wisdom to the Annunaki. Translation: "Those who from heaven to earth came." They depicted the Annunaki as looking quite similar to us, except they glowed. Hence why they were also nicknamed "The Shining Ones". They depicted what these "Annunaki" liked to cruise around in below.

I'll let you draw your own conclusions as to what the above crafts resemble.

I know you have done your little bit of gathering on the internet and you feel what you have come up with is new and original knowledge but just so you know.. most people that study this field are already aware of much of this.

MOST importantly... you are MIS INFORMED.

anyone who goes to that link will know almost immediately that your story is inaccurate as that image is from heiroglyphics at the temple of abydos it is not ancient sumerian.

You lost alot of people by posting fake facts.

Keep searching you do not have the correct story yet.. and please in the future do not approach a room full of researchers as though you are a wise sage bringing them knowledge based on some book or website you read.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 08:38 AM

Originally posted by NephraTari

I know you have done your little bit of gathering on the internet and you feel what you have come up with is new and original knowledge but just so you know.. most people that study this field are already aware of much of this.

MOST importantly... you are MIS INFORMED.

anyone who goes to that link will know almost immediately that your story is inaccurate as that image is from heiroglyphics at the temple of abydos it is not ancient sumerian.

You lost alot of people by posting fake facts.

Keep searching you do not have the correct story yet.. and please in the future do not approach a room full of researchers as though you are a wise sage bringing them knowledge based on some book or website you read.

If you are indeed an expert in these matters I am curious to know your thoughts concerning the relationship between Hitler, Aryans, and Sumerian text if there is one.

looking forward to you reply

Edit: I messed the "quote" tool up, fixed now


[edit on 20/8/2008 by _Heretic]

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 08:39 AM
reply to post by Cythraul

Very interesting Cythraul.

I view Poland as having mostly white, blond and blue eyed ( not true surely)
people yet Hitler put them under his sub human list.

Another big lie from some story teller.

Any idea on the source and the provenance of who continues the mass
media, or media to the masses, lies.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 08:44 AM
Did any one have any thought about Hitler Jewish blood.
When I see Hitler face and the faces of all others friends of him, I don’t see any bleu eyes blond people there…
Hitler was so worried one day back in 1933 because of the London Daily Mail published photo of a grave in a Jewish cemetery in Bucharest, where by you could read the name of Adolf Hitler(supposed to be the grand father).
He was so upset that he had change the Nazi law about definition of been Jewish to keep out Jesus and himself.

Funny no?


posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 08:46 AM
reply to post by NephraTari

I see helicopters and submarines and airplanes along with bugs.

Not knowing what happened in the recent past, say even 911 7 years ago
and forget free energy, Tesla and the UFO, has meant the lies
must go further back.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 08:54 AM
An excellent, thought provoking, and well presented post.

Thanks for your hard work ExoByte

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 09:29 AM
reply to post by TeslaandLyne

no helicopters, no planes, no submarines.just scripting.


[edit on 20-8-2008 by anti72]

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 09:54 AM
I suggest the OP reads "Mein Kampf" to better understand what Hitler meant with "Aryans".

It had absolutely nothing to do with skin color or eye color.

Every manifestation of human culture, every product of art, science and technical skill, which we see before our eyes to-day, is almost exclusively the product of the Aryan creative power. - Adolf Hitler

For Hitler to claim that blue eyed, white skinned people, were the founders of the Egyptian culture for example, would be extremely ignorant. But that's what propaganda and lies thrive on. Ignorance.

Good post none the less. Keep diggin

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 09:56 AM
I am reading through it post by post now, and came upon the post that Hitler could havegained from it. I remembered that from the very first post that the flood was generated by a lie, going against his father. So could Hitler have had been on a promise if he managed to once again limit the uman race to one species, as the father wanted it when he left the earth.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 10:24 AM

Originally posted by harvib
A couple of comments. First I would like to say that this is a great post. Obviously a lot of effort was put into it. I would like to know how you came up with this theory. It sounds identical to the terra papers. Was this your inspiration?

Second I am surprised at the number of individuals that have posted that are so clearly closed minded that it makes one wonder what they are doing on such a site anyway. It seems these individuals are looking for conventional history. I think you are going to be disappointed by this site and there are far better sites to fill that purpose.

I've just skimmed the whole thread and came away with the same feeling. Why so many closed minded responses in such a short time? I'm suspecting ATS is overrun with people counter-productive to the true aims of ATS. Too many people protests too much.

What other sites do you recommend? How do they keep the closed minded away? Please U2U me the answer. Don't post here.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 10:30 AM

Originally posted by anti72
reply to post by TeslaandLyne

no helicopters, no planes, no submarines.just scripting.


interesting read

and although I am not trying to say you or your source are wrong, I would like a more academic source if you have one as the interpretation they offer is rather based on the assumptions.

If the ancient Egyptians had vehicles such as helicopters, submarines, and jet airplanes, one would expect to find some evidence of this other than in a single inscription on the lintel of a single temple. This type of large machinery requires a vast amount of support (including fuel, parts, factories, etc.) but there is no trace of any such support in all of Egypt.

this assumes that because they would inscribe something on a wall, then they would have to have built it and used them as we would in our modern world does it not? I find it lacking that this counterpoint is based on what they have NOT found.

yet there are many petroglyph and paintings the world over with pictographs depicting images that have been witnessed and not necessarily employed. Could this not also be the case here.

And if such an erosion were to occur then would we not see it replicated "somewhere" throughout the vast collections of Egyptian writings. Why is this the only case, when the odds are against it?

The Egyptian literature is also bereft of any boast, much less passing mention, of advanced aircraft. Obviously this situation doesn't seem peculiar to those who really want to believe that the ancient Egyptians flew around in airplanes.

I accept that there is no mention of modern day equipment in the literature of the Egyptians just for arguments sake because I dont know. But were not the gods imbued with flight? I see many depictions of gods with wings. Are we to believe that they flew? If not then why the wings?

I am sorry but I find this source to be inadequate on its own as proof that these are not pictographs of something enigmatic and not just aged stone.

I would need more to agree with you. And again please understand that I am not supportive that these are planes and helicopters, but I am intrigued.


posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 10:40 AM
Standard Egyptian symbols.

The boat did have a tail, most likely a pilots platform.

Lines go around figures so that the copter blade.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 10:57 AM
You seem to have struck a chord with some people about Hitler and his link to the occult.

I completely understand the reference. We see the interaction between the two ALL THE TIME in movies. Whether it's a factual link, or whether romanticized by Hollywood, I think your finding might be closer to the truth than most other explanations.

Disregarding Hitler all together, your post still stands to make it's point.

You certainly offer more physical evidence than say, Christianity. I've often though about the "seeding" of our planet and altering of genes to explain the "gap" we have in our evolutionary trail ... not to mention our understanding of civilization's sudden and abrupt "boom" 10,000 years ago.

No matter what you believe, I think this theory is just as justified as any regarding Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism or any other or today's widely accepted religions.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 11:50 AM

yet there are many petroglyph and paintings the world over with pictographs depicting images that have been witnessed and not necessarily employed. Could this not also be the case her

Heretic, I see your point. I'm not an expert in ancient writings, but I am a linguistics expert so I know a thing or two, and actually the "palimpsest" effect in ancient carvings is quite widespread from what I gather. Names of the deposed were rubbed out and redone to other names quite often. I know those look like pictures of strange planes, but to me they do look like chopped up bits of writing. If you look closely you can see the places where the superimposed glyphs got chipped off.

Another thing to note about ancient middle eastern writing is that they usually used writing as an aesthetic, not just a communication, so the order of the words, and the size of different pieces could be jumbled to create a more interesting shape overall. (Kind of like we have integrated letter designs on signs and things in the modern world)

I can't say much for the rest of the evidence, but I think in this case, the ancient carvings are examples of writing and not carvings of actual phenomena.

HOWEVER! I can't actually find a source for the sign numbers referenced on the catchpenny site, but that may be due to my lack of knowledge of the writing system, or simply that no one has bothered to put a dictionary on the internet. If I ever get around to a careful study of ancient writing, I will get back to you with my conclusions. For now, I guess it's your own judgment call.

I did have one idea though; even if the Sumerian legends were completely untrue in every way, if Hitler discovered them and came to the same conclusions or similar that the OP did, could that not have been a motivation for him?

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 11:55 AM
I have heard of stories and theories similar to this before. I think it is fascinating and quite possible. Where do the non-white humans come from though. I didn't catch that part. Forgive me if you mentioned it and I did not see it. Also, could this explain man's fascination with Gold?

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 12:19 PM
wow the disinfo agents are on this one, like pigs on poo - that always tells me that there may be a bit of truth a post... thanks disinfo agents

oks, this is definitely interesting, and ties in with some of the stuff in two of my favourite movies:

Empire of the cities:

and Zeitgeist

Two movies that our overlord scum must really hate...

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 12:21 PM
I am not a sceptic or a believer in anything. I only use my intelligence to deal with facts and fiction. I can say the Sumerian can't be right.
All that story is based on people from planet Nibiru. Sumerians say Nibiru was rotating around a pulsar but the pulsar exploded and sent Nibiru to our solar system. Then, in our solar system it crashed with planets, sending their moons to other planets, it also exchanged moons with Neptune several times, crashed into Earth creating the Pacific Ocean,etc,etc, right?
So tell me, what intelligent species with the power to travel to other worlds would sit around while a pulsar blew the hell out of them, sent them halfway across the galaxy living in temperatures of around -300ºF, without any light for thousands of years. Then they sit around while their planet crashes into everything in our Solar system several times along their history. But wait, they have the brilliant idea of mining gold from our beautiful planet because it can be used to protect their atmosphere!! Somehow I think the atmosphere would be the least of their problems.

I won't even go to the rest of this story. It has so much holes in it that it makes a bad sci-fi movie look incredible.

Conclusion: either the Sumerians were tripping out of their minds or the guy who interpreted their texts was!
That would explain why so much people see Greys when tripping.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 12:29 PM
reply to post by TeslaandLyne

The Germans planned to completely destroy the Polish state and repopulate the region with Germanic settlers. That being said there were a significant part of the Polish population who fit the "Germanic Aryan" phenotype, these people were going to be slowly assimilated into a more Germanic culture. The Germans even forcibly removed Polish children from their parents if they fit the "Germanic" phenotype. The children were then sent to be raised by proper German families. The rest of the Polish population of the Slavic type (and the Jews) were going to be enslaved, exterminated or forced into exile outside the Reich.

reply to post by kacou

This issue has been covered earlier, the term "Aryan" does NOT mean only blond hair and blue eyes. "Aryans" could be brown haired Frenchmen, black haired Italians and Iranians and even brown skinned Indians. Here is a quote from his Political Testament regarding the Asian races:

"I have never regarded the Chinese or the Japanese as being inferior to ourselves. They belong to ancient civilisations, and I admit freely that their past history is superior to our own. They have the right to be proud of their past, just as we have the right to be proud of the civilisation to which we belong. Indeed, I believe the more steadfast the Chinese and the Japanese remain in their pride of race, the easier I shall find it to get on with them." (13th February 1945)

As for the myth of Hitler having Jewish blood, this has been discredited in all of his major biographies.

[edit on 20-8-2008 by Turiddu]

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 12:39 PM
reply to post by Vehemens

How are there more planet explanations that haven't already been
explained by Velakovsky.

As I said I am not that familiar with the topic but going into
ancient stories was his bailiwick and apparently the endevor
has spread to many more authors.

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