Martin and
Justin talk about the conflict between Russian and Georgia. ATS member TkainZero shares his thoughts on the U.S. Presidential race, and the
possibility of war in the Caucasus. ATS Moderators GAOTU789 and Neformore talk about their real-world lives, and what brought them to Above top Secret
dot-com. “The View from Canada” and “The UK Roundup” are featured segments, from these talented speakers. As an AP Show exclusive, Justin
talks with Johana De La Torre, who is the Republican party’s Deputy Press Secretary for Specialty Media. She talks about plans for the 2008 GOP
nominating convention, and the options available to bloggers and podcasters for this high-profile event. ATS member Tuning Spork wins this week’s
trivia challenge. Should TkainZero be a Science correspondent for The AP Show? What are the Russians and the Georgians really up to? Is GAOTU789
keeping Masonic secrets? Listen and learn, if you dare!
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We're going to begin our coverage of the Democratic party's nominating convention this week, so the trivia challenge for AP Show #28 will be closed
on Monday at 12 Noon, Eastern Standard Time, so that we can safely record AP Show 29 without hipping any winners.