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Mass Hunger Strike to Restore Constitutional Order Commences in U.S. Capital

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posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 01:04 PM
I'm not sure if a hunger strike would work but anything is worth a try in Fascist America, there are many other acts of peaceful civil disobediance that could be employed that might have a greater impact than a hunger strike.

But something has to be done for the true American patriots to get there country back. I just hope they have enough time to achieve that end.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 01:11 PM
I've flagged this thread, and I've starred it. I only wish I could Digg it.

Awareness needs to be made about this whole thing. If the organizers were smart, they would be holding this hunger strike everywhere. Somebody else said they would be glad to go, if they were near Washington DC. There are likely thousands of people who would be willing to participate if it weren't for the same problem.

Not everyone can afford to make the trip, sadly.

Imagine the effect this would have if, in addition to a few thousand people in Washington, there were a hundred or so people in each State Capitol and major city. It would be impossible for the media to be hush-hush on it, because it would get attention from local media outlets that are more difficult to keep under the umbrella.

Local reporters doing stories on the hunger strikes in their town would discover the larger hunger strikes going on in Washington and in other cities, and the information would be brought to the masses.

And to people calling a hunger strike worthless: Please, play me a game of chess sometime. We can make bets on it. I'll make a fortune because clearly you do not think ahead, at all. A hunger strike does nothing directly to the people you are protesting against. What it does, is create attention for your cause that cannot be ignored by the clueless sheeple who normally just go about their lives. It awakens others to the plight they are so blindly trapped in.

And that's what's needed: People who are aware. A majority who are aware.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 01:29 PM
reply to post by justamomma

You are still missing the point. Its not about whining until the government fixes it. This would be done because America has an image to uphold, what would the world think about the U.S. if they saw people starving themselves voluntarily because they felt so strongly the govt' was infringing on our rights? America does not want to come across like that, America wants to look good to the other nations so they can justify wars and whatever ever else needs justification by doing it in the name of Democracy.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 01:38 PM

Originally posted by Trustnoone1987You are still missing the point.

I am not missing the point. The point, from what has been stated, is to draw attention from the world through guilt of self inflicted starvation the fact that we are losing our constitutional rights and we don't like it.


I am sure these children would be happy to trade places and be grateful.

I am not saying nothing should be done, but this is the most insulting and ungrateful way of doing things and I highly doubt the rest of the world will feel sorry for us comparitively speaking.

This is my opinion. Do whatever you are going to do.. I just find it pathetic, over dramatized, and spoiled. I also find it is not worth any more of my time trying to explain the obvious flaws and carelessness regarding this idea.

[edit on 20-8-2008 by justamomma]

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 01:49 PM
reply to post by justamomma

Its all about IMAGE. America does not want to be seen as a country that has such a corrupt and blatantly Facist government. The world can think what it wants of us as long as the ones participating in this hunger strike actually gets their attention. They are not asking for the Governments help or the Worlds help. America loses what little credibility they have left if things go unchanged and the whole world will be watching (assuming in a perfect world it would actually reach other countries). I understand the world is suffering, it breaks my heart to look at these pics, but the people participating in the strike are not doing it for the world to pity them only for a means of bringing attention to the issue.

I just read the part where you said do what you wanna do. I'm not participating in this because I agree with you that it is a waste of time and will not work. Only because there wont be a large enough turnout.

[edit on 20-8-2008 by Trustnoone1987]

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by Trustnoone1987America does not want to come across like that, America wants to look good to the other nations so they can justify wars and whatever ever else needs justification by doing it in the name of Democracy.

I know I said I wouldn't waste my time pointing out the OBVIOUS flaws in the ridiculous drama ppl want to carry out, but what I *will* do is point out other areas that could be more effective in the pursuit to restore our constitution.

EDUCATE yourself and others. Key word in the above quote is "democracy." We are meant to be a consititutional republic which is a FORM of democracy, yes.. but far from the intent of a pure democracy.

Well OVER half of the country isn't even aware of this. Ask them.. what is the system of government we are under here in this country and most (including many of those starving themselves in the self righteous cause) will answer "democracy."

Please tell me that those posting on this thread in favor OF this "starvation for constitution pity party" know this. Please tell me that you can explain to me the VERY important differences between a Consitutional Republic as opposed to a pure democracy.

Explain to me what war played a major key role in the losing of our foot hold over the government in order to make them comply with the constitution. It is a war that more often than not is misperceived to have been about something else that certain Americans whine over loudly and ridiculously these days.

Is minimum wage constitutional? If you say yes, quit starving yourself.

Is welfare constitutional? if you say yes, quit starving yourself.

Do teachers have the right to arm themselves? if you say no, quit starving yourself.

Can I smoke some dope and snort some coke in my home should I so desire? If you say no, quit starving yourself.

Can I burn the flag and drag it around in the mud if I want? If you say no, quit starving yourself

If you have answered any of these questions in the manner that lines up with me saying "quit starving yourself".. you have no right imposing guilt on anyone in favor of the constitution. Go home and educate yourself on the document that you are claiming to be starving yourself for.

ONe more thing for those who want this country back to its original intent. The constitution only wrote out what you already have the right to do. No one can give it to you bc it is already in your possession at all times.

The right to choose what is right for *your* life is, has been, and always WILL be in your possession already.

If you have to go protest for it, then *you* have already given it away.

It wasn't stolen from you and me and everyone else in America. You are placing your rights into their hands by assuming you can't do anything but appeal to them through guilt and/or protests.

Essentially this starvation protest shows that there is a major lack of understanding in what the constitution really stood for and meant to the founding fathers and what exactly we were given by them. Not rights for our lives but the protection for those rights. *sighs*

[edit on 20-8-2008 by justamomma]

[edit on 20-8-2008 by justamomma]

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by justamomma

I am not being sarcastic at all. That was a great post and I am glad you decided to post again. I would like to know and I believe someone else asked you earlier what your more "mature" ways of restoring the constitution would be? And to be clear I have said in multiple posts now I don't think a hunger strike is the best way to fix the problem, but it is a step in the right direction.

[edit on 20-8-2008 by Trustnoone1987]

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by Trustnoone1987I am not being sarcastic at all. That was a great post and I am glad you decided to post again even though you said you were done. I would like to know and I believe someone else asked you earlier what your more "mature" ways of restoring the constitution would be? And to be clear I have said in multiple posts now I don't think a hunger strike is the best way to fix the problem, but it is a step in the right direction.

I have not taken anything you said as sarcastic. I can't tell you what to do other than educate yourself first. That is the point. We have been given everything we need by our founding fathers to not put up with what we have been putting up. The problem is though that most are so uneducated about what we were given.

Stated clearly... WE WERE NOT GIVEN THE RIGHTS. That we were born with as is everyone no matter where they are at any given time. The writing it out in the constitution was done bc ppl feel they need those rights given to them. So, they wrote it and gave it to us.

They did not put stipulations on the 2nd ammendment so that we wouldn't HAVE to appeal to "them." To appeal to them says we agree they hold our right to pursue happiness in their hands. They don't unless you put it there.

I would rather die personally then beg our government to uphold something that I already have... the right to do with my life what I will.

Not enough ppl know this and what should and can be done, won't be done. Protests will continue and ppl will still continue to believe that the gov't holds all the cards in their hands for their life and blah blah blah.

I accept for the time being that ppl are going to have realize first that what they are doing is effectively ineffective... effective for the gov't and ineffective for us because ppl will give up and feel they have no choice but to hand over more of their rights.

In the meanwhile, I try to educate and encourage ppl to educate themselves. It has to be understood that:

#1. The government only owns us as long as we believe they own us.

#2. We are not protecting a piece of paper.. that piece of paper was onlyl representative of what your rights should have already been when you were born and to appeal to anyone else for that is pointless.

#3. The 1st and 2nd ammendment were placed as 1st and 2nd for a reason. To use one without the other will be ineffective for maintaining freedom. Educate and understand... that, above all right now will be the most effective thing a person can do. Next is covered in the 2nd ammendment.

Unfortunately we have along way to go in the way of the 1st ammendment. Starving yourself is not educating or understanding. It is appealing. That wasn't covered in the original constitution.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 04:12 PM
Couple of points:

The "whining" of Ghandi and his compatriots lead to independence for India and Pakistan.

Can the Boston Tea Party be considered as "bratty" behaviour? After all, it was just a bunch of guys dressed in costumes, destroying and vandalizing property because they didn't get their way.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 04:31 PM
Invite some anarchists to your party and get rowdy. Then when they shoot you you'll make good martyrs for the cause. I doubt a hunger strike will get you anywhere but a crowd of dead civilians gets headlines.

People want tyranny. people love to be brainwashed and dominated and extorted for all that they have. They like the chains of slavery. People are sheep. I stopped giving a crap about them a long time ago. The only people you can affect are individuals. With speech. So whats the point. If you lack the ability to directly confront your dominator and reverse the roles then you better get bloody happy with bending over and recieving what the government wants.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 05:36 PM

Originally posted by CAP811
Couple of points:

The "whining" of Ghandi and his compatriots lead to independence for India and Pakistan.

Can the Boston Tea Party be considered as "bratty" behaviour? After all, it was just a bunch of guys dressed in costumes, destroying and vandalizing property because they didn't get their way.

Well lets be real here shall we? Here are the facts of what ghandi did to help change India:

1. He encouraged Indians to buy Indian goods and boycott British goods.

2. He organized strikes.

3. Encouraged the Indians and participated in refusal to pay taxes.

4. Another method was participation and encouraging others in refusal to respect colonial law.

5. He taught the Indians to be self sufficient.

See, his movement was not one of sitting around starving himself to guilt the world into looking at his and the Indians cause. Not in the LEAST. He taught them to rely on themselves. He taught them to NOT let the terms of their lives be dictated to them. His way did not come without consequences or uprisings against the cause. He was imprisoned and communal riots ensued.

People have a distorted view of ghandi and what he did to help lead India to independence from britain. It wasn't a passive movement... it was a non-violent non-cooperative movement.

THe hunger strikes were never showy and were mostly for refocusing his attention on the cause. He DID go on a hunger strike for the purpose of TEACHING and persuading the villagers to become self sufficient... but NEVER to gain support from the world or from a government through guilt.

This "liquid diet" by americans to gain the attention through guilt of the world would have ghandi rolling over in his grave considering what he REALLY did to lead the Indians to independence from Britain.

The Boston Tea Party would have been more in line with what Ghandi was encouraging to gain Independence.

Bunch of dependent little babies.... "look at us! look at us! we are starving on our liquid diets so we can get our independence back"

[edit on 20-8-2008 by justamomma]

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 05:51 PM
I thought it was just the people in the UK who were getting the finger from their Government. Nice to know we have company

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by MidnightDStroyer

Thanks for posting this !!!
I haven't heard a thing about it.
Now lets take this a step further and start contacting our local media and telling them we want coverage of this.

It's great to sit here and talk about this stuff but lets actually start doing something about it by getting the word out that this is happening.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 06:13 PM

Originally posted by justamomma
THe hunger strikes were never showy and were mostly for refocusing his attention on the cause. He DID go on a hunger strike for the purpose of TEACHING and persuading the villagers to become self sufficient... but NEVER to gain support from the world or from a government through guilt.

Ghandi did say that his intent was to embarrass the English empire in the eyes of the world. IMO he was a master of public relations and made strong use of the press to get his point across.

So, maybe this will draw the attention of others who will join in the cause and start the other activities.

Also, they did try the "big boy" thing first by filing the People's Petitions for Redress of these Grievances. This is the next step and may garner new recruits.

[edit on 20-8-2008 by CAP811]

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 06:17 PM
reply to post by jfj123

Please.. dear god.. do NOT call the media to witness such a pathetic spectacle and make us even worse than we already do in the eyes of the world.

I will shell out big bucks just to keep from having this disgraceful showy display of idiocy not publicized. Whoever is organizing this.. PLEASE get in touch with me and name your price.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 06:30 PM

Originally posted by CAP811

Originally posted by justamomma
THe hunger strikes were never showy and were mostly for refocusing his attention on the cause. He DID go on a hunger strike for the purpose of TEACHING and persuading the villagers to become self sufficient... but NEVER to gain support from the world or from a government through guilt.

Ghandi did say that his intent was to embarrass the English empire in the eyes of the world. IMO he was a master of public relations and made strong use of the press to get his point across.

So, maybe this will draw the attention of others who will join in the cause and start the other activities.

Also, they did try the "big boy" thing first by filing the People's Petitions for Redress of these Grievances. This is next step and may garner new recruits.

But when did he use the hunger strikes in the way that THIS hunger strike is being used?

You must be the change you wish to see in the world~ So we are asking the world to starve themselves? Brilliant plan!! dumb arses

Hunger strikes for the use that is being used here is not what ghandi had in mind. He never went on hunger strikes to get his way. The only time he EVER used hunger strikes to influence was when he was influencing THE INDIANS to be self sufficient..

Sitting around in Washington DC starving yourself in front of the world is doing what to teach ppl self sufficiency? Getting ppl to sign petitions to ask for your rights is doing what exactly?

YOu are trying to be dramatic and showy and missing the point that TRUE REVOLUTION only has a chance to succeed when the ppl quit expecting and waiting for the governments of THIS country AND the world to fix your problems.

Ghandi ABSOLUTELY was a master of public relations which is why you never found him with masses amount of ppl sitting around starving themselves (or pretending to via liquid diets) to gain independence from Britain.

He had far greater intelligence than that. Please, can't we, at the very least, *pretend* we do??

[edit on 20-8-2008 by justamomma]

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 06:41 PM

Originally posted by justamomma
reply to post by jfj123

Please.. dear god.. do NOT call the media to witness such a pathetic spectacle and make us even worse than we already do in the eyes of the world.

I will shell out big bucks just to keep from having this disgraceful showy display of idiocy not publicized. Whoever is organizing this.. PLEASE get in touch with me and name your price.

Yes heaven forbid anyone stand up for whats right and defend the CONSTITUTION that the current administration has attempted to dismantle

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 06:43 PM
One thing is for and Scorched Earth are not the only ones who will feel this way. I know my in-laws would agree with you wholeheartedly - although they would see no reason to protest the government. In their eyes, Bush is in charge and all is right with the world.

Chances are you are right...most people will be put off by this and will consider them a bunch of babies crying for their bottle.

I can't remember if you made any suggestions as to what people should do to fix the problem. Maybe its a course of action we can follow.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 06:55 PM

Originally posted by CAP811
One thing is for and Scorched Earth are not the only ones who will feel this way. I know my in-laws would agree with you wholeheartedly - although they would see no reason to protest the government. In their eyes, Bush is in charge and all is right with the world.

Chances are you are right...most people will be put off by this and will consider them a bunch of babies crying for their bottle.

I can't remember if you made any suggestions as to what people should do to fix the problem. Maybe its a course of action we can follow.

Attention needs to be brought to the HUGE problems created by the bush administration.
Illegal wire tapping
extraordinary rendition
illegal prisons
myriad of misc. Constitutional violations
illegal iraq war
no fly lists
executive orders
removing the windfall tax for oil companies
refusal to reign in oil companies

Whether this demonstration is the best idea or not is debatable HOWEVER, nobody has come up with a better idea and doing nothing and ignoring the destruction of our country will not make the problems go away. If any of you have a better idea, lets hear it.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 07:10 PM

Originally posted by CAP811
One thing is for and Scorched Earth are not the only ones who will feel this way. I know my in-laws would agree with you wholeheartedly - although they would see no reason to protest the government. In their eyes, Bush is in charge and all is right with the world.

Chances are you are right...most people will be put off by this and will consider them a bunch of babies crying for their bottle.

I can't remember if you made any suggestions as to what people should do to fix the problem. Maybe its a course of action we can follow.

Yes I did.. and you obviously have only read my replies to you. I am very clear how there is an obvious misconception of what ghandi ACTUALLY DID to help the Indians gain freedom from britain and it didn't involve hunger strikes in the way that is being implemented here.

And to the poster above you...

I feel that I understand SE's frustrations well enough to speak for him although as anytime, he can always correct me if need be.

Neither of us are against the constitution. I know he is understands it more than most on this board and the only reason why you don't understand his posts is bc you don't understand the constitution.

Going on a hunger strike (or as it really is.. a liquid diet) for the purpose that has been cited is not only counterproductive to what the constitution represents, but it shows that you don't understand its intent AT ALL!

So, to read the posts saying we are starving ourselves so that we can show the world that we want our government to give us back the rights stated in the constitution is silly to the point of being retarded.

Niether of the things you have listed.. the hunger strike (liquid diet) or petition does ANYTHING to help gain the independence you want.

You are trying to appeal to the governements or at best to the ppl of the world.

If it is the first option, the governments, you are wasting your time and your energy doing this. They don't give a *snip* if you starve yourself so long as you keep believing that you have to appeal to them in order to gain your rights as a human being.

If you are trying to reach the ppl under the govt's, how is starving yourself doing any good? The most productive thing we can do in america is lead BY EXAMPLE through learning self sufficiency and not relying on our government to dictate the terms of our lives anymore....


All you are doing by going on your liquid diet is making a joke out of this country and what it was intended to be.

My previous posts have already cited what we told to do via the constitution when the gov't tightens its grip. No doubt you will choose the more pathetic approach though rather than doing what it takes to make a REAL change.

People would rather APPEAR noble than actually BE noble.

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