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Weird Creatures...

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posted on Mar, 30 2004 @ 02:03 AM
the animal youre talking about is a motaro i believe. ive heard of people seeing those, and theyre sources i would never doubt. a such creature with half human half horse is said to be one of lucifers many forms.

posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 11:35 PM

Originally posted by topsecretombomb
the animal youre talking about is a motaro i believe. ive heard of people seeing those, and theyre sources i would never doubt. a such creature with half human half horse is said to be one of lucifers many forms.

Lol, yeah.
A Motaro? Hmn, that sounds vaugely familliar...

Theres also a story about a "Frogman."

My uncle Walter was telling me this one story on a car ride, about these two old couple who were taking a walk down by "Fullers lake," (next to a major highway, it had really clear yet dirty water with a weedy bottom, and apparently, the lakes bottomless), well anyways; He said this happened way back in the 1950's. They were standing their gazing out at the lake, (which theres a weedy island out in the middle, which over the years has become more and more soft and is no longer fit for walking on), when this creature emerged from the water. They said they thought it was some kid messing around, until they spotted the green skin and abnormally sized amphibian head, it stood there looking at them until they got scared and left in a hurry....

There were numerous reports of such a creature that havent been reported since the 70s...

posted on Apr, 3 2004 @ 06:51 AM

Not to be rude but didn't you post this exact same thing a couple of days ago? That or I'm having that hard-to-spell Deja Veu.

posted on Apr, 3 2004 @ 01:44 PM
I haven't posted the frog thing before, so nope that was the first time.

posted on Apr, 3 2004 @ 04:02 PM
Carry a gun, shoot one and bring it in, maybe you'll get some prize for it. Sounds like you got some really creepy stuff going around there.

Its a centaur not a mortaro, Mortaro is from Mortal Kombat.

posted on Apr, 4 2004 @ 03:46 PM

Originally posted by JediMaster
Carry a gun, shoot one and bring it in, maybe you'll get some prize for it. Sounds like you got some really creepy stuff going around there.

Its a centaur not a mortaro, Mortaro is from Mortal Kombat.

Centaur? I'll take your word for it, some times I'm way too lazy to do my own research.

Shoot it? Maybe, I'm a good shot... But what If I only piss it off with my "pussy-slug-thrower"? I don't feel like getting mauled or clawed to death just yet...

posted on Apr, 10 2004 @ 05:44 PM
get a crossbow? Relatively cheap and very effective, especially after some target practise. Or so I hear. Never really had cause to defend myself from mythical creatures.

posted on Apr, 10 2004 @ 09:39 PM

Originally posted by Amarillo_Brice
get a crossbow? Relatively cheap and very effective, especially after some target practise. Or so I hear. Never really had cause to defend myself from mythical creatures.

Erm... I'm not a good archer... And, I'd take a Mini 30 with a thirty round clip next to a crossbow with 30 arrows any day... Besides, I know a crossbow has a little stopping power and all, but its going to take at least 3 seconds to draw another arrow and prepare to use it, and in that short 3 seconds, a creature like bigfoot, or a centar (can't remember), would be able to charge you and kill you...

But on the other hand, it would take me a split second to fire the Mini 30, and I wouldn't have to stop for another 30 rounds...

But hunting Mythical creatures to kill them isn't what this topic is about, its about "hunting" them, but only for "discovery" or evidence to their existance.

posted on Apr, 10 2004 @ 09:46 PM

Originally posted by JediMaster
Its a centaur not a mortaro, Mortaro is from Mortal Kombat.

I was about to post the same thing... then I saw Jedi's post...



posted on Apr, 10 2004 @ 09:59 PM
yes JediMaster, hes a centaur but his name is motaro.

posted on Apr, 11 2004 @ 05:17 AM
Each year since i was 8 years old i have spent time in the summer at lake Okanagon In BC. Canada and belieive me there are such things as lake monsters or USO"S . They can range in size and shape some snake like long and thin. to the more "Nessie" style animal.Sightings go back hundreds of years,the lake itself is over 1000 feet deep in its deepest spot and is about 40 miles long. In 1992 my wife and i had a good sighting from above on a road about 200 ft overlooking the lake what we saw was big! and wide about 60 to 80 feet off shore . I wont go into complete details here but be careful ! after what i saw i will not swim in the lake again.

posted on Apr, 11 2004 @ 01:03 PM
There have been reports of a large "Tadpole" creature in this lake, at least a few times. I heard from a few people that saw it like 10 years ago, and a certain picture comes to mind.

Has anyone ever seen a picture that was supposedly taken in Australia or something, and under the water was a gigantic black mass that looked like a tadpole? Apparently it's a fake, but when I printed that one and showed it to the people they said it looked exactly like that...

So now I got a visual... UFO's are frequently spotted around here, having seen a few myself I don't doubt their existance or authenticity. I'm not familiar with a man-made aircraft that can do the things I saw that one do last year....

I have half a mind to blame the aliens for all this stuff, the constant bigfoot sightings, strange lake creatures (in the lake they're spotted over), and these little "shadow" people who inhabit the places by the lake... Even those sturgeons that seem to be as big as sharks, and they aren't native to the water... Someone or something brought them there.

I'm going to start researching animal types soon, so I'll be able to have a general mind frame to be able to dismiss false findings on my journey...

posted on Apr, 11 2004 @ 04:45 PM
Weise ive heard of alot of satanist inhabiting minnesotas caves that are open to the public. ive also heard that you can actually find large pentagrams that are in the ground that have been held for seances. my friend also once told me that the caves get wierder and wierder as you go deeper in. would you know anything about this? have you ever been in any of the caves? ive heard of walls being drenched in blood as if it were a scene of a murder, but turns out theyre just a bunch of satanist doing evil deeds.

posted on Apr, 11 2004 @ 04:55 PM

Originally posted by topsecretombomb
Weise ive heard of alot of satanist inhabiting minnesotas caves that are open to the public. ive also heard that you can actually find large pentagrams that are in the ground that have been held for seances. my friend also once told me that the caves get wierder and wierder as you go deeper in. would you know anything about this? have you ever been in any of the caves? ive heard of walls being drenched in blood as if it were a scene of a murder, but turns out theyre just a bunch of satanist doing evil deeds.

Doesn't surprise me at all about any of Satanic stuff... I don't believe in Satan, or God, so I tend not to take the people who do this stuff too seriously. This is the first time I've ever heard anything about any caves... Don't live anywhere near any, but because the fact that there ARE people like this in Minnesota is why I'm going to carry my .22 Pistol when I'm searching, I don't want to end up getting harassed by anyone or anything...

If I got a firearm, at least I got a chance if anything goes down...

posted on Apr, 12 2004 @ 08:53 AM
I wonder how much these beings are created as an experiment subjects...?

Also it might be the veil, that supposedly keeps the realities separated might be thinning....Sure would explain the influx of weird stuff into the world lately.


posted on Apr, 12 2004 @ 06:32 PM
hey weise i seriously suggest you carry that pistol with you. the things my friend reported to me when he first got back from minn is that theres # going on in those caves that its to a point where i wouldnt doubt therye doin sacrifices. i mean. the ones who went are some pretty crazy people themselves. and ive never seen them that psyched just about caves like that. we do alot of hiking. my friend highlander dresses like the same guy from the show and actually carries a katana with him through his days
so just be in the extra safe step!

posted on Apr, 12 2004 @ 08:17 PM

Originally posted by Bloodfang
I wonder how much these beings are created as an experiment subjects...?

Also it might be the veil, that supposedly keeps the realities separated might be thinning....Sure would explain the influx of weird stuff into the world lately.


Test subjects? Possibly...

I might have to look into that theory... It seems really plausible, and with all the stuff I've seen and heard I really think this could be true. Only "time" will tell.

[Edited on 12-4-2004 by Weise]

posted on Apr, 12 2004 @ 08:18 PM

Originally posted by topsecretombomb
hey weise i seriously suggest you carry that pistol with you. the things my friend reported to me when he first got back from minn is that theres # going on in those caves that its to a point where i wouldnt doubt therye doin sacrifices. i mean. the ones who went are some pretty crazy people themselves. and ive never seen them that psyched just about caves like that. we do alot of hiking. my friend highlander dresses like the same guy from the show and actually carries a katana with him through his days
so just be in the extra safe step!

Yeah, and I'm going to have to carry a few spare rounds as well... With the combined advice and pointers given from the board members here I should be able to get something out of this.

posted on Apr, 13 2004 @ 02:36 AM
Where are you in Minnesota? I'm asking, because I might be in St. Paul for a little while this Summer, and stay a short time in Brooklyn Park too, about 30 minutes away from Downtown Minneapolis. I want to know if there's a chance of me visiting this place.

posted on Apr, 13 2004 @ 06:21 PM

Originally posted by TheAgentNineteen
Where are you in Minnesota? I'm asking, because I might be in St. Paul for a little while this Summer, and stay a short time in Brooklyn Park too, about 30 minutes away from Downtown Minneapolis. I want to know if there's a chance of me visiting this place.

Red Lake, MN.
Though it would be about a 4 hour (8 hours I think,) trip back and forth from Minneapolis, and I don't even have the directions. Lol.

Chances are you wouldn't see anything unless you had more time, maybe going out to Ponemah bridge at Midnight. Some people claim to have seen "the Devil" out there.

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