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Anoybody else here angry about the Bigfoot Hoax?

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posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 04:33 PM
After hearing Loren Coleman and the designer of the Sasquatch Costume , Chuck Jarman, on C2C last night, I am convinced beyond a doubt this is a hoax. Rick Dyer has already made a youtube hoax on bigfoot before.
Tom Biscardi has already claimed he found a bigfoot before in 2005 only to scam people out of their cash. Don't be fooled!

I feel someone should sue these people for fraud.


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[edit on 19-8-2008 by Gemwolf]

posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 05:32 PM
I don't know anyone who truly believed that these clowns from Georgia really had a Bigfoot body in their possession. Their story hit about an 8.5 on my personal BS Meter from the start; the generally sketchy behavior of everyone involved, combined with the involvement of a known hoaxer in Biscardi, left no doubt in my mind that this was a hoax.

By all means, people should write and send angry emails and letters if they feel that strongly about this apparent hoax, but remember this: These people knowingly perpetrated a hoax, both on the internet and through the mainstream media. This speaks volumes about the quality of character of everyone involved, but I doubt any volume of mail (snail or electronic) will affect them in any way - except perhaps to show how much attention their hoax gained for them, and in so doing encourage them to hoax again.

In any case, I disagree with you, NightVision, when it comes to calling for a lawsuit. These individuals perpetrated a low-quality, poorly-executed hoax, certainly, but have they gained anything except attention from it? I am not aware that they have gained from it in any way except in the attention they received. The litmus test for convicting someone of fraud usually requires that they benefit in some tangible way - monetarily, in receiving gifts, in advancing their career, etc. None of that happened here, at least not as far as I am aware. These guys just got their 15 minutes of fame.

I believe it was P.T. Barnum who said "There's a sucker born every minute." He was right - and that fact made him a millionaire. This whole episode just goes to show that the public has gained at least a little common sense since Barnum's day.

posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 05:35 PM

Originally posted by PhloydPhan

I am not aware that they have gained from it in any way except in the attention they received. The litmus test for convicting someone of fraud usually requires that they benefit in some tangible way - monetarily, in receiving gifts, in advancing their career, etc. None of that happened here, at least not as far as I am aware. These guys just got their 15 minutes of fame.

They are charging money for more photos, and $5000 for expeditions out to the bigfoot site where they 'found the body'. This guy is also a police officer. You're okay with this, I assume?

[edit on 18-8-2008 by NightVision]

posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 05:41 PM
First of all, a question, has it been proved a hoax 100%? I dont beleive it has. Although I dont think its even remotley real, I still havent seen anything that proves those guys are hoaxers as of yet ( other than the obvious typical B.S.). The press conference they held on Friday was about as vague and misleading as could be, but these guys havent been completely debunked I dont think, have they? I havent seen anything else in the MSM that confirmes this.

posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 05:46 PM
Those Damn mother froodlenutzkies. Now that that's out of my system, It pisses me off that they pulled that hoax. Now if someone gets real proof no one will believe them.

posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 05:56 PM
reply to post by NightVision
Thanks for the info on Toms' e-mail address, this is what I sent him.

You have seriously damaged your reputation by associating with the Georgia boys,the perpetrators of an obvious hoax, a deliberate fraud, and a scandalous lie. The question I have for you is, why? You are surely aware that a number of lawsuits are waiting to be filed, as soon as your "proof" is thoroughly debunked. CNN is on the list,as are California and Georgia, what was the point of all of this?
You have wasted the time of thousands of people who are attemtping to do serious research in the cryptozoology field, as well as anyone who wasted their time watching CNN on Friday afternoon. You should be ashamed of yourself. You are attempting to cash in on an obviously fraudulent statement and completley fake evidence, and I hope you get what you deserve, fines and jail. Thanks for helping to make the rest of us look like fools and liars. Good Job.

posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 06:01 PM

Originally posted by spookjr
First of all, a question, has it been proved a hoax 100%? I dont beleive it has. Although I dont think its even remotley real, I still havent seen anything that proves those guys are hoaxers as of yet ( other than the obvious typical B.S.). The press conference they held on Friday was about as vague and misleading as could be, but these guys havent been completely debunked I dont think, have they? I havent seen anything else in the MSM that confirmes this.

1) Dyer/Whitton claim they previously had no interest in bigfoot, yet they registered their website in June, 2 months b4 the 'body' was found. Furthermore, Dyer has gone on record previously as saying he 'dreamed of finding bigfoot since he was a child.'

2) Dyer/Whitton admitted hoaxing a previous find in a youtube video which can easily be searched

3) Dyer/Whitton have aligned with Tom Biscardi, a Las Vegas promoter, who claimed he had a bigfoot body back in 2005. he delivered nothing.

4) The creator of the costume has already come forward claiming he made it.

Any other questions?

What will really be interesting will be to see what their excuse will be when the body never surfaces:

Possible excuses:

1) We lost it

2) It was stolen

3) Decayed beyond recognition/ability to be tested.

4) We sold it to a 'collector' for millions.

[edit on 18-8-2008 by NightVision]

posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 06:05 PM
so they interviewed a costume maker.
so what??

funny thing is..
if this is a hoax..

then anyone attacked or seeing those genetically engineered attack-baboon-men things that guy on that south carolina military base posted here about was talking about...
if those things are loose.. nobody's gonna believe anybody when they report about it.

everyone will just say oooo yaaa.. biiig foot.. riiiiight...

or wait.. what if the bigfoots came out and started protecting humans from the attack baboons.

Bigfoot vs. Manaboon


flawwwllesss veektoree..


posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 06:08 PM

Originally posted by prevenge

or wait.. what if the bigfoots came out and started protecting humans from the attack baboons.

Bigfoot vs. Manaboon


flawwwllesss veektoree..


A have a frozen manaboon in my fridge. you wanna see it? Only 5 grand.

Just as a side note, Dyer/Whitton originally claimed that someone else shot the creature from behind a duck blind, of course now their story is that they discovered the Sasquatch as they 'tripped over it."

[edit on 18-8-2008 by NightVision]

posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 06:18 PM
reply to post by NightVision

Originally Posted by NightVision

They are charging money for more photos, and $5000 for expeditions out to the bigfoot site where they 'found the body'. This guy is also a police officer. You're okay with this, I assume?

Yes, they want money in exchange for more photos, and money in exchange for an expedition to the site where they allegedly "found" the body. I don't believe that anyone has taken them up on either offer yet. If I am wrong about this, feel free to post the evidence. I've been wrong before.

If anyone was foolish enough to fork over the cash, then that individual/those individuals would have a case for a lawsuit against the Georgia Bigfoot boys. Assuming that this whole episode can be proven a hoax - and as far as I am concerned it has already been proven a hoax beyond any reasonable doubt - those involved in perpetrating it would be legally guilty of fraud.

I don't know if attempting to perpetrate a fraud is a crime; likewise, I don't know if a police officer can be somehow reprimanded for attempting to perpetrate a fraud, although I would suspect that this would vary from police department to police department. I am not "okay" (to use your word) with someone perpetrating a hoax; I just don't think that anyone here has legally committed a crime. Yet.

posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 06:21 PM

Originally posted by PhloydPhan

I don't know if attempting to perpetrate a fraud is a crime; likewise, I don't know if a police officer can be somehow reprimanded for attempting to perpetrate a fraud, although I would suspect that this would vary from police department to police department. I am not "okay" (to use your word) with someone perpetrating a hoax; I just don't think that anyone here has legally committed a crime. Yet.

Yes, this is true in the eyes of the law. Until they accept money, its not a crime. However, Whitton is already in trouble with his Commanding Officer at the Precinct for the inundation of calls the station has received. I believe the article in link in one of the threads on this forum. He can also be fired for "conduct unbecoming an officer", which would include lying to the American public.

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 02:28 AM
am i angry ?

no i am distressed though - not by the hoax itself

but by the ` i want to believe ` crowd who could not or would not engage in any critical thinking

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 06:17 AM
I'm not angry at the hoax, as I never believed it - although I found the story interesting.

I'm more concerned that if these 'bigfoot' creatures do actually exist, somewhere, if somebody steps forward with claims and pictures that apparently show 100% that they do exist, they will get mocked and ridiculed because of past hoaxes such as these.

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 06:21 AM
Oh, I totally expected it. When it comes to "disclosers" (especially ones that incredible) I am immediately sceptical. [BTW, is it sKeptical or sCeptical? No surprise I don't even know how to spell the word!

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 06:34 AM
I have to agree with most everyone that I talked to about this.

It was true good to be true.

Then these guys and their history come out. They own a Bigfoot mechendice outlet, which I'm sure you're aware of by now.

Then the stalling until Fri to let the press eat it up.

But, am I angry, no I'm not.

Suprised at the media pouncing on it the way they bet.

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 07:02 AM
It is fraud.Pure and simple FRAUD.
To ask for money for this stuff.
Knowing its a lie.
They need to be held accountable.
I can imagine already many people have been cheated out of there money.
And don't even know about this site to see what we are saying.
The costume maker didn't say its like the ones he makes,
Grow a brain people seriously.
These guys need to be investigated asap.

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 08:38 AM
nah I am not mad...I loved watching everyone jump on the bandwagon hoping this was going to be real and then seeing the big letdown when it was just another hoax.

people are so gullible ! It was like shooting fish in a barrel !!

I smelled a rat from day one !

all I can say now is...HAHAHAHA ! fools will believe anything !

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 01:49 PM
reply to post by Alpha Grey

Almost everyone thought this was a hoax from the start. I started wondering when they showed up to do the press conference if there was a possibility this was real. I mean, who would go up in front of a skeptical press and lie, knowing ones job (the cop's) is on the line if this is a hoax. After the press conference, I realized nothing was really said, and the DNA tests did not show any creature. It was a matter of time before these guys are found out.

The only way anyone can sue is if these guys took their money and did not return it. They could get assessed damages to them (in some states up to three times the amount) and have to pay everyone else legal fees.
On the legal front, someone who paid them would have to file a complaint, and the DA would look into it.

I am angry that Mr Biscardi possibly got these guys into this mess. It will be a real b!tch to pay the piper.

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 02:19 PM

Originally posted by NightVision
I feel someone should sue these people for fraud.

It would only be fraud if you really believed it and you somehow lost money because of it. Since I didn't do either of those things, my response is one of mild amusement, and I wouldn't have anything to take them to Court about.

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 03:11 PM
You know...As much as I wanted to believe the story was true, like most of you,
thought it to be most likely, a hoax.

I suppose these hoaxers (tools) can do what they want, but want a f'd up thing to do.

I know people that have been roughed-up for less. Anyone know where they live? They
need a little hoax played on them.


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