posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 11:00 AM
so no one is even skeptical of this wild bs? sorry but i can believe in this story unless im shown some kind of proof
#1 ) how the hell could someone accurately point a 1cm wide laser dot accurately at a Moving jet? and hit the cockpit? much less the pilot? WITH HIS
You would need a radar system to track it for you and line it up with the correct trajectory!
thats like throwing a needle 4 miles and hitting another needle, Impossible!
i am utterly amazed that not one of you even thought this out for even a second! cmon guys think about it for a few minutes!
if you could aim a laser pointer and not only paint a moving aircraft (prolly going more than 300mph / 450kmph --- then why would anyone need radar to
line up their AAA guns ???
why couldnt the iraqi's in the iraq invasion knock down all the US bombers????
i mean come on guys, seriously, this is impossible unless u use sophisticated radar tracking - coupled with a sophisticated device to move the laser
in coordination with the radar
and this was a kid no about magical! he must have prayed to God and God pointed that laser for him...
sheesh....the crap people believe without even thinking these days...
im ashamed with all of you lol