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Kerry knew about lax airport security prior to 9/11

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posted on Mar, 16 2004 @ 03:43 PM
Looks like there were a lot of important things Senator John Kerry knew about that he failed to take action on all the while calling for cuts in weapons systems, intelligence and security.

It turns out he could possibly have taken action on Logan airports lax security months before 9/11 and prevented the WTC attack and subsequent collapse.

The warning Kerry ignored

From the article
"He just did the Pontius Pilate thing and passed the buck" on back through the federal bureaucracy, said Brian Sullivan, a retired FAA special agent from the Boston area who in May 2001 personally warned Kerry that Logan was ripe for a "jihad" suicide operation possibly involving "a coordinated attack."

I just cannot see how anyone in their right mind can support this person for president, you have got to be nuts.

posted on Mar, 16 2004 @ 05:47 PM
Agreed. How can anybody vote for him? Well, they are not voting for Kerry, just against Bush.

Mark my words...Kerry's camp will try to turn this around and blame Bush for "ignoring Kerry's repeated warnings" of lax security at Logan Airport.


posted on Mar, 16 2004 @ 06:51 PM
If there can be found corroborating information from other sources about Kerry knowing of this I'll bet it'll be pretty damning - but you are right the spin will be bigtime from the Kerry camp.

posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 09:19 AM
Everything that Kerry says now, he's going to do just the opposite when he takes office. Just watch. Why? Well, it doesn't make any sense for two people from Skull and Bones to do something different than the other. You would think everyone from Skull and Bones would have the same agenda. Am I wrong making this assumption?

posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 12:19 PM
The Gore Commission report, which came after the bipartisan Hart - Rudman report, all citied Boston as well as all the other major air hubs as being points of massive exposure.
Bush got an extensive turnover report from Sandy Berger, he got calls from fellow Republican Senator Rudman....all for the express purpose of adopting the measures cited in the aforementioned reports.
Such as :
- Federalizing airport screeners
- making cockpit doors locked and reinforced steel in order to bar entry.

All of this was ignored by Bush, with hist retort being that Cheney will head a special commision to that did not meet until afte 9/11.
A major part was the extensive Airline Lobby, which has it's tenticles into both parties, but more so on the GOP side. THat's why on 9/22/01 - the airline industry received a $22B bailout.

posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 12:25 PM
What about the DOT who got the information from Kerry? Why are we not holding them or the administration accountable.

You know for years news agencies would do "test" on security and nothing happened. I blame every single person in office now and in the past for the failures. They were leaders and they did not do enough.

But to say Kerry could have stopped it? Come on, a single senator would not have affected change in a single airport. That is the job of the DOT who the article says got the information from Kerry. Also do we really believe that if Logan had tightened security the terrorist would have changed their mind? No they would have flown out of any number of airports and still done the attack.

This is republican spin at it's best. The commander in chief is responsible, all members of congress are accountable and all departments such as the DOT are responsible. Tough stance but you lead this country you reap the benefits both good and bad.

If Clinton was still in office we would hold him accountable so this is not some anti-republican stand. I am more anti-ingorance myself

posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 12:26 PM
Lax airport security? Who the # didn't know? This was common knowledge I thought

posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 12:47 PM
Bush knew just as much, if not more than Kerry did, therefore, he is just as responsible. If you really think about it, every American could have stopped it. Before 9/11 no one ever listened to any threats because we thought we were impenatrable(sp), so it would have made no difference. I'm sick of people who blame others for things that would have happened anyways. It's probably Kerry's fault New York had blackout's, huh?
Quit whining.

posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 12:52 PM
I knew it was bad in Boston Logan from personal experience. I got snowed in there on my way back from New Hampshire in 1996 and wandered around the place for 18 hours wearing my backpack which had a 7 inch fixed-blade knife attached to the shoulder strap! I even chatted with some of the Airport police and staff. Nobody said a word. When things got moving again I checked that backpack in a duffle but left a CPR mask attached to my belt when I went back though security and the zipper set the metal detector off. I said "Oh, it's probably this CPR mask." and pointed to the bag on my belt - and they took my word for it! Maybe it was just my honest face and charming personality.

These reports are disturbing and I am anxious to see more information come to light. It's hard to believe in retrospect how complacent people (me included) were back then.

posted on Mar, 18 2004 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by mrmulder
Everything that Kerry says now, he's going to do just the opposite when he takes office. Just watch. Why? Well, it doesn't make any sense for two people from Skull and Bones to do something different than the other. You would think everyone from Skull and Bones would have the same agenda. Am I wrong making this assumption?


You're absolutley right. Every member of Skull and Bones has a lifetime paid subscription to their secret newsletter called The Bonecrusher, which they voraciously ingest in order to get their marching orders for the next week/month/year.

The Bonecrusher self-destructs after being zapped by the secret rays emanating from the eye of any member of Skull and Bones. That's why there is never any hardcopy left behind for us to read!


posted on Mar, 18 2004 @ 12:23 PM
Kerry is the junior senator of MA.

Bush = President.

Excuse me, but i think when we talk responsibility i think we shoud be pointing fingers at the actual administration, rather than a junior senator of the minority an entire coast away.

EVERYONE knows that airport security was lax.

posted on Mar, 18 2004 @ 12:33 PM
uh... hello? do you guys realize this or am I the only one?

the fact that Kerry was senator of the same state that lanuched these planes gives a clue as to how easy it was for the plan to be carried out. he would have been in a good position to allow this plan to be carried out, a plan that was probably conceived by his colleagues @ skull and bones amongst other cults and exclusive membership clubs.

Bush = skull and bones
Kerry = skull and bones

skull and bones = cover fellow member's butts no matter what

posted on Mar, 18 2004 @ 12:38 PM

Originally posted by AlnilamOmega
uh... hello? do you guys realize this or am I the only one?

the fact that Kerry was senator of the same state that lanuched these planes gives a clue as to how easy it was for the plan to be carried out. he would have been in a good position to allow this plan to be carried out, a plan that was probably conceived by his colleagues @ skull and bones amongst other cults and exclusive membership clubs.

Bush = skull and bones
Kerry = skull and bones

skull and bones = cover fellow member's butts no matter what

Hey that's exactly what I was pointing out. I know airport security was lax before 9/11 and it wouldn't surprise me that Kerry knew about it and did nothing. I remember how easy it was to walk through a metal detector at the airport before 9/11.

posted on Mar, 18 2004 @ 03:19 PM

Originally posted by Nerdling
Kerry is the junior senator of MA.

Bush = President.

Excuse me, but i think when we talk responsibility i think we shoud be pointing fingers at the actual administration, rather than a junior senator of the minority an entire coast away.

EVERYONE knows that airport security was lax.


Which actual administration should we be pointing fingers at? You're not implying that airport security was any better before Bush became president, are you?

It's 1996, I'm at an airport in Oklahoma. Beginning of the day., the airport just waking up. I'm talking to airport personnel, one security guy says it's time to do a routine check of security.

I watched him walk through the screening area and up to the catwalk with a DUMMY HAND GRENADE in his coat.

True story.

Question: who was president in 1996?

Clinton was not to blame in that instance, neither was Bush to blame on 9/11. Sometimes it's just as simple as that: the people who are being paid to do the job, it's their responsiblity. Logan Airport security was to blame on that day, if anyone was.


posted on Mar, 18 2004 @ 05:53 PM
Well excuses, excuses is what I am hearing - I can guarantee that if Bush was in charge of Massachusetts at the time we would be hearing nothing but how evil he was for not taking action on the FAA inspectors letter.

To call Kerry the "junior" senator is misleading at best, this man along with his buddy Ed practically own the state, so yeah they /he did have it within his power to do something other than pass the buck, taking into consideration the warning of "a jihad type action" he's looking pretty negligent to me.

[Edited on 18-3-2004 by Phoenix]

posted on Mar, 18 2004 @ 05:58 PM

Originally posted by jsobecky
Agreed. How can anybody vote for him? Well, they are not voting for Kerry, just against Bush

I agree. I've never voted against a president before, and I was thinking about voting against Bush, but now that it looks like Kerry is going to be the only other option...

Man, I'm stuck. I don't like either one of them.


posted on Mar, 18 2004 @ 06:24 PM
Well let's see,

In every election I have ever voted in at the presidential level, I have never had the pleasure of voting for some I supported, always the lesser of two evils. This time I do not even see a lesser of two evils, one is skull and one is bones.
It really does not matter who wins, the same powers will be pulling the reigns. In short your vote means nothing. Best thing that could happen would be if everyone recognized this and absolutely no one voted. Fat chance


posted on Mar, 18 2004 @ 07:03 PM
Tut - like your signature,

It really does matter to me who is president, already even though I am what I consider middle class in income - I pay a huge amount in taxes to the Feds. I would like to reserve the choice on how the rest is spent rather than someone else taking(stealing) my money. Then their are court appointments and steering the general agenda politically, enough of my civil rights have been infringed upon by the do-gooders to last a lifetime.

posted on Mar, 19 2004 @ 08:19 AM
Apparently a third security inspector has now come forward on the allegation that Kerry was warned about Logans lax security before 9/11;

And then there is this about one of the two FAA inspectors,
"Sullivan � a registered independent who's also critical of Bush's handling of aviation security, both before and since 9-11 � thinks Kerry could have saved the Twin Towers, which were toppled by the Boston jetliners, and thousands of lives."

posted on Mar, 19 2004 @ 09:44 AM
Okay wait a minute. All these senior aviation officials and security staff knew of problems and dumped them onto the lap of a senator.

What the hell, what did they do to resolve this issue? This was their job. They knew the danger and basically passed the buck to a senator. Do we really believe any senator would have dealt with this issue differently? No, good lord they have been running these dumb test for years before 9/11. Now the people who were responsible for it are trying to blame a single senator for the problems.

Looks to me like those who are throwing stones are actually the ones responsible or at least complacent in this issue.

Sorry but this is just grandstanding for an election. You know what Bush was the govenor of Texas. Texas airports including DFW had horrible security yet we don't hold him accountable for it. The terrorist chose Boston to launch from but it could have been DFW or LAX, how could we know? Also they did it with box cutters, do you know how many times I had scissors in my carry on bags before 9/11 when I traveled? No one ever stopped me.

Now in the grand scheme of things, all who were in office at the time are accountable for this. AS are all the workers of the airport. No one was following security procedures. 9/11 was a life changing event, only after the fact did all the "experts" show up stating they knew this would happen. Where were they before hand? Why didn't these people, tied to the DOT push this issue with them? They were the one's with the power to change it yet they passed the buck, why did Kerry give the DOT the info? It was their job to deal with it.

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