posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 01:16 PM
I don't know how an Alien's skin is supposed to behave or the blood; I don't know if an alien's body is supposed to get rigid or not, but what
I'm sure about is that we can't compare alien's physiology to humans' or animals' on this planet. They might behave different... or not.
This is me thinking here. With all the hoaxes, that I'm sure the government or the power to be has implanted themselves (most of them), to make
people lose interest or dismiss anything as a hoax, for clear that it is, once in a while they show us a real one to see our reactions and to see if
their plan has worked. So, let's say for an instance that this one is real but we dismiss it because of certain discrepancies, and that is exactly
what they want. We hear too many lies that when we hear the truth, as strange as it may sound, we dismiss it based on past experiences.
I grew up in a remote and small town in the Caribbean, where I saw things that I didn't know about, things that I couldn't comprehend at the time
but that now I know. When I go back I talk to farmers and I ask them about any experience that they might have had, and the things that they tell me
seem out of a fiction book. Too bad that now that I know what I'm looking for, I don't see anything any more...well, almost anything.
That been said, I don't know about his footage, but I'm sure as hell going to find out.
[edit on 8/8/2008 by thegrayone]
[edit on 8/8/2008 by thegrayone]
[edit on 21/8/2008 by Sauron]