posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 09:05 PM
If you visit that fabulous website, , be sure to visit their store. For a mere $500 you can go on one of their
expeditions that will take you NEAR where the costume, err sorry, "body" was found. BUT, for just a few $$$ more, as in $5000, they will take you
and up to 2 friends in a Land Rover to the EXACT spot the "body" was found.
Now if I remember correctly, as the idiots in GA don't seem to, it was very dense wilderness where the "body" was shot and/or stumbled upon. So
tell me, how the hell are we going to drive a freakin' LAND ROVER to the spot you found the body?
I sure hope the GA boys are careful. Maybe one of the "crazy, death-threatening" bigfoot researchers might wanna take a ride out there with them one
day. Especially knowing that as law enforcement officers those GA boys only carry video gear on dangerous forest excursions instead of say, a