posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 08:33 AM
I've been up for about 24 hours at this point, so I might not make sense, but i was thinking about trying to organise and stuff, and I realized
There's been a lot of talk about being unique lately, standing out from the background, ect.
Anyone that doesn't stand out, or is part of the "crowd" is usually given off as... lesser, I guess.
So we focus on how we are different. Which, unsurprisingly, causes more flarups with people.
Don't get me wrong, individualism is great, but it makes trying to get people to work together like herding cats.
Now, this is just me, but it seems like this is about a perfect setup.
People who don't conform are "weird", while those who do are "sheeple.
Putting a wedge in between folks, and encouraging generalizations.
Lonewolfs are cool, but facing reality, they are good for martyr's and moral boosters.
Leadrship set up would be fragmentary, putting a large emphasis on the indivdual, or put in place to protect the "sheepl," going right back to to
the start.