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CNN Caught Red Handed Falsely Using Footage To Vilify Russia

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+38 more 
posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 02:26 PM

CNN Caught Red Handed Falsely Using Footage To Vilify Russia

Russian channel accuses CNN of using misleading war video

■ MOSCOW (MN) - Russian English-language television channel Russia Today has acused the U.S. broadcaster CNN of using the wrong pictures in their coverage of the conflict in South Ossetia. A Russian cameraman says footage of wrecked tanks and ruined buildings, which was purported to have been filmed in the town of Gori, in fact showed the South Ossetian capital Tskhinvali, the RTTV reported on its web site.
(visit the link for the full news article)

Related Discussion Threads:
Georgian troops burn South Ossetian refugees alive

+7 more 
posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 02:26 PM
I believe this stemmed from this article at Russia Today:

The Georgian town of Gori became a broadcast battleground, as various media sources reported a Russian attack on the city.

Footage of what the Financial Times called the "ruins" of the city appeared on news networks - which came as a great surprise to Russian cameraman, Aleksandr Zhukov, who recognised his own footage as that of Tskhinvali and not Gori.

"When we arrived the news came that Gori was being shelled. I saw my footage and I said, 'That's not Gori, that's Tskhinvali! Having crawled the length and breadth of Tskhinvali I don't need much to tell,'" he said.

This is outright CNN media propaganda and lies. When confronted they are likely just to call it a mistake. Mistake my ass. They know exactly what they are doing, just like every other western media outlet who has attempted to show this war as Russian aggression. There is clearly some malevolent political and media conspiracy here to demonize Russia, but the astute are not falling for it.

The fact of the matter is that Gori is not in ruins. Tskhinvali is.

In additional media lies, watch this video:

This is outrageous. And this is indeed a conspiracy. A big one.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 02:31 PM
Good find! I'm not a fan of CNN because I find it to be unapologetically biased and very liberal. I don't trust that they are reporting the news as it is - I believe they report events based on their spin of things.

I'll be interested to see how CNN tries to recreate reality to explain this situation they have created.


posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 02:46 PM
reply to post by Jemison

Thanks Jemison.

The way I figure it is if CNN and other media outlets are going to willingly go along with the NWO to help their agenda, then an all out attack via articles and spreading the word against these media outlets is in order. Where do I sign up.

They are supposed to be neutral and non-biased. These media outlets and news organizations caught doing this no longer deserve that title. Instead they effectively work for the government. They should all be incorporated into the WH press secretary's office. Looks like they already have been.

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 03:41 PM
ahh, more confirmation of this!

An interview with the cameraman himself!!!

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 04:11 PM
It time to take back our media people.

Our Government has lied to us again.

Nothing new here, when will we do something about it.

Freedom of the press is almost gone.

This is one reson I dont watch TV news anymore. I get my info from the internet.

I dont pay to watch and hear lies.

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 04:24 PM
And how does anyone think this can be 'fixed?'

Make it a crime to broadcast lies? Require them to start scrolling fine print saying this is what they were told to broadcast? This is not coming from nowhere, this is an action. A propaganda piece with a purpose. Why do they want us to believe something that is not true?

There are times to point this out and say, "Look, this is an outrage" and sometimes we have to accept this isn't going to fix itself. We are crippled without the press, we have no voice, and we MUST communicate the truth in a more meaningful way. How can that happen magically, without us identifying what needs to happen? We shouldn't allow our neighbors and family and friends to be duped.

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 04:40 PM
Good post.

I've been very troubled by the Western press's (even the usually more even-handed BBC) barely concealed bias in this case - the Georgians invariably portrayed as innocent victims of the big bad Russians... when in reality there is plenty of bad to go around.

It's almost as of the people that control them also have investments in defense industries that would benefit from a renewed Cold War.

Oh wait...

[edit on 8/16/08 by xmotex]

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 04:50 PM

This is outright CNN media propaganda and lies. When confronted they are likely just to call it a mistake. Mistake my ass.

They know exactly what they are doing, just like every other western media outlet who has attempted to show this war as Russian aggression.

There is clearly some malevolent political and media conspiracy here to demonize Russia, but the astute are not falling for it.

The fact of the matter is that Gori is not in ruins. Tskhinvali is.

I really don't care if CNN got the cities names wrong in their video, the fact of the matter is Russian troops are killing and raping Georgian civilains, looting homes and businesses and leaving cities and towns in ruins.

You can not blame CNN for the war crimes the Russian military have committed in the past 10 days.

I am not sure what your political agenda here is but it's clearly not democratic with this thread...

Beleive it or not but there are rules to war and the Russian soldiers have ignored these rules by killing unarmed civilians and these killing have been captured on video.

Can you really blame a television network stationed in Atlanta Georgia 6000 miles away from the battle to get towns named correctly when the Russians have jammed air and internet communications out of theater?

Information coming out of Georgia is heavly sensored by the Soviets and who in the hell are we to beleive, CNN or the Russians?

I will take CNN for now, at least they are not killing unarmed civilians!

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 04:57 PM

Originally posted by SIRR1
I really don't care if CNN got the cities names wrong in their video, the fact of the matter is Russian troops are killing and raping Georgian civilains, looting homes and businesses and leaving cities and towns in ruins.

You can not blame CNN for the war crimes the Russian military have committed in the past 10 days.

I am not sure what your political agenda here is but it's clearly not democratic with this thread...

Beleive it or not but there are rules to war and the Russian soldiers have ignored these rules by killing unarmed civilians and these killing have been captured on video.

For every video you can pull out of your pile of tricks that shows Russia killing Georgians and being ''bad guy'', I can do the opposite (Showing Georgians as bad guys), and showing *them* breaking the rules.

Originally posted by SIRR1
Can you really blame a television network stationed in Atlanta Georgia 6000 miles away from the battle to get towns named correctly when the Russians have jammed air and internet communications out of theater?

Eh. No you can't blame them for not naming them correctly *As long as it is a mistake and not INTENTIONAL*. Also in case of uncertainty they should have added a disclaimer that footage supplied is as is and may be false.

Eg.: Russia Today news anchors always say "We have received info that is *believed* to be, however we are not certain yet." and "According to X, this is *supposedly* still going on."

Originally posted by SIRR1
Information coming out of Georgia is heavly sensored by the Soviets and who in the hell are we to beleive, CNN or the Russians?

I will take CNN for now, at least they are not killing unarmed civilians!

What kind of foolish comparison is that?

CNN is a news channel right, and Russia is a *country*.
A proper comparison would be NEWS CHANNEL VS NEWS CHANNEL, in which case I can ensure, Russia Today (news channel) has not killed unarmed civilians as well.

That statement makes no logic at all, making a news station and a country seem equal.

[edit on 16/8/08 by -0mega-]

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 05:00 PM
Why am I not surprised that a major news company would fabricate a story and turn it into propaganda.

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 05:09 PM
reply to post by SIRR1

If you do not accurately know the information, do not report as if you do.

Simple as that.

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 05:17 PM

Reuters caught with 'fake' pictures from Georgia --Media war against Russia 10 Aug 2008 This morning one can read on the BBC news site -- Reuters agency posts horrible pictures of Russian bombardments of allegedly civilian residential buildings. But what if you take a closer look? [See: A Georgian man cries next to his brother's body in the town of Gori, 80 km (50 miles) from Tbilisi, August 9, 2008. REUTERS/David Mdzinarishvili. Here he is again, alone still with some clothes on, or may be he got changed. The man in the checkered shirt keeps returning!]

and just a little note on this to further explain, imho, this is just another scripted movie to keep american's from the truth.

Wag the Dog: How to Conceal Massive Economic Collapse

What to do? War and threats of war have been used historically to distract the population and deflect public scrutiny from economic calamity. As the scheme was summed up in the trailer to the 1997 movie "Wag the Dog" -- "There’s a crisis in the White House, and to save the election, they’d have to fake a war." Perhaps that explains the sudden breakout of war in the Eurasian country of Georgia on August 8, just 3 months before the November elections. August 8 was the day the Olympic Games began in Beijing, a distraction that may have been timed to keep China from intervening on Russia’s behalf. The mainstream media version of events is that Russia, the bully on the block, invaded its tiny neighbor Georgia; but not all commentators agree. Mikhail Gorbachev, writing in The Washington Post on August 12, observed: "What happened on the night of Aug. 7 is beyond comprehension. The Georgian military attacked the South Ossetian capital of Tskhinvali with multiple rocket launchers designed to devastate large areas. Russia had to respond. To accuse it of aggression against "small, defenseless Georgia" is not just hypocritical but shows a lack of humanity. . . . The Georgian leadership could do this only with the perceived support and encouragement of a much more powerful force."4

one crisis after another for the american people. the government is keeping us blinded through slight of hand. when the american people get bored with one crisis another is already in the works.

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 06:01 PM
reply to post by SIRR1

I haven't seen a single video of Russians actually killing Georgian civilians, or vice versa. Would you please post a link or two? Thanks. I've seen the media crew attack videos, and plenty of war footage, but none so specific.

[edit on 16-8-2008 by TrueAmerican]

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 06:10 PM
Dude good find, however anyone who was informed knew this.
I knew it right off and it seriously made me mad.

I was talking to Russian military and Georgian military personel
12 hours before any of this even hit the media.

The internet is your only good source for truth and you need
to spread it out over multiple countries etc...

Anyhow keep up the good work

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 06:13 PM

Originally posted by DeadFlagBlues
reply to post by SIRR1

If you do not accurately know the information, do not report as if you do.

Simple as that.

Im glad you pointed that guy out, you are entirely correct.
I just found out I cant ignore more then ten people.
I might be changing websites.

This site owned until I couldnt ignore more then 10 people thats
completely retarded. There are more then 10 spreading misinformation.

Maybe theres an opera plugin for forums.

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 06:13 PM

Originally posted by Memysabu
I was talking to Russian military and Georgian military personel
12 hours before any of this even hit the media.

Oh? Well do tell then. Come on spill the beans! Surely then you have information which few of us know.

Thanks for the compliments.

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 06:16 PM

Originally posted by DeadFlagBlues
reply to post by SIRR1

If you do not accurately know the information, do not report as if you do.

Simple as that.

What part did I get wrong.

Russian troops killing civilians or looting homes and business?

Musslewhite, Wag the Dog? Please, the Soviets attacked on the opening day of the Chicom games 8-8-08.

The Russians used the games to cover their invasion, hell it took two days for the world to figure out which Georgia the Russians were attacking.

Wag the dog, come on you can do better!

As far as the media or news coming out of South Ossetia or Georgia it's not really front page news here in the states because the Soviets won't allow independant news services in.

And the news crews that do get into the area are gunned down by Russian regular forces, such bravery shooting at unarmed media crews.

Love and Kisses

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 06:20 PM
reply to post by SIRR1

Talk is cheap SIRR1. And links are too. But so far you've not offered a single link to backup your claims. I hope you're not one of the scammed.

[edit on 16-8-2008 by TrueAmerican]

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 06:25 PM
"You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war."
William Randolph Hearst

All I can say at this time is ladies and gentleman fasten your seatbelts.

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