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The UK looks to cut out minority legal rights - ie. Sharia Law

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posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 05:12 PM
Everyone in Britain is subject to British law - Sharia law has never been a reality here. Muslim communities in Britain may look to Sharia law with regards to marriage arrangement and other civil matters but they are still ultimately liable to obey the law of the land. British law is totally secular and so far, regardless of race or creed, the law remains the law.

That said, where there are close-knit muslim communities, I believe that advice is often sought from the local religious leaders as opposed to local law enforcers and the two do not always sit comfortably together.

Due to the aforementioned attempts at multiculturism, there are now entire communities in the UK with little or no contact with anyone outside of their own cultural beliefs, which is a great shame.

The Brits have always been a fairly tolerant race and immigrants in the past have brought something of their own to the melting pot ( fave Brit meal? - curry ) and we are a bit of a mongrel nation and no worse for that.

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 06:19 PM
reply to post by ironorchid

That is the case in many countries. Changing the rights by adding and subtracting to placate one group because they choose not to assimilate into the culture they moved to will eventualy crowd out the laws you have lived with for centuries. And believe me thats just fine with the Muslims. Its been they're true intention all along. Its started here in the US in cities like Detroit. Its comming to your neighborhood soon. Film at 11!!!


posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 01:45 AM
reply to post by Nerevar

I don't think there is a problem at the moment, UK is effectively tightening it's laws on non-EU citizens.

The problem the UK had was duo to having left the Raj, since most of the people living in the Raj, that worked for the British Administration, or served in the Armed Forces, had the option of choosing a British Passport when India, Pakistan and Bangladesh formed their nations. Many Muslims from the Raj, chose that option, and formed a large community in the UK...
The same can happen with Hong Kong residents, since most where given British passports...

The real problem I see in the UK, as in most of Europe, is with illegal immigrants, and how to deal with them...

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 01:53 AM
reply to post by Krieger

There is no Sharia Law in the UK. The law applies to all persons equally, and is only one. The Muslim communities in the UK can apply certain rules and traditions, within their own communities, as long as said rules and traditions do not violate any UK Law.

So no, they cannot stone women, they cannot cut off their noses or abuse them in any way...

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 01:59 AM

Originally posted by BBTBE
People over estimate how many muslims there are, almost anywhere apart from the major cities has hardly any. Groups like the BNP are using this islamophobia to their advantage and turn the general population against muslims.

I don't see any muslim problem in the UK, aside from a few minor incidents, that may or may not be religious or cultural in motivation...

As for turning people against muslims, I don't think we need the BNP for that, muslims have been doing it very well on their own, for the past couple of centuries...

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 02:16 AM
reply to post by ironorchid

Great Post, finally some sanity on the subject.

The isolated communities you talk about are not only Muslim or Religious Communities. I did a favor for a friend , in going to Ipswich to interview the Portuguese communities there, about the EURO 2008, for a local newspaper that he runs, and found that more then 80% of them don't speak a word of English. Not only that, they have almost no contacts with other communities. I was surprised to find a Portuguese neighborhood in Ipswich, where only Portuguese is spoken, most shops are owned by Portuguese and nobody, with the exception of the two leaders of the local "Casa do Benfica", speaks a word of English...
I guess the same is happening all over Europe, with communities from Eastern Europe and the former USSR...

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 02:33 AM
reply to post by NorthWolfe CND

Thats the point i was trying to make. Places in England where you will not be understood talking English are on the increase....

I also agree that Muslims are being used as a scapegoat for the current issues we are facing. In my example i did the same, used the muslim community. In general terms though it still applies. I do not speak (much) Portuguese, Polish, Arabic - i do speak French and German though so am not completely ignorant. Like i said, the main problem is that through lack of understanding of the native language of England, small communities form, with a common language - i.e. Polish, Portuguese etc. These communities then form their own social hierarchy which may or may not confilct with the laws of the land.

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 05:42 AM
reply to post by Nerevar

Dang Nerevar, This has to be a psychic moment LOL. I was thinking exactly what you typed in your post. I am in my mid 20's and I cannot stand the degredation of our UK. I see asylum seekers selling drugs in my town, and then showing off their cheques and money they have, including £1500 to furnish an apartment! It is absolutely ridiculous, and is going to lead to the destruction of britain as we know it..

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 05:49 AM
For starters... I saw a report from scotlandyard claiming 17,000 honor kilings a year on the isles.... currently

Death penalty needs to apply be politically incorrect it's a subject... I'd give my life over

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 06:24 AM
I am English born in the UK, I'm not a muslim and I have no idea what sharia law would imply other than I know they hung a 16 year old without trial for having sex which was unproven, so yea if you wanna play games Gordon Brown i'd like to play one too, its called chainsaw juggling, first to 10000 you go first.

Seriously though will this effect me/where do I find the exit? (nearest boat will do)

ed. I don't see a muslim problem I see an immigration and policy problem. Polish Russian's are the newest additions, shall we have some french? I can't even get a job because they we're all taken by polish no i'm not racist i'm speaking truth. Also no english signs on shops is too far, sharia law way to far, how about a written form of our law first insted of using the term "the book" in which said officer walks towards you states a number code for the crime you done and cuffs you regardless of what you say or do. Britain died i'm just waiting for the nukes.

[edit on 17-8-2008 by KKinsane]

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 06:40 AM

Originally posted by poet1b
Probably only catholics should all have to move back to Vatican City

Yea... because at the moment they're causing ALL the problems

Oh, i forgot that all Catholics were born in the vatican.

protestants might be able to claim their religion is native born

Some favoritism and double standards here me thinks, you do realize that all christianity came from the Vatican right?

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 07:13 AM
reply to post by mopusvindictus

What rubbish. 17,000 honor killings in the UK when there are only 3,500 unlawful killings in the UK in any one year? Back up your statements if your going to make such rediculous claims.

As for the topic, anyone who sets foot in the Uk is subject to UK Law. There is no "let off" if your a Muslim, Jew or even a wiccan. Whatever you do has to be within the law.

Also, we already have a Bill of Rights. We've had one since 1689. It's what almost every other Bill of Rights is based on, including the USA's. Granted, most people are ignorant of their rights (but they are still happy to bang on about "having them taken away") but that doesn't detract from the fact that it is there.

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 07:56 AM
There are no Honor killings taking place in Britain, the last time that kind of thing happened legally was during the Witch hunts, Britain is not going to and never will have Shari law on its books, I never understand where some people get their ideas from i really don't, the only problem British law has right now is that it is to lenient on certain crimes.

Britain will always be Great, its bred some crying old tarts in its time, but on a whole its a wonderful place to live, any Brits who disagree obviously have not traveled that much outside of Spain and a few other Brit infested holiday resorts.

To even consider that the law will be altered to accommodate Muslims or any other religion is one of the daftest things ive heard, already the Government is starting to repatriate a lot of the immigrants who came here because of world conflicts and instability, the big problem i see us facing is with the migrants from the Balkans, who have started eying each other up with contempt, and i expect if they get to big for their boots they will find themselves back in their old Hoods as fast as they can scream free money.

Whatever happened to being British and proud? we didnt let the Nazi's get to us this much and they where dropping bombs on us every night, time is a great healer and i can see signs of the healing process, when the time comes for the repatriation, let them scream what they like, its not going to change anything, they either start living like the British people or they get slung out on their ears.

Remember the old saying, when in Rome do what the romans do?

Well, when in Britain do as the British do otherwise sling your damn hook.

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 08:10 AM
Really there's been no honor killings, would you feel bad if I told you people have been killed by family no less due to traditional religious belief, its been on the news it's been in the papers, stop misinforming the already misinformed people's of earth/UK in this case.

Do you mean the Magna Carta because I don't think the police are smart enough to remember what that says, you do realise how bad its gotten?? You can be arrested for having too much money on you now because of the "credit crunch" *COUGH DEPRESSION COUGH*

The figure 17000 is a bit off but then 6/5 of statistics are wrong/irrelevant to the subject. Not a typo ;P

I'm british but certainly not proud, what's to be proud of, biggest kill count out of any country in history not including nature or death himself.

[edit on 17-8-2008 by KKinsane]

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 08:39 AM

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 08:46 AM
reply to post by KKinsane

I also doubt some of your stats.
As for having nothing to be proud of - did you see any of the 7/7 footage? No sreaming,no hysteria, despite the carnage. When you see Brits with their backs to the wall that is when they are at their stoical best

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 09:02 AM

Originally posted by KKinsane
Really there's been no honor killings, would you feel bad if I told you people have been killed by family no less due to traditional religious belief, its been on the news it's been in the papers, stop misinforming the already misinformed people's of earth/UK in this case.

It happens occasionally, but the perps are usually swiftly arrested and tried according to the Law. They don't get special treatment just because they are Muslim.

Originally posted by KKinsane
Do you mean the Magna Carta because I don't think the police are smart enough to remember what that says, you do realise how bad its gotten?? You can be arrested for having too much money on you now because of the "credit crunch" *COUGH DEPRESSION COUGH*

If you referring to me and my Bill of Rights mention, no I don't mean the Magna Carta, although that does form a vital part of the UK constitution. The Bill of Rights was signed in 1689 and gurantess certain inalienable rights that parliament cannot take away.

I beffuddled train station staff and British transport Police the other week actually when they tried to issue a spot fine to my partner, who lost her ticket on the train. I said that under the Bill of Rights, such "spot fines" are illegal and she has the right to trial by Jury for any "crime" she committed. Needless to say, we walked away unmolested. Again, most don't know their rights so just sign the ticket and pay up.

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 02:29 PM

Originally posted by NorthWolfe CND
reply to post by Krieger

There is no Sharia Law in the UK. The law applies to all persons equally, and is only one. The Muslim communities in the UK can apply certain rules and traditions, within their own communities, as long as said rules and traditions do not violate any UK Law.

So no, they cannot stone women, they cannot cut off their noses or abuse them in any way...

Finally someone with a head on their shoulders, Islamic law has no standing in the UK.

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 05:55 PM
reply to post by Dermo

I thought that all Christianity came from the Middle East, in what is now Syria. Wasn't that what the whole crusades thing was about. Then when the King got back from the crusades, a group of nobles made him sign the Magna Carta. Seems as that was how they taught us in school.

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 06:00 PM
I think if you lived in an isolated community, surrounded by those who you considered to be hostile, and they told you that you have to follow Sharia Law, chances are that you will, irregardless of the laws of the land. Especially if you knew some girl who had been killed for dating a local, or you knew someone who knew such and such. How many honor killings does to take in such isolated communities to maintain control.

They are small communities now, but they are growing, and as long as they can control their communities, and prevent mixing with the host nation, they are a growing threat, and they are having far more children than the locals, because they control their women the way they do. These are the realities.

The solution is to develop strict laws that protect young immigrants who seek to become a part of host nations culture, and seriously punish those who try to control these minority communities through such intimidation as honor killings.

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