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Between Asleep and Awake: Do you hear voices?

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posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by lee anoma

I have something similar. It's more like a dream, sort of.
There's is almost no visuals (real or imagined), maybe just some swirling, fading colours. It always feels slow, and I do hear some voices, nothing recognizable, though. I usually hear a sad, slow crying. It depresses me. It's like feeling you ended the world, but in a slow process. I don't get it.

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 03:41 PM

Originally posted by MischeviousElf
Op you might find this thread interesting and informative;


It is a time of profound altered states of consciousness in the twilight zone indeed!



[edit on 17-8-2008 by MischeviousElf]

hmmm link isn't working for me, I get a 404

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 03:59 PM
I also have these experiences, along with voices and door knocks

This answer makes the most rational sense. It's called "Hypnagogic imagery"

"Hypnagogic imagery is often auditory or has an auditory component. Like the visuals, hypnagogic sounds vary in intensity from faint impressions to loud noises, such as crashes and bangs (exploding head syndrome). People may imagine their own name called or a doorbell ringing. Snatches of imagined speech are common. While typically nonsensical and fragmented, these speech events can occasionally strike the individual as apt comments on – or summations of – their thoughts at the time. They often contain wordplay, neologisms and made-up names. Hypnagogic speech may manifest as the subject’s own ‘inner voice’, or as the voices of others: familiar people or strangers. More rarely, poetry or music are heard."

[edit on 17-8-2008 by metatronscube]

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 04:03 PM
there are no dreams and no reality......only endless variety of perceptual experiences.

THe material world has consequences and in that way is not an illusion. And yet its not solid, just energy. Its how we interact with it that makes all the difference. We decide to experience pleasure or pain.....if we wanted to we could disengage from all that and it comes back ot being a type of illusion.

Perception is real, but the way we perceive is misleading or distorted, etc.

I took a hallucinogen and it showed me that the reality we see everyday is a hallucination. Some argue that drugs are so subjective and can be illusions. yet, once you see what the real illusion will know your drug induced perception is not an illusion, for it reveals the illsuory nature of ordinary reality. lol.

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 04:16 PM
Its great to read your thread well done again and congratulations. Very interesting

[edit on 17-8-2008 by franspeakfree]

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 04:25 PM
I Know what you mean, maybe its just thoughts swirling in the mind. from what i see they seem to be similar to how the brain thinks 80% of the time, just random thoughts going around,maybe you are adding a voice to them.

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 04:34 PM

Originally posted by metatronscube
I also have these experiences, along with voices and door knocks

This answer makes the most rational sense. It's called "Hypnagogic imagery"

"Hypnagogic imagery is often auditory or has an auditory component. Like the visuals, hypnagogic sounds vary in intensity from faint impressions to loud noises, such as crashes and bangs (exploding head syndrome). People may imagine their own name called or a doorbell ringing. Snatches of imagined speech are common. While typically nonsensical and fragmented, these speech events can occasionally strike the individual as apt comments on – or summations of – their thoughts at the time. They often contain wordplay, neologisms and made-up names. Hypnagogic speech may manifest as the subject’s own ‘inner voice’, or as the voices of others: familiar people or strangers. More rarely, poetry or music are heard."

[edit on 17-8-2008 by metatronscube]

well I can honestly say this fits my symptoms and being up 2-3 days would prolly make me ripe for it...and I do hear door slams and car horns, but when this happens to me it is quick, fleeting, and sporatic

yet as I read the wiki article I also saw a possibility

Subjective interpretation

Hypnagogic phenomena may be interpreted as visions, prophesies, premonitions, apparitions and inspiration (artistic or divine), depending on the experiencer’s beliefs and those of their culture.

maybe this is just spiritless science trying to explain away crap they dont understand, so they make it some kind of disorder or symptomatic of culture or religion and having no basis in their mathematical world

just an idea


posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 04:46 PM
reply to post by _Heretic

Just read the part about music, this is what i have going through my head sometime's in a very sleepy state, sort of, but i know it is me making it up. it is usally pretty good, shame i cant write music.

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 05:12 PM
Im nearly in a deep sleep when someone calls my name 'Nicola' hardly anyone calls me that but the thing is its so clear and wakes me,It has happened so many nights and its only my name that the voice calls yet I cant tell if the voice is male or female.

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 05:33 PM
reply to post by Alienmindflare

Dont worry its just a mind trick, dont think into it. it happens to everybody.

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 05:36 PM
It shouldn't be a surprise to anyone that this occurs. The brain is in effect, a simulator. It takes in data, learns how to identify patterns, and then creates a simulation of that data.

Even now as you see, feel, hear everything in front/around you, it's not you experiencing the real world directly, rather, it's a simulation of the world.

The beautiful part of this brain we have is it's capacity to record this incoming data. Every movie you've ever seen, every song you've ever heard, every voice/language you've never even understood. It's all recorded.

So, sometimes when you are falling asleep and starting to entire dream states, your brain can start to pull this information back up, and recreate it in your simulator. If you catch it happening, it can be very strange, but it feels just as real, if not more real than regular life.

Some humans have illnesses like schizophrenia where they hear these voices all the time. Now we all know those voices aren't real, but it seems very real to the person experiencing it because they trust the simulator (brain).

Others like to play with the simulator by taking psychedelic drugs. Some cultures have honed it to a careful ritual practice.

So, like I said, the brain is amazing and when you catch it doing things you don't expect, like recreating memories you don't consciously recall as current events in your simulator while entering the dream state, don't be too surprised, that's what it is supposed to do.

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 05:58 PM
reply to post by monkeybus

Yeh but where does our minds come from?

paul mckenna's wardrobe?

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 06:03 PM
It has been said a few times already on this thread and there is nothing to worry about.

You are experiencing OBE stages and if you have never experienced this (which by the sounds of it you haven't), you will be surprised what the mind can come up with.

These voices, sounds, etc...that you say you experienced during the night, is perfectly normal. This is your body's frequency that you mind can't comprehend and therefore will interpret as voices (since it is the only thing the mind can compare it to for your knowledge).

You might also hear people yelling out your name, or perhaps you feel like YOU are the one shouting out your name and when you wake up, you realize that no-one heard you yelling.


Read up on some books (Like one of our members suggested) it will help you through this. Also, the more you are aware of what might happen as you are ready to Astral Project, the less scary it will become.

Not knowing something = FEAR!
Being AWARE of something before it happens = Confidence\Knowledge\Curiosity\ETC.

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 06:13 PM
wow i spat my coffee on my pc screen when i read the title of this thread, firstly i thought it was just me and i thought i was loosing my grip on reality. i feel alittle better now TBH lol

on the 3 times its happened to me my eyes would be closed but i can see the whole room around me perfectly if not alittle grey, then from out of nowhere would come this blood curddling scream somewhere further in the house and it would continue and come closer (like someone is runing towards me screaming) when it gets really close it startles me awake.

needless to say i dont experiment with it much any more i tend to shake and have an uneasy feeling for a while after it like there is something watching me.

every one elses experiences seem so peaceful i wonder why mine are so different

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 06:14 PM
Sounds like the right explanation but I know its not me calling my name,I am though aware of my voices other times of the day,mostly late evenings when I feel my mind open more.If when Im nearly in deep sleep the voice is from my own mind I know I wouldnt produce it to say my whole name and it doesnt matter where my bed is the voice is always near my door.
Maybe it is OBE but Im not convinced its my own mind.

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 06:16 PM
I do too, very often.
Happens a lot before and during OOBEs,, can go as far as visions and another feeling I call my sixth sense, knowing what is happening around you.. who is there and what this entity is doing. Can be terrifying.

[edit on 17-8-2008 by TheOracle]

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 06:22 PM
reply to post by Demandred

First of all laugh my a*s spitting coffee on your screen

That would scare me half to death,,a scream coming towards you as you wake

Do you notice if its the same time? You aint living in a haunted place are ya?

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 06:34 PM
I have more like the opposite of hearing voices or having visions. When I'm asleep it's like I'm completely dead. I hardly ever dream (or remember them as everybody is supposed to dream ) and I don't react on anything in my surroundings. I don't hear alarmclocks, slept through a 6.7 earthquake while on holiday, and people say its nearly impossible to wake me up. I think I might even sleep threw a nuclear blast as I have managed to sleep through new years fireworks (i live in the city center) when I decided to take a little nap in the afternoon so I would be fit in the evening. Also its not uncommon that I sleep 20-24 hours non-stop.

I higly doubt this is normal, but I should add that I love to sleep. Anybody recognizing this ?

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 07:00 PM
The only thing I recognize is I love sleep and possibly slept half my life away.I think I would have been the same with the waking up as you if I wasnt a mum.

I know this is a lil off subject but has anyone shot up in the night because you couldnt breathe? Its such a horrible feeling,my heart goes ten to the dozen.

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 07:03 PM
What an interesting thread! I really like discussions of this sort, as I have had some of my own experiences. Not so much with sound but visiual hallucinations in that same dream state. I think someone mentioned earlier the "falling" sensation when you are sometimes startled out of it, I was sitting in a break room once and swore to myself I almost fell out of a chair when I was startled and woken up, when in reality I was sitting in a position it just couldn't happen. I have always had extremely lucid dreams in regular sleep aswell. And some strange happenings when I was child as I remember it. But all of those are for another day.

Who knows what our minds can truely do if we tune and learn enough.
That's why I like this topic!

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