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9-11 simple facts

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posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 08:10 PM
There are three posters here who are all over the 911 issue. Thedman, Taxi-Driver and Swanpfox. You three seem to be committed to bringing others religiously back to the official story. You are talking to one man who has a closed mind to your information. Do the three of you believe also that Oswald shot Kennedy solo? Fifty percent or better of Americand do not believe the Official Story. I was 7 in 1963 and at that age did not believe Oswald acted alone. 911 was too well orchestrated of a military operation to have been pulled of from a cave in Afghanastan. Are you professionally paid by someone to squelch propositions and discussion.

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 08:10 PM

I won't comment in detail because I don't want to get into a huge debate, but there was no petroleum to burn. Even if there was, there was way too much black smoke to just be "a sign of a petroleum products fire." It was starving for oxygen

Oh but you should comment in detail. There were thousands of pounds of petroleum products in the towers. Where do you think plastics come from? Hell CARPET has petrochemicals involved in its make up..floor tiles, grease in the elevators....

You have no idea how much stuff in an office building has petrochemicals (OIL) as part of its makeup.

As I said, black smoke is a result of a petrochemical (petroleum product) fire.

Yep, thats an oxygen starved fire...


Yeah...that one is starving for oxygen too...

Yep, that one is juuust about can tell by the black smoke.....

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 08:17 PM

Originally posted by fmcanarney
There are three posters here who are all over the 911 issue. Thedman, Taxi-Driver and Swanpfox. You three seem to be committed to bringing others religiously back to the official story. You are talking to one man who has a closed mind to your information. Do the three of you believe also that Oswald shot Kennedy solo? Fifty percent or better of Americand do not believe the Official Story. I was 7 in 1963 and at that age did not believe Oswald acted alone. 911 was too well orchestrated of a military operation to have been pulled of from a cave in Afghanastan. Are you professionally paid by someone to squelch propositions and discussion.

Committed to bringing others back to the official story...Oh Lord, thank you for the laugh, I needed it.

What I am committed too, is point out the facts of 9/11 and the flaws in your theories.

You have a closed mind, thats too bad. Makes it hard to rise above ignorance.

Then you mention to too well orchestrated to be pulled off.......and THAT is the primary reason why they were so succesful. The ARROGANCE you show with that statement is the same type of arrogance we, as a nation have shown for a long time.

"They cant possibly do that to US"

Am I professionally paid to come on here? Nah, I get to be with Pamela Anderson in the Lincoln Bedroom three times a month.....

What a freaking stupid question.

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 08:18 PM

Originally posted by Maya432
good work Op...
You have easily proven dman wrong an all counts....
and you have done it rather quickly too... right on....

they are still trying to convince us of a bunch of LIES.....good luck
to them...their gonna need it.....

We , the WORLD. are quickly waking up to these LIES....
just takes a bit of common sense and the ability to ask Questions..

[edit on 17-8-2008 by Maya432]

Is it recreational meds or something prescribed that you are on?

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 08:25 PM
reply to post by TaZCoN

Whew...a lot of "wont forgets" on there....

Im guessing you WONT forget the John O'Neil was in charge of WTC security, not anyone related to the President.

You WONT forget that the terrorists did not show up on the VICTIMS lists, but DID show up on the manifests.

You WONT forget that all the debris from Ground Zero was taken to six landfills in NY/NJ and gone through, before some of it became the hull plates of the USS New York.

You WONT forget that Willie Rodriguez's story has changed 6 times.

You WONT forget that our intelligence agencies were FORBIDDEN by law in sharing information with law enforcement agencies.

You get the idea. Do some research on your own and quit relying on dips*it conspiracy sites.

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 08:35 PM
Thedman, you degenerate to calling people ignorant and thus lower the thread to character assassinations. I consider myself an intelligent, inquisitive human. Seeking answers to facts. The fires were black smoked affairs which come from low temperature oxygen starved fires. Two hours o fburning carpet and plastic waste cans, and grease from elevator shafts does not weaken steel
Do this experiment: Open a can of corn, dump the corn out set the empty can of corn on a brick and put another brick on top of the can. then go get some carpet, cardboard, 2x4's, sawdust, logs, five gallons of gas, kerosene, used motor oil, and racing car fuel . Pack the carpet around the sides of the bricks, then the wood, then the sawdust, then some logs. do not put anything on top of the top brick. Douse the arrangement with plenty of the various fuels and light it on fire. As the fire goes down, put more carpet, styrofoam, sawdust, wood around the bricks and again douse with various fuels. Bet you the TIN can that had the corn in it after you get tired or run out of fuel retains its original shape. So dont tell me that oil based and wood based fires melt construction grade steel that is what six inches thick!!!!

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 08:40 PM

Originally posted by fmcanarney
Thedman, you degenerate to calling people ignorant and thus lower the thread to character assassinations. I consider myself an intelligent, inquisitive human. Seeking answers to facts. The fires were black smoked affairs which come from low temperature oxygen starved fires. Two hours o fburning carpet and plastic waste cans, and grease from elevator shafts does not weaken steel
Do this experiment: Open a can of corn, dump the corn out set the empty can of corn on a brick and put another brick on top of the can. then go get some carpet, cardboard, 2x4's, sawdust, logs, five gallons of gas, kerosene, used motor oil, and racing car fuel . Pack the carpet around the sides of the bricks, then the wood, then the sawdust, then some logs. do not put anything on top of the top brick. Douse the arrangement with plenty of the various fuels and light it on fire. As the fire goes down, put more carpet, styrofoam, sawdust, wood around the bricks and again douse with various fuels. Bet you the TIN can that had the corn in it after you get tired or run out of fuel retains its original shape. So dont tell me that oil based and wood based fires melt construction grade steel that is what six inches thick!!!!

I am sure dman can defend himself but in reading your posts you really aren't one to talk about lowering a thread to "character assassinations."

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 08:45 PM
reply to post by fmcanarney

Talk about comparing apples to oranges. Is this your idea of scientific method?

Oh, I forgot..closeminded....

By the way, IM the one that said remaining close minded makes it hard to rise above ignorance

[edit on 17-8-2008 by Swampfox46_1999]

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 08:48 PM
A gravity colapse will not hurl 1000 ton steel siding four blocks away.
I cant even be done with an explosive unless there is a substantial base from which to launch it.

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 08:52 PM
Who said anything about a 1000 ton piece of steel ending up four blocks away? I dont recall anyone saying that at all.

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 08:53 PM
Whatever Swampfox, why dont you try the experiment yourself.
I am a country boy who has been in the military, and has several college level courses in math and science while I was still in highschool.
I am proficient in weapons, ballistics, internal, external and terminal. Current Masters Degree. Mechanically inclined and stupified that the official story has floated in the effluence as long as it has, it should have sank to the bottom of the cesspool by now.

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 08:53 PM

Originally posted by fmcanarney
A gravity colapse will not hurl 1000 ton steel siding four blocks away.
I cant even be done with an explosive unless there is a substantial base from which to launch it.

Of course the weight plunging down at such a great height would not add any energy which could throw things four blocks away. People like you are why the 9/11 conspiracy people are looked at as nutjobs. Things occur in a vacuum if it suits you and in the real world if it suits you. Someone says something slightly negative about you and they are committing "character assassination" while you doing the same is ok. Stop and think for a second.

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 08:56 PM

Steel columns and pillars were ejected in the surroundings of the building. In the beginning of the so-called collapse, exists no such energy exists that could throw steel pillars outwards from 60 to 175 meters (approx. from 170 to 574 ft.) from trunk. Not even cutting charges can do that. Instead, the blast wave from a nuclear bomb is capable to do that.

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 08:59 PM
reply to post by fmcanarney are we going to see who can pee the furthest?

WOW, former military....

Im current military...

You took college level courses...

So did I, graduated with honors..

Very proficient with weapons and targeting systems.....

You can whine that the official story should have sank, but the FACT remains that the facts support the official story

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 09:22 PM

In the cellar, out of all the 47 ultra strong steel pillars, the steel was melted completely at the length of more than 20 meters (approx. 65 ft). Even cars were melted and burned in the cellar. The pillars were far too thick for thermite, which some have suggested.

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 09:29 PM
I will add ignoring the things you can't answer to my previous list.

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 09:33 PM

Originally posted by Swampfox46_1999
reply to post by fmcanarney

You can whine that the official story should have sank, but the FACT remains that the facts support the official story

Facts are working against you my friend.

Fact: All 3 WTC collapses feature ALL characteristics of a CD. Actually, we're talking about it here.

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 09:53 PM
reply to post by Niobis

Absolutely NO evidence of CD present. NONE. Only misinformed individuals swallowing everything they hear on conspiracy sites.

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 09:55 PM

Originally posted by fmcanarney
I consider myself an intelligent, inquisitive human. Seeking answers to facts.

Hmmm, I think I see the problem. I don't believe facts have answers.

The fires were black smoked affairs which come from low temperature oxygen starved fires.

This tired myth again? Search this forum, you will find many pictures of "black smoked affairs" that are not from oxygen starved fires.

Does this look "oxygen starved"?

Wow, how about this one? Does it really?

Here's a great article :

Read up on how the smoke can be super hot and cause just as much damage as the fire.

Two hours o fburning carpet and plastic waste cans, and grease from elevator shafts does not weaken steel

Hmm, why leave out the plane crashing and the *MASSIVE* explosion it created also? Nah, that probably had nothing to do with it at all.

Do this experiment: Open a can of corn, **SNIP**

lol, a can of corn? Seriously? You seem to have also left out the part to simulate the actual event one would need to cause an explosion exiting out of the can or corn(lol) thereby destroying some of it's structural integrity. Then actually burning the fire INSIDE the corn can(lol) instead of around. I suggest starting with model rocket motors, they burn through cans with ease.

Maybe change it up a little, try a can of spinach, or beets.

Try that one out.

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 10:00 PM

Originally posted by fmcanarney
There are three posters here who are all over the 911 issue. Thedman, Taxi-Driver and Swanpfox. You three seem to be committed to bringing others religiously back to the official story. You are talking to one man who has a closed mind to your information. Do the three of you believe also that Oswald shot Kennedy solo? Fifty percent or better of Americand do not believe the Official Story. I was 7 in 1963 and at that age did not believe Oswald acted alone. 911 was too well orchestrated of a military operation to have been pulled of from a cave in Afghanastan. Are you professionally paid by someone to squelch propositions and discussion.

I don't care if you believe the "official" story--or not.

If you choose to believe in some nebulous "boogyman" cabal.. go right ahead. But if you post half-truths and falsehoods I will be right there to correct the mistakes. Simple as that.

Just like my University of Miami analogy.

Do I get paid by the NCAA to rattle off declining defensive stats or correct posters about league realignment? No? Why not?

Do I get paid to write a consumer review on Amazon, even when it is contrary to other reviews? No? WTF! I must be getting held down by the "MaN"!


Ya know-- Everytime I hear someone suggesting that I am getting paid BY THE US GOVT. to post my views on issues regarding 9/11...

The FIRST thing I think is "Who is paying YOU to suggest this?"

We have already eliminated the USA... Sooo.. Who is it? The NEo-NAZi's? Are YOU a disguised radical islamic provocatuer? Just following up on your terrorist attack moving into a second phase of a propaganda war?

I mean how many of you "truthers" are actually muslim extremists hell-bent on dividing and conquering the filthy infidels?

In this nameless, faceless corner of the internet you could be anyone! And by judging some peoples ability to type simple English words and sentences... I find my accusation plausible.

The ones that really raise my suspicion are those posters with "patriot" or " freedomfighter" ect. or display avatars dipicting some type of American icon. Yet preach reasons to hate America on a GLOBAL forum DAILY.

So the next time you ask if I am on a U.S. Government payroll... I WILL be asking: "How long have you been following up on your 9/11 terrorist attack with your internet propaganda campaign."

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